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Please could someone help me!! I am really struggling to plan my CLLD sessions for the next half term. My topic is Celebrations and Festivals with light and dark and winter themes linked in. I do a separate phonics session. I have lots of pressure from my lit co-ordinator to follow the new literacy framework but somehow the 'topic headings' don't seem to link in with what I would like to do with the children! Please could someone doing this topic share what they are doing in their CLLD sessions - so I can feel a little more at ease? Would really appreciate your help :0)

Please could someone help me!! I am really struggling to plan my CLLD sessions for the next half term. My topic is Celebrations and Festivals with light and dark and winter themes linked in. I do a separate phonics session. I have lots of pressure from my lit co-ordinator to follow the new literacy framework but somehow the 'topic headings' don't seem to link in with what I would like to do with the children! Please could someone doing this topic share what they are doing in their CLLD sessions - so I can feel a little more at ease? Would really appreciate your help :0)

I can't help I'm afraid - just wanted to welcome you to the Forum! Someone clever will be along soon and help you out...



Guest tinkerbell

Hi and welcome

Have you seen the medium planning on festivals on the norfolk education site?

To be honest i am not following the new lit framework as i am bogged down with fonics and starting the children off with their reading.We do relevant lit activities all the time in all 6 areas of learning so don't be pressured.



Hi Kirstash and welcome

Its the top down pressure that makes things so difficult sometimes. Remember it is the CGFS that is statutory and as the literacy framework now incorporates the ELGs you will be following it!

Do what is appropriate for your children, teach phonics and have fun!


Thank you all for your advice!! Very much appreciated :0) So nice to have people to help!! Marion, have seen the planning on the dcs website, do know how long we should spend on each 'topic' or do we just work it into our plans??


Thank you so much Marion! Makes sense now :0) Are you using these plans?

For the FS its a bit more flexible but the suggestion was 2-3 weeks

Hi Marion, i have just been reading the previous messages and im confused. I dont use the PNS in any of my plans?? is that really wrong cos im a little worried now. I have just printed off the numeracy framework though and am reading that as we speak BUT i cant for the life of me find the literacy one for recption. Do you know the link that would lead the way as i jhave never seen it and am guessing i probably should,lol. Thank you x x


Sarah, the new framework is now FS user friendly in that it matches closely with ELGs but is not your statutory document. If you are following CGFS, which you should because it is statutory you are doing what you need to.

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