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Looking For Numbers 4 And 9

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Hi everyone this is my first post so be gentle with me! I’m looking for a font that uses a 4 the way we write them in school (ie not joining the vertical line all the way to the top of the numeral – so diagonal down to the left, horizontal across left to right and slash through the horizontal) The font also needs to have proper 9’s eg like a reversed capital P. Any ideas would be gratefully accepted as I want to upgrade our numberlines (and I am very left handed wonky writer!)

Many thanks


boringboring is a free font with the correct number 4 and 9

Many thanks Marion. I'll put it into google and see if I can download it



Hi Boot and welcome to the forum. It's full of wonderful people who are glad to share their knowledge and experience.

It's also addictive - I'm supposed to be studying right xD now but thought I would log on to see if I was missing anything!!!

Enjoy the site!!!



Boringboring! Fantastic - off to look now!


Welcome fskate - you'll soon be as addicted as the rest of us (and we're very gentle!).



Thanks Marion! All I need to do now is find out what to do with the files when I download them...






Make sure you know where you download it to and then find it. Sometimes files may be zipped and you need to unzip it first. Then if you go to control panel you should see a fonts folder. Double click on this to open it and then click and drag your new font into this folder and hey presto, it should be there! :o



Make sure you know where you download it to and then find it. Sometimes files may be zipped and you need to unzip it first. Then if you go to control panel you should see a fonts folder. Double click on this to open it and then click and drag your new font into this folder and hey presto, it should be there! :o

Beau - you're an oasis of sanity in a mad, mad world!




I have also found the font garden with loads of different fonts to chose from.


I've attached a sheet with some examples and how I might use them. Just a few silly examples so don't get too excited!


I have also found the font garden with loads of different fonts to chose from.


I've attached a sheet with some examples and how I might use them. Just a few silly examples so don't get too excited!

I wonder if you need to have the fonts downloaded in order to display the document correctly? I don't think they were quite as you described when I downloaded it!



My daughter tells me I am a closet Geek. :o

Well you just keep out of that closet so you're available for technical support queries!!




Thanks apple - a brilliant numeral four and nine. will certainly use.


thanks again



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