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Holiday Entitlement


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Thanks for this reminder Inge - I had come across it before (and stopped thinking about it when I had pulled out so much hair my bald patch had doubled in size :o ).


Does anyone know whether this calculator is for an employee working the 48 weeks (ie 52 weeks minus the current 4 weeks' statutory holiday pay)? And if so, how would you take account of the lucky souls who work only 38 weeks...?


Or am I just repeating the same old ignorance from a previous thread??



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I found this section in the FAQ.


4. How do you calculate the additional entitlement for someone working term-time only?You need to calculate how many hours a week is worked on average over the whole year. So if a worker works 40 hours a week for 40 weeks of the year, they work a total of 1,600 hours a year, or 33⅓ hours a week over 48 weeks of the year. The holiday entitlement is 4.8 weeks x 33⅓ hours a week = 160 hours holiday for the year.


:oxD Hope it helps!!!

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Umm had an interesting converstation with couple of nursery managers over the weekend who didn't even knew it went up today but knew about NMW rise. Something tells me that the holiday entitlements were not very well adverstied(sp).


Well at least I could have been good service and thanked for the information, just shows how good forums are! :o




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I have forwarded all this information to my committee. They have told me that we don't get any increase as what we are getting at the moment falls in within the guidelines We operate term time only and receive 4 weeks a year. I'm just confused, i now have to try and explain this to the staff.

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I have forwarded all this information to my committee. They have told me that we don't get any increase as what we are getting at the moment falls in within the guidelines We operate term time only and receive 4 weeks a year. I'm just confused, i now have to try and explain this to the staff.

I'm pretty sure staff who work term time only do fall within the guidelines - its just that they may have been miscalculating holiday pay. The website says you should work out the average number of hours worked per week over the course of the whole year, and then pay 4 times that amount as holiday pay.


Obviously if you add up the number of hours worked each week and then divide by 48 (52 weeks minus 4 weeks' holiday pay) then you get a smaller number than if you just paid four times what each person works each week (which is what I have been doing up until now). So the commitee might just be saying that actually if you worked it out differently, they are already paying more than they should which will cover the new entitlement.


Staff can check with ACAS whether they are enitled to the new holiday pay - but your committee is on a very dodgy wicket if they are not entirely sure whether your team are entitled or not. Especialy as the entitlement is going to rise again to something like 5.9 weeks in a year or so's time (can't remember the exact details - but its easily checked).


Let us know how you get on.



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It is very confusing and such a stupid amount to calculate! 4 weeks was easy. :o


I am like you Simcity, in that I have always been paid 4 weeks holiday a year, even though I only work term times. If you work it out using the calculations on the site, you will probably find that under the new guidelines you are entitled to 4 weeks at your usual weekly amount, as this is what I have calculated for myself. As Maz said, you have probably been 'overpaid' up until now! Perhaps they should provide staff with a break down of how they have calculated their holiday pay, so that they can see for themselves that it has been done fairly and they are not being cheated. xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

Once again you have come up trumps guys. I also have been going slightly potty trying to decide how to calculate holiday pay. Despite explanation in nursery world couldn`t fathom how to apply the formula (my worse than usless maths is one of the reason I work with children under 5!!!). Then hey presto and the forum solves all my problems once again. A magical link to a site that works it out for me - fantastic.


I also agree with others. We also operate 38 weeks and previously offered the part time equivelent of the four weeks - 20 days. Yes legally it now has to go up to 24 - not negotiable as far as I know - legal obligations and all that. As I have already said recently on this forum I value my staff and wish I could pay them more but with high and rocketing rent costs, minumum wage rises and holiday pay increases how are small little buisnesses like ours supposed to survive? Anyone else out there buckling under the strain?

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