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Tidying Up


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We will be an FSU from sept, previously in the afternoon the chilren did a bit and then I spuffled round and finished it off, but I would like to have a better system in place, as we will have more children and more space. What do you all do?

In a previous post someone mentioned a tidy up song on CD. What was the song and where can you get the CD from?

Also someone said they had the areas on a board?, did the children take the card off the board?, how did you cope when the area changed usage?


Any ideas would be appreciated.


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We have a bell. A five minutes to tidy up time is called and then the bell sounds when its time to 'tidy up'. We have also use a puppet who helps encourage the children to tidy up.


I cant help with the song i'm afraid but know that Sparklebox has some tidy up cards!

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Our song is to the tune of 'Frere Jacques' and goes

Tidy up time

Tidy up time

toys away

toys away

tidy tidy up time

tidy tidy up time

toys away

toys away


Works relatively well!

Good luck.

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We ust the Tidy Up Time Song from the Scholastic book of Role Play (the CD comes with it). It's the most annoying song ever and all my colleagues are now complaining that they are singing it in their sleep but it really gets the children moving, unless they are dancing, in which case I start waving the stickers around. :o

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he he he - it's only the forth week of the holidays Phil don't worry about it yet!! Having said that I have been thinking about this also. Any sign of action in our classroom? being so far away is making me twitchy!!





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We allocate areas for the children to be responsible for tidying and this has worked really well. It became a bit of a competition between them to see who did the best job and got the most praise. The good thing about a FSU is many of the children will already be familiar with routines and tidying up and show the younger ones what to do. Good idea to pair younger children with older more experienced children.

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We give our children a 'one minute warning' before tody-up time begins - works really well as children are able to prepare themselves by winding down their activity and makes sure they haven't just started something new.


we have tidy up music and this works really well - not sure what peice is called (CD at work!) - but its a piece of classical music - we just picked something quite lively and about 3-4 mins long.

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We use tidy up music and the children have areas that they are responsible for tidying. They compete for the tidy up trophey, awarded to the tidest group of children at the end of the week. Takes a while to organise at first but was working well last term. Hope it works just as well with the new children next term!!

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The tidy up song we use comes from one of the Out of the Ark CD's. Its a good catchy song and the children all go around singing as they go.


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We use the "Teamwork" song from the childrens tv programme Lazy town!

Think someone downloaded it from the internet X


Again its really catchy, one of the lines is " Teamwork do it together, teamwork friends for ever.......".

As well as tidying up, the children help each other and build friendships at the same time x

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I give 5 minute warning and then call everyone to stand still after 5 mins. Then say


"Who is really good at picking up xxx?" millions of hands shoot up!

"Who is really good at putting chairs under tables" another load of hands shoot up and so on until all "jobs" allocated.


This works well till about the middle of the summer term when they start to cotton on !

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Guest Wolfie

We encouraged the children to bring a song/piece of music in if they really liked it and we tidied up to that - the funniest tidy up session was when "Amarillo" waas brought in and we all marched round the room tidying up like Peter Kay! Still smile about that one! :o

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It's an extension of free play in our kindergarten. We watch what the children have been playing then dress up accordingly. SOmetime we may be a queen walking into a messy palace, asking "Where are my stable boys?!" "Where are my hand maids?!" they all quickly volunteer then we set them to work. They are most obliging.

Whne it's all tidy children are chosen to take the royal cape, crown, etc. and place them neatly in the royal box.


There is an obvious variation in theme each day. My favourite is pirates. :o

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We encouraged the children to bring a song/piece of music in if they really liked it and we tidied up to that - the funniest tidy up session was when "Amarillo" waas brought in and we all marched round the room tidying up like Peter Kay! Still smile about that one! xD



:(:( That sounds like my kind of tidy up time..... make it fun!! :o We sing ..

Clean up, clean up everybody everywhere

clean up, clean up everybody do their share!

also use laminated pictures of the different areas and hand them out to the children & that is their responsibility.

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  • 7 months later...

i know this is an old post but i couldnt help joining in !!!


we sing to the theme of balamory


this is the way we tidy up now


everybody come and help


tidyyyy upppp tidyyyyy upppp


this is the way we tidy up now


come and help us tooo


this is the way we tidy up now


------ and ------- come help tooo



and sooo on !!!!!


its great fun and everyone even adults join in !!!!!!

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Just the other day I started singing with the children, as I do quite often at the moment!!


We're going to tidy up the bricks yeh yeh.

Yeh, yeh


The children are like my backing singers and tidy up with me singing yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh most of them are getting really into it and I quite often hear them singing to themselves we're going to tidy up the puzzles yeh, yeh and another child joins in with them yeh, yeh. Of course you have to dance and wiggle while you are doing it!!


Quite a few parents have been saying they have been singing it while they tidy up at home!!!!!!


I think the children find it easier if you clarify for them which are you want them to tidy.


On sparklebox they have some tidying up resources and you give responsibility for certain areas to selected children.

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