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New Title For "ourselves"


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Hi everyone,


I am thinking about planning for Sept with my first reception class in about 10 years!! Head teacher wants me to work closely with NQT in Yr1/2 class-like a unit.


Anyway, we are going to do same topics, different skills, levels etc and different titles-she is going with "All About Me" but I would like something a bit more exciting than "Ourselves"- brain not working and can't think of anything.


Any good ideas?


Thanks in advance


Moisy xx


my special world,

my world,

I am great beacuse I can....

Guest tinkerbell

I know what you mean Moisy

I have always started the year off with 'ourselves' and I am a bit fed up with it ...I was thinking more about 'me and you' or 'we are all the same but can be different'!

I would like to look beyond the classroom and get some multi cultural activities in diversity stuff ,Barnaby Bear is on our long term plan and I was wondering about him linking in to children around the world ??? handas surprise....tasting different fruits ?? one of our little boys will be getting hearing aids...

My mind is a whirl I am still thinking ..



You guys are great!


You always have some fantastic ideas-I like the link with children around the world tinkerbell and "I am Special"-what a lovely title.


Thanks again


Moisy xx


Perhaps you could call it " We are all special " and look at differences and similarities and link it to people around the world and/or "disabilities"


Yes Marion, I like that idea.




Moisy x


We link to the y2 topic of teeth and food and do 'My body and healthy eating'.


WE ARE ALL SPECIAL is such a lovely title instead of OURSELVES. I am starting off with this topic in Spetember & was thinking how dull the title OURSELVES is, but could not think of anythin g short & catchy. I always have catchy titles for our different topics, but was struggling with this one, so thanks! It can cover so many differnt areas as well.


Hi Laura and welcome.

I think We are all Special is a really good title for a theme at the start of a new year. It links itself well with circle time and getting to know each other, and also if you are beginning to work towards a more child initiated approach, as Sue R describes in her blogs, it give you something to start with and work from.


Thanks everyone,


I'm with Laura and going with "We are all Special"-what a great message to give to a new group of school children.


Thanks again.

Moisy xx



As a new member of this site, I found it so helpful, and you are all so nice. I am an NQT and have a Reception class in September, I have picked up some great ideas, and this being one of them.

'We are all special' is a great message to start the term with and can encompass so many things, like you said Moisy.

Thanks everyone!


Hi Crackers,


Welcome-you will have so much support here from these guys and the wealth of experience and ideas is so valuable. I am relatively new to this forum and already feel so much a part of it and much more confident about my returm to reception after so many years.


Enjoy it!

Moisy x

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