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Storage Trays

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I'm looking at getting some trays which i can put the children's names on and use them for the children to put their work in. We are a pre-school and everything has to go away every day. I wondered about letter trays, but cheapest i have found are £3.99 each, i will need 24. I wondered what everybody else uses and where they get this sort of thing from.


where are you going to put them out each day?


we would love to do this but no where to put them out storage also a problem


One parent suggested we use cereal boxes, each child decorating thier own to put the work in, a good idea but no where to put them out each day or store them away.


If they do not need to be stacked above each other we use some cheap cat litter trays for 99p in supermarket we use for lots of things, come in 2 sizes too! good for sorting, painting etc etc




At one of our nurseries, they have cut open large lemonade (or similar) bottles and nailed them to the outside wall (it's covered). They are just like pigeon holes.


At my nursery, we have two hanging shoe racks, made of canvas, where we roll up the children's work and put it in for the parents to take home. These are tacked to the wall in between the children's pegs. Certainly saves on the space!


We have pockets and roll up the children's work, put in any letters etc. and small bits they have brought from home. They have dowelling pushed through the top and hang on a cup hook at each end-we have two sets.

I have attached a previous post here which has photographs on.



We are a school nursery and we have a "going home tray" in which letters and work is put in and anything thay have brought from home and at the end of the session everyone sits in a circle and the work is handed out. We have 2 trays one for the morning session and one for pm. This sytem was also used by the local playgroup who did have to empty the room at every session.



At our setting in Reception we use file boxes from IKEA - i think they were 10 for 1.75! Each child has their own and at the end of the day the bits from their box go in their book bags. The nursery just have one 'going home box' that everything goes in then the staff hand it out at the end of the day. Hope you find a solution that works for you!


We are a pack away session and I found a greengrocers that was selling mushroom trays, 50p each I think, they are black plastic and quite sturdy. They are about A4 size and stackable. We stick name lables on them and they are put out for the children to put all their belongings in throughout the session. Big O liked them as they encouraged name recognition and independence as they put their own art work/creations etc in them.


Try asking local restaurants/hotels for those mushroom trays.............I used to work at a residential recording studio, as one of the chefs, and we always had loads of them to get rid of, and we were only a small business.Most of them would be thrilled to give them away, as they end up in landfill otherwise!

We used to hang a polypocket on the children's pegs at my old group, so letters, notices, bills, work would go in them for collection.Now, I have a set of Community Playthings hooks, which have pockets at the top for small/medium sized things to go home in:


Coat Hooks with pockets for 6 Children

Made from beautiful European birch wood, these coat hooks will solve storage problems, when there is not much room. They will help create a welcoming feel in your entry area.



Wall Pegs with Pockets 6 A727 £78.00

I bought the larger version, eight hooks, so I can use them for 16 children at a time.........................beautiful!

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