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Job vacancies

75 vacancies

  1. Nursery Manager

    vac_salary: £30k-£33k with bonuses, depending on experience vac_closing_date: 15/04/11 vac_contact:

    Third Door
    16 Point Pleasant
    London SW18 1GG

    0208 877 0098



    Third Door is the UK’s first integrated Workhub and Nursery. Parents are able to work onsite whilst we look after their children in a separate room. The Third Door Nursery is one room that can accommodate up to 24 children aged between 0-8.

    We are looking for a Childcare Practitioner who has strong management experience and excels in customer service. Someone who wants to make a difference to the childcare industry and enjoys working in a small team where every day is different.


    Overview of Position: We are looking for an exceptional Nursery Manager who will be responsible for the development and daily management of the Nursery, provide a high quality, flexible, safe, caring, fun and stimulating environment for the children of professional working parents working both onsite and offsite.


    The job will also entail:

    • building links within the local community and working in partnership with parents, carers and professionals to promote the well-being of the children.
    • Develop and implement Early Years curriculum plans with support from your team
    • Build a strong team of staff as we add new services and expand Third Door
    • Develop, implement and review the policies, procedures and practices within the Nursery.
    • Be responsible for the budget for the Nursery.


    To be considered for this position you must have at least 5 years post qualifying experience of which at least two must have involved managing and supervising a team and nursery to excellent results.


    Please apply immediately if you are looking for a new challenge and want to work for an entrepreneurial start-up that is offering a new way of working for parents in the 21st Century.


    Please note, we will only consider applicants that will have 100% clean CRB.



    Third Door is a new concept and the Nursery Manager role is key to the business. There is scope to grow on many different levels beyond the basics of the job. The Directors are looking for someone who has the drive to grow with the business and eagerness to impact the world of childcare. It is also worth noting that we have several systems and processes in place to help manage numbers and make it easier for the Nursery to manage the flexibility of our service.


    Working with/Liaising with:
    Directors, Staff, Parents, Children, Ofsted Inspectors, Early Years Development Officers, Health and Safety Inspectors, Health Visitors, and all other external childcare professionals and external agencies.


    ?  Minimum of NVQ Level 4 qualification or higher in Early Years and Childcare development (preferred EYPS or Level 6 qualification).

    ?  Five years post NVQ 3 qualifying experience

    ?  Possess or be willing to obtain Paediatric First Aid Certificate.

    ?  Thorough understanding of safeguarding in order to protect children who may be at risk of harm.

    ?  Minimum of 2 years supervisory or management experience in an early years and childcare setting.

    ?  Experience of budget monitoring and control.

    ?  Experience of building links in the community

    ?  Experience of marketing day settings

    ?  Experience of basic technology (computer, video, photocopier)

    ?  Knowledge and experience of policies and procedures relating to child protection, health, safety, security, equal opportunities and confidentiality

    ?  Must have the capacity to plan ahead, anticipate potential difficulties and establish a course of action.

    ?  Experience of working in more than one daycare setting

    ?  Up to date awareness of current thinking about the needs and care of young children

    ?  Experience of working with babies and toddlers

    Principal Accountabilities:

    §  EYFS & Ofsted

    §  Undertake the daily management of the Nursery to ensure that high standards are developed and maintained throughout.

    §  Provide appropriate activities to ensure that, whilst in the Nursery, children receive physical, emotional, social and intellectual development within the EYFS framework and Ofsted guidelines

    §  To ensure the EYFS is promoted and delivered within the setting and the principles adhered to.

    §  Giving consideration to families ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds whilst maintaining relationships with parents and carers on the admission, care and education of children to ensure that the diverse needs of the children are met.

    §  Develop and regularly review a set of policies and procedures to be followed within the Nursery to ensure compliance with legislation and regulations

    §  Be responsible for all Health and Safety matters in the Nursery to ensure the wellbeing of children, staff and visitors.

    §  Assist the Directors in providing consistent quality of service and be responsible for the preparation for OFSTED inspections and action any recommendations that may result from inspection to ensure that the Nursery is run within National guidelines.

    §  Communication

    §  To ensure effective communication between the Nursery staff and with all partner organisations.

    §  Show interested parties around the Nursery and Third Door, answer all related queries, issue information and ensure that all forms are completed correctly before admission in order to ensure that the Nursery is run efficiently.

    §  Implement and maintain the company’s Equal Opportunities Policy ensuring that children, parents and staff team are valued and practice is positive and non discriminator.

    §  To assist the Director with all marketing needs the setting requires.

    §  Be a good role model to children, staff and parents showing a positive attitude at all times.

    §  Give regular feedback to parents about their child’s development and progress.

    §  To be involved in the effective marketing of Third Door in the local community, utilising local events, open days etc to promote the nursery image

    §  Staff

    §  Third Door provides a flexible service where number of children can change on a daily basis. Therefore, this role requires monitoring the number of places being used in the Nursery and ensuring correct staff ratios are in place.

    §  Position means you will be a member of the management team and contribute to the strategic planning, monitoring, evaluation and development of the Nursery.

    §  Be responsible for the recruitment and selection of Nursery staff (including bank staff) making sure that those appointed are qualified and possess the skills required to work in the nursery.

    §  Maintain records and liaise with Directors to ensure that all staff have contracts and the correct procedures relating to employment eg CRB checks are followed

    §  Organise Nursery staff in the provision of developmentally suitable and varied activities to ensure that children receive the appropriate care.

    §  Support staff in the development and maintenance of appropriate planning, observation and assessment procedures to ensure a consistent service and develop, with staff, a recording system for individual children which can be shared with parents enabling improvements to working methods and service.

    §  Be responsible for new staff inductions and training.

    §  Monitor and develop the performance of the staff team against the criteria set in their job descriptions and personal reviews/development plans.

    §  Identify and deal with poor performance and agreed action plans with individual, clear targets and goals, realistic timescales and opportunities for constructive feedback and monitoring, ensuring that all documentation is accurate, signed and dated.

    §  Organise and manage regular staff meetings

    §  Provide honest constructive feedback to support and encourage all staff.

    §  Work alongside the Director to ensure that staff deliver high quality customer service at all times

    §  Identify own training and learning needs and follow company procedures to ensure training is booked for one self and for fellow staff.

    §  Feedback any learning gained to staff team to share your knowledge to improve everyone’s practice

    §  Budget & Equipment

    §  Oversee the purchase and maintenance of apparatus etc. to ensure the Nursery is suitably equipped within the allocated budget.

    §  Maintain up to date records of resources and accurate financial records to ensure that financial procedures are adhered to and income and expenditure is kept within budget.

    §  Ensure that appropriate records and administration systems, including the children’s, families, staffing, registers, health and safety, sickness records etc., are maintained to ensure confidentiality of information.

    vac_publish_date: 21/03/11 vac_remove_date: 16/04/11 vac_location: Third Door , Wandsworth , SW18 1GG vac_region: London
  2. Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and Pre-school Assistant

    vac_closing_date: 06/07/12 vac_contact:

    Gill Pursglove
    Tel: 01279 814242 / 07966506997
    Email: admin@rainbowpreschool.net


    Responsible for the day-to-day management of the special educational needs (SEN) provision in the setting


    Main duties

    1. Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the SEN policy.
    2. Co-ordinating with the manager  re provision in the setting for children with SEN.
    3. Contributing towards implementing duties relating to relevant legislation.
    4. Monitoring the observation, identification, assessment and support of children with SEN.
    5. Collating information on individual children, keeping Learning Journeys and acting as their Key person.
    6. Offering confidential support and advice to parents.  This will include daily informal contact and regular reviews of their child's progress /through individual Education Plans.
    7. Seeking support and advice from the setting's manager to ensure effective delivery of the setting's SEN provision.
    8. Liaising with other relevant agencies on the delivery of provision and the individual needs of children with SEN.

    This job description is not an exhaustive list of duties and the post holder will be required to undertake any other reasonable duties discussed and directed by the line manager.

    Person specification

    Essential criteria

    1. A recognised level 3 childcare and education qualification.
    2. Good written and verbal communication skills, as well as the ability to foster relationships.
    3. Knowledge of differentiating the early years curriculum for all children and knowledge of the procedures for implementing a graduated response.
    4. Commitment to promoting an ethos of effective inclusion to all users, visitors, staff and the local community.
    5. Good observation, identification, assessment and record keeping skills.
    6. The ability to work as part of a team to ensure the smooth running of the setting.
    7. The ability to manage time and workload effectively.
    8. Willingness to undertake further training related to the role.
    9. To attend and contribute to planning sessions.
    10. The ability to be flexible in working hours, covering for other members of staff at short notice

    Desirable criteria

    1. Knowledge and experience of working with external agencies.
    2. Awareness of current SEN issues through relevant training and/or personal experience.
    3. Knowledge of an alternative communication system such as Makaton or the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS).
    4. Proven experience of working within a childcare setting and some experience of working with children with SEN and/or impairments.
    5. Some knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation such as the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (SENCOP) and the Equality Act as it relates to disability.

    Terms and conditions

    Hours:             20 per week term time only  plus extra hours as and when necessary.

    Salary range:  Negotiable for the right candidate.

    This post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974) and does require a criminal records check. Applicants must be prepared to disclose any convictions they may have and any orders which have been made against them.

    vac_publish_date: 26/06/12 vac_remove_date: 07/07/12 vac_location: Stansted, Essex vac_region: East vac_hours: 20 hours per week term time only vac_employer: Rainbow Pre-school
  3. EY Improvement Adviser

    vac_salary: £37547 vac_closing_date: 15/07/16 vac_contact:

    <p><strong>For more information please contact Jane Nolan, Improvement and Standards Manager on 07917 038177   </strong></p>



    We are seeking experienced Early Years Improvement Advisers to be responsible, across allocated provisions, for a coordinated approach to driving and ensuring continuous improvement and increasing high standards in free early education provision for two, three and four year olds in the private, voluntary and independent sectors to ensure higher levels of achievement at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).  They will also provide professional input to Children’s Centres to ensure that the early learning ethos and activities are based on the EYFS principles and best practice and deliver, quality training and support as part of the Threads of Success traded offer to early years and childcare providers.


    Early Years Improvement Adviser, KR11, full time,

    Area based


    Starting salary £37547 with progression through total contribution related pay to £43209


    We are seeking experienced Early Years Improvement Advisers to be responsible, across allocated provisions, for a coordinated approach to driving and ensuring continuous improvement and increasing high standards in free early education provision for two, three and four year olds in the private, voluntary and independent sectors to ensure higher levels of achievement at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).  They will also provide professional input to Children’s Centres to ensure that the early learning ethos and activities are based on the EYFS principles and best practice and deliver, quality training and support as part of the Threads of Success traded offer to early years and childcare providers.


    Qualifications and skills required are:

    • Degree level qualification in early years and/or childcare
    • Training and development qualification
    • Negotiation, reconciliation, persuasive and influencing skills
    • Ability to work collaboratively with a diverse range of individuals and teams at all levels. 
    • Excellent communication skills both written and oral.
    • Strong analytical and problem solving skills with the capability to identify and manage risk.


    This post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure Application to the Disclosure and Barring Service.


    Closing date for applications: Friday 15th July 2016

    Interviews to be held on: Monday 25th July 2016


    For more information please contact Jane Nolan, Improvement and Standards Manager on 07917 038177  


    2 posts available - one based at Worrall House, West Malling - reference 16001665, one based at Kroner House, Ashford - reference 16001671



    Jobs - kent.gov.uk

    vac_publish_date: 05/07/16 vac_remove_date: 16/07/16 vac_location: Kent vac_region: South East vac_hours: Full Time vac_employer: Kent County Council
  4. Nursery Assistant

    vac_closing_date: 01/03/13 vac_contact:

    Kay Pearce - Manager
    Email - stjohnsnursery@hotmail.co.uk


    Nursery Assistant to work as a one-to-one support for a child with complex needs.

    Good rate of pay.

    St John's Nursery in Tadworth, Surrey
    Part-time hours: 4 mornings and 1 full day (Tuesday) Term-time only



    Nursery Assistant to work as a one-to-one support for a child with complex needs.

    Good rate of pay.

    St John's Nursery in Tadworth, Surrey
    Part-time hours: 4 mornings and 1 full day (Tuesday) Term-time only

    Contact Kay Pearce - Manager

    Email - stjohnsnursery@hotmail.co.uk

    vac_publish_date: 26/02/13 vac_remove_date: 02/03/13 vac_location: Tadworth, Surrey vac_region: South East vac_employer: St John's Nursery

    vac_closing_date: 08/04/16 vac_contact:

    Please contact (for further information, an application form and a job description/specification):


    Helen Jolliffe

    Roche Learning Village Partnership

    C/o Roche C P School

    Fore Street



      Telephone: - 01726 891597 or email helen.jolliffe@btconnect.com


    The ROCHE LEARNING VILLAGE PARTNERSHIP currently has a VACANCY for a dynamic and inspirational full-time Childcare Assistant at the Roche Pebbles Childcare Centre.


    Roche Pebbles provides all year childcare and education for children from 3 months to 5 years, including Breakfast,

    Afterschool & Holiday Clubs (up to 11 years).


    Preferred qualifications: - NVQ level 3 or above


    Opening hours: - 50 weeks: - 8.00am – 6.00pm


    Experience would be preferred and knowledge of the EYFS.



    Closing date for applications: - 8th April 2016 by 9.00am



    All applicants will be subject to a DBS, medical questionnaire, proof of eligibility to work in the UK and references will be required.


    The RLVP respects equality and diversity and adheres to strict Safeguarding and Whistle-Blowing Policies.


    vac_publish_date: 22/03/16 vac_remove_date: 09/04/16 vac_location: St Austell, Cormwall vac_region: South West vac_employer: Roche Learning Village Partnership
  6. EYFS Graduate Leader

    vac_salary: £21,000 pro rata (depending on qualification) vac_closing_date: 09/11/11 vac_contact:

    For queries about this post, please contact Peggy Fenlon on 01273 671675.
    E mail pacesforbrighton@btinternet.com

    Initially one year contract


    To work as the EYFS Graduate leader, leading some areas of practice and supporting and working in partnership with the staff team to deliver the goals of the setting for children aged 0-5. The Graduate leader will meet consistently high standards and will play a key role as part of the leadership team to deliver effective practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage.


    Main areas of Responsibility:

    1. To model excellent practice in all areas of the EYFS
    2. To raise outcomes for children
    3. To lead and support the team to deliver the EYFS by
    • co-ordinating the planning
    • modelling and supporting the process of child observations
    • modelling and supporting the assessment system, especially the individual child profiles
    1. To take an active part in the quality improvement process at the setting, currently QuILT
    2. To actively promote equality of opportunity and anti-discriminating practice for all nursery users
    3. To lead some areas of practice and supporting and working in partnership with the staff team to deliver the goals of the setting
    4. To show full commitment to the aims, values and principles of PACES for Brighton
    5. To demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills when working with colleagues, families, community members and other outside agencies
    6. To work effectively as a part of the established team
    7. To prioritise the needs of the families and children attending the setting through demonstrating flexibility
    8. To take full responsibility in the absence of the Nursery Manager and Joint Deputy Manager

    Person Specification:

    1. Early Years foundation degree and working towards EYP Professional Status
    2. Minimum of three years experience of working with under 5’s in Early Years Childcare and Education.
    3. Excellent understanding of child development
    4. Excellent understanding and working knowledge of child safeguarding procedures
    5. Excellent understanding and working knowledge of equalities and inclusion issues
    6. Good communication skills
    7. Ability to implement change with the support of other staff members
    8. Helpful, cooperative and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others
    9. Ability to work as part of a team.
    10. Excellent skills with a creative approach to learning  and problem solving
    vac_publish_date: 30/09/11 vac_remove_date: 10/11/11 vac_location: Brighton vac_region: South East vac_hours: 35-37 hours per week term time only vac_employer: PACES for Brighton
  7. Pre-School Deputy

    vac_closing_date: 15/10/10 vac_contact:

    Elaine Bird
    Early Years Preschool Limited,
    27 Steyning Crescent,
    LE3 8PL
    T: 07868850544
    E-mail: elaine.bird1@ntlworld.com
    Website: earlyyearspreschool.co.uk


    Qualified level 3 or above pre-school deputy required (immediate start) in Mountsorrel LE12.



    Qualified level 3 or above pre-school deputy required (immediate start) in Mountsorrel LE12.
    Setting open 38 weeks per year. Good rate of pay for the right candidate.
    Contact Elaine for an application form.

    Elaine Bird
    Early Years Preschool Limited,
    27 Steyning Crescent,
    LE3 8PL
    T: 07868850544
    E-mail: elaine.bird1@ntlworld.com
    Website: earlyyearspreschool.co.uk




    vac_publish_date: 05/10/10 vac_remove_date: 16/10/10 vac_location: Village of Mountsorrel in Leicestershire vac_region: East Midlands vac_hours: To be arranged vac_employer: Early Years Preschool Limited
  8. Pre-School Assistant

    vac_closing_date: 15/10/10 vac_contact:

    Elaine Bird
    Early Years Preschool Limited,
    (St Peters Pre-School)
    27 Steyning Crescent,
    LE3 8PL
    T: 07868850544
    E-mail: elaine.bird1@ntlworld.com
    Website: earlyyearspreschool.co.uk


    Qualified level 2 or above pre-school assistant required for Spring Term 2011 to cover Maternity Leave in Mountsorrel LE12.



    Qualified level 2 or above pre-school assistant required for Spring Term 2011 in Mountsorrel LE12.
    Setting open 38 weeks per year.
    Contact Elaine for an application form.

    Elaine Bird
    Early Years Preschool Limited,
    (St Peters Pre-School)
    27 Steyning Crescent,
    LE3 8PL
    T: 07868850544
    E-mail: elaine.bird1@ntlworld.com
    Website: earlyyearspreschool.co.uk




    vac_publish_date: 05/10/10 vac_remove_date: 16/10/10 vac_location: Village of Mountsorrel in Leicestershire vac_region: East Midlands vac_hours: To be arranged vac_employer: Early Years Preschool Limited
  9. Nursery Manager

    vac_salary: £16,500 -£22,500 per annum based on experience and performance vac_closing_date: 15/12/14 vac_contact:

    Priya Jonas

    Email Priya


    Little Pillars is a small day nursery due to open soon in Nunhead  looking to recruit manager,salary will be 16500 -22500 per annum based on experience and performance.

    40 hours week 0730-1630 Monday to Friday.


    Your role as Nursery Manager will include:

    * Promoting positive relationships with parents, children and colleagues

    * Ensuring health, safety and well-being of the children at all times

    * Managing the smooth running of the nursery

    * Leading the staff team to deliver high quality practice within the nursery

    * Office based duties including finances, budget control, parent enquiries, marketing and recruitment

     In order to be considered for the role of Nursery Manager, you will need:

    * A passionate and positive attitude

    * To role model behaviours including a strong ability to lead and motivate a team

    * Proven success as a Nursery Manager/Deputy

    * A full and relevant child care qualification

    * Experience managing financial budgets


    * Excellent communication skills and ability to build strong parent partnerships

    We look forward to receiving your application!

    vac_publish_date: 13/11/14 vac_remove_date: 16/12/14 vac_location: Nunhead (Southwark) vac_region: London vac_hours: 40 hours per week vac_employer: Little Pillars

    vac_salary: £7-8 per hour vac_closing_date: 01/12/13 vac_contact:

    Jane Campbell on 07786 574 676 or email your CV to grindlefordandeyamplaygroup@gmail.com


    We are a friendly Peak village pre-school with a forward-thinking, unhurried and playful approach to learning. We run a Forest School in nearby woodland and have a local allotment.



    We are looking for an early years professional or primary school teacher who

    - has a commitment to delivering high quality early learning

    - enjoys working and playing outdoors

    - is self-motivated and reliable

    - communicates well with children, families and colleagues

    - is energetic, enthusiastic and fun

    - have a minimum of NVQ L3 Childcare Qualification, PCGE or other relevant qualification

    - possibility of discounted child place for the right candidate


    We are open Mon 9.30-12.30, Tues 9.30-1.30, Wed 9.00-3.00, Fri 9.30-1.30. 

    Working hours will include setting up/packing away time and paperwork allowance.


    vac_publish_date: 10/09/13 vac_remove_date: 02/12/13 vac_location: Grindleford, Derbyshire vac_region: East Midlands vac_hours: 17 hours per week vac_employer: Grindleford and Eyam Playgroup
  11. Peripatetic Nursery Manager

    vac_salary: Salary, dependant on experience and assignment. vac_closing_date: 30/04/14 vac_contact:

    If you are interested in applying, please forward your CV to Georgina Griffin at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com. Please clearly state that you are interested in the Nursery Manager position in Cornwall.

    Alternatively telephone Georgina on 01872 511020 for an informal discussion.


    We are looking for a Peripatetic Nursery Manger to supply cover for maternity leave, long and short term sickness, annual leave etc. throughout Cornwall. The ideal candidate will be flexible and adapt quickly to change. The nature of this role will mean that you may be working in one nursery for 9 months to cover maternity leave and then move around nurseries week to week to cover for holiday.



    We are looking for a Peripatetic Nursery Manger to supply cover for maternity leave, long and short term sickness, annual leave etc. throughout Cornwall. The ideal candidate will be flexible and adapt quickly to change. The nature of this role will mean that you may be working in one nursery for 9 months to cover maternity leave and then move around nurseries week to week to cover for holiday.

    You must have been qualified for at least 2 years with a minimum NVQ level 3 qualification in childcare, or equivalent. The ability to achieve an outstanding OFSTED inspection as well as possessing excellent management and leadership skills is essential. You must have an awareness of financial management and business management, and experience of using Microsoft applications. Strong communication skills are essential, as is the ability to analyse information and make sound business decisions.  At least 5 years of practical experience at a senior level in a childcare establishment, and experience of managing a budget is desirable but not essential.

    vac_publish_date: 20/03/14 vac_remove_date: 01/05/14 vac_location: Cornwall vac_region: South West vac_employer: Happy Days Nurseries
  12. Career Clinic

    vac_closing_date: 06/02/15 vac_contact:

    Please email Georgina at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com or call on 01872 511020 to arrange an appointment.


    Happy Days Nurseries
    “Career Clinic”
    Qualified in Early years with 2 or more years in a supervisory or Management role?
    Happy Days would like to meet you.


    We are holding recruitment Clinic’s throughout the year to meet potential new employees dedicated to childcare.
    We currently have Supervisor, Deputy and Manager Positions available throughout Cornwall and Devon.
    If we don’t have the position for you at the moment, come and speak to us and it may be that you’re ideal position becomes available during the year.
    The first dates for 2015 are as follows with more to be announced soon.
    Monday 12th January,

    Thursday 15th January,

    Monday 19th January,

    Tuesday 27th January,

    Thursday 5th February,

    Please email Georgina at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com or call on 01872 511020 to arrange an appointment. These are held at our Head Office in Summercourt Newquay, however other locations can be arranged under special circumstances.
    Appointments are available early morning, during the day and in the evenings to ensure discretion.
    The clinic is by appointment only, applicants must have 2 years or more experience in a supervisor or more senior role and hold a level 3+ qualification in early years or equivalent. If you are unsure if you meet the criteria, please send us your CV and we will happily check for you. Appointments are for informal conversations about roles within Happy Days and do not guarantee an interview.

    vac_publish_date: 13/01/15 vac_remove_date: 06/01/15 vac_location: Cornwall and Devon vac_region: South West vac_employer: Happy Days Nurseries
  13. Peripatetic Nursery Manager

    vac_salary: £20,000 per annum starting salary vac_closing_date: 30/05/14 vac_contact:

    If you would like to attend, make an appointment or have an informal chat about the vacancy, please contact Georgina on 01872 511020.

    If you are unable to attend our event and are interested in applying, please forward your CV to Georgina Griffin at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com.


    Happy Days is the biggest nursery provider in Cornwall, with 16 settings in both Cornwall and Devon. We are currently growing our business and expanding our operations to include new purpose built nurseries.

    We are looking for a Peripatetic Nursery Manger to supply cover for maternity leave, long and short term sickness, annual leave etc. throughout Cornwall.


    The ideal candidate will be flexible and adapt quickly to change. The nature of this role will mean that you may be working in one nursery for 9 months to cover maternity leave and then move around nurseries week to week to cover for holiday.

    You will be involved in;

    •        Day to day running of the nursery to achieve and maintain high standards of care and education

    •        Mentoring, guiding and developing the teams

    •        Providing professional advice and support on childcare development

    •        Developing and maintaining great relationships with parents, children and childcare professionals

    •        Managing budgets and meeting targets.

    We are looking for someone who is passionate about working in childcare, has previous experience in a private day care setting and knowledge of current childcare legislation. You must have been qualified for at least 2 years with a minimum NVQ level 3 qualification in childcare, or equivalent. The ability to achieve an outstanding OFSTED inspection as well as possessing excellent management and leadership skills is essential. You must have an awareness of financial management and business management, and experience of using Microsoft applications. Strong communication skills are essential, as is the ability to analyse information and make sound business decisions.  At least 5 years of practical experience at a senior level in a childcare establishment, and experience of managing a budget is desirable but not essential. You must hold an extensive working knowledge of the EYFS and implications for children’s development through observation, assessment and record keeping and good understanding of statutory requirements. You will also have the ability to provide good quality advice and support to colleagues regarding the EYFS Curriculum.

    In return, Happy Days offers a great reward package including discount childcare and extensive personal development.

    If you are interested in applying Happy Days is holding a number of recruitment events for management positions, at our Summercourt Nursery (TR8 5YA) as below:

    Tuesday 13th May 6.30-8.30pm- By appointment only

    Wednesday 21st May 6.30-8.30pm- Open event

    Saturday 24th May 11am -1.30pm- Open event

    Come and have a chat about working for Happy Days with some of our team, with cake, pastries and refreshments!

    vac_publish_date: 08/05/14 vac_remove_date: 31/05/14 vac_location: Cornwall vac_region: South West vac_employer: Happy Days Nurseries
  14. Nursery Manager

    vac_salary: £20,000 per annum starting salary vac_closing_date: 30/05/14 vac_contact:

    If you are interested in applying, please forward your CV to Georgina Griffin at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com. Please clearly state that you are interested in the Nursery Manager position at Derriford.

    Alternatively telephone Georgina on 01872 511020 for an informal discussion.


    Happy Days is the biggest nursery provider in Cornwall, with 16 settings in both Cornwall and Devon. We are currently growing our business and expanding our operations to include new purpose built nurseries.

    An exciting opportunity has arisen for a confident and highly organised individual to join our busy team at our Nursery at Derriford in Plymouth.


    Reporting to the Business Manager at the Nursery, you will be involved in;

    •        Day to day running of the nursery to achieve and maintain high standards of care and education

    •        Mentoring, guiding and developing the teams

    •        Providing professional advice and support on childcare development

    •        Developing and maintaining great relationships with parents, children and childcare professionals

    •        Managing budgets and meeting targets.

    We are looking for someone who is passionate about working in childcare, has previous experience in a private day care setting and knowledge of current childcare legislation. You must have been qualified for at least 2 years with a minimum NVQ level 3 qualification in childcare, or equivalent. The ability to achieve an outstanding OFSTED inspection as well as possessing excellent management and leadership skills is essential. You must have an awareness of financial management and business management, and experience of using Microsoft applications. Strong communication skills are essential, as is the ability to analyse information and make sound business decisions.  At least 5 years of practical experience at a senior level in a childcare establishment, and experience of managing a budget is desirable but not essential. You must hold an extensive working knowledge of the EYFS and implications for children’s development through observation, assessment and record keeping and good understanding of statutory requirements. You will also have the ability to provide good quality advice and support to colleagues regarding the EYFS Curriculum.

    In return, Happy Days offers a great reward package including discount childcare and extensive personal development.

    If you are interested in applying Happy Days is holding a number of recruitment events for management positions, at our Summercourt Nursery (TR8 5YA) as below:

    Tuesday 13th May 6.30-8.30pm- By appointment only

    Wednesday 21st May 6.30-8.30pm- Open event

    Saturday 24th May 11am -1.30pm- Open event

    Come and have a chat about working for Happy Days with some of our team, with cake, pastries and refreshments!

    vac_publish_date: 08/05/14 vac_remove_date: 31/05/14 vac_location: Plymouth, Devon vac_region: South West vac_employer: Happy Days Nurseries

    vac_salary: £ Excellent salary offered vac_closing_date: 02/05/14 vac_contact:

    Contact Lucy-ann 0208 538 9999 for further details.


    Purpose of Post
    1. To assume overall responsibility for raising the quality of early years provision, including physical, emotional, social and intellectual education and care for children in the setting
    2. To promote excellent practice at all times
    3. To lead practice across the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
    4. To support and mentor other practitioners in the skills and behaviours that safeguard and promote good outcomes for children


    Key Areas
    1. Knowledge and understanding of the EYFS
    2. Effective practice
    3. Relationships with children
    4. Communicating and working in partnership with families and carers
    5. Teamwork and collaboration
    6. Professional development of other practitioners

    Responsible To Proprietor/Senior Team

    Hours of Work
    Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 6pm

    vac_publish_date: 01/04/14 vac_remove_date: 03/05/14 vac_location: Twickenham vac_region: London vac_hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 6pm vac_employer: Bright Beginnings Day Nurseries
  16. Nursery Manager

    vac_salary: Salary, dependant on experience, range £26-30,000 vac_closing_date: 30/04/14 vac_contact:

    If you are interested in applying, please forward your CV to Georgina Griffin at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com. Please clearly state that you are interested in the Nursery Manager position in Bristol.

    Alternatively telephone Georgina on 01872 511020 for an informal discussion.



    Happy Days Nurseries will be opening soon in Bristol and is looking for an experienced Nursery Manager who will work with us to set up our first nursery in the Somerset area. Once our first nursery is established, there is also the potential for this post to progress to Area Manager.

    ·         Would you like to be involved in the design and set up of a new nursery?

    ·         Are you someone who is dedicated to delivering excellent standards of care and education?

    ·         Would you like to run a new 80 (approx) place setting for children aged 3 months to 5 years?

    If so, we’d like to meet you.


    Happy Days Nurseries will be opening soon in Bristol and is looking for an experienced Nursery Manager who will work with us to set up our first nursery in the Somerset area. Once our first nursery is established, there is also the potential for this post to progress to Area Manager.


    ·         Would you like to be involved in the design and set up of a new nursery?

    ·         Are you someone who is dedicated to delivering excellent standards of care and education?

    ·         Would you like to run a new 80 (approx) place setting for children aged 3 months to 5 years?

    If so, we’d like to meet you.

    We are looking for someone who is passionate about working in childcare, has previous experience in a private day care setting and knowledge of current childcare legislation. You must have been qualified for at least 2 years with a NVQ level 3 qualification in childcare or equivalent. The ability to achieve an outstanding OFSTED inspection as well as possessing excellent management, communication and leadership skills is essential.

    vac_publish_date: 20/03/14 vac_remove_date: 01/05/14 vac_location: Bristol vac_region: South West vac_employer: Happy Days Nurseries
  17. Full and Part time Nursery Assistants, Nursery Nurses and Supervisors

    vac_closing_date: 13/02/15 vac_contact:

    Georgina at moc.seiresrunsyadyppah@nimdarh clearly stating you are interested in working at Exeter Nursery.


    Happy Days Exeter has some exciting opportunities for Full and Part time Nursery Assistants, Nursery Nurses and Supervisors.



    Happy Days Exeter has some exciting opportunities for Full and Part time Nursery Assistants, Nursery Nurses and Supervisors. We opened in February last year and due to rapid growth we are now looking for NVQ Level 2 and above qualified (or equivalent) in childcare professionals to join our thriving team.


    For more information please see our website http://www.happydaysnurseries.com/careers-training/jobs.php


    To be considered please send your CV to Georgina at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com clearly stating you are interested in working at Exeter Nursery.


    We offer many benefit including discounted childcare and extensive personal development which includes free training opportunities. The setting is rated Outstanding and our teams are dedicated to providing high quality childcare.


    Happy Days is the largest childcare provider in Cornwall with 16 nurseries in the South West.


    vac_publish_date: 27/01/15 vac_remove_date: 14/02/15 vac_location: Exeter vac_region: South West vac_employer: Happy Days
  18. Nursery Manager

    vac_salary: From £19,000 pro rata vac_closing_date: 31/10/13 vac_contact:

    For more information phone Mandy Richardson 07769342133.

    Please send a letter of application and CV to 46a Duporth Bay, Duporth, St. Austell PL26 6AQ or to mandy@naturallylearning.co.uk


    An experienced Nursery Manager is required in our 34 place nursery in Charlestown, Cornwall. This nursery was taken over by Naturally Learning over the summer and has undergone extensive refurbishment and investment. It requires a pro-active, highly motivated Nursery Manager to develop and grow the nursery and ensure high standards of care are delivered in all areas. The nursery is currently for 2 to 4 year olds, term time only 8.00 am till 4.00 pm, but we anticipate that this will increase to 8.00 am till 6.00 pm 51 weeks a year according to the need.


    Some of your responsibilities will include:

    • To achieve and maintain high standards of care and education
    • To effectively lead and manage the staff team, providing day to day guidance, training and support to all staff.
    • To ensure all policies, procedures and curriculums are implemented and adhered to at all times
    • To keep abreast of current early childhood thinking/trends
    • To effectively manage the budgets and occupancy levels
    • To be influential in developing strong links with parents.
    • To manage all day to day operations of the nursery


    You will need to have the following qualifications, training and experience:

    • Minimum level 3 qualification in Early Years
    • EYP status or EY degree level qualification would be preferable
    • Knowledge of OFSTED standards
    • Excellent knowledge of the EYFS
    • Excellent organisational skills with the ability to work to targets and deadlines
    • Good time management skills
    • Excellent communication skills
    • Strong people management skills

    Good rates of pay, from £19,000 pro rata, bonuses and benefits with ongoing support and career development.

    Visits to the nursery are welcomed.


    vac_publish_date: 24/10/13 vac_remove_date: 01/11/13 vac_location: Charlestown, Cornwall vac_region: South West vac_employer: Naturally Learning
  19. Experienced Full time Nursery Practitioner

    vac_closing_date: 20/03/15 vac_contact:

    Karla Tabony - info@choochoos.co.uk


    Require a fully qualified, experienced Nursery Practitioner to build upon the outstanding care we deliver.


    Choochoos Whitstable

    Require a fully qualified, experienced Nursery Practitioner to build upon the outstanding care we deliver. Graded with outstanding outcomes from Ofsted, only individuals of the highest calibre who can offer enthusiasm, reliability, experience and a wealth of knowledge surrounding early years need apply. 

    You will have experience working with children from birth to 5 years, hold appropriate childcare qualifications, have secure knowledge surrounding child development and be able to further develop the skills of our well established team.

    This applicant will have an excellent team working ethic and will be able to bring suggestions and ideas to the setting. If you are pro active, motivated with the determination to deliver learning outcomes for children in your care, then you should not let this exciting opportunity pass you by.

    Please email for a full job specification and application form FAO Karla Tabony along with a brief statement explaining why you are the ideal candidate to info@choochoos.co.uk

    Closing date for applications is 20/03/15.

    All applicants are required to have full DBS check and satisfactory references.

    vac_publish_date: 10/03/15 vac_remove_date: 21/03/15 vac_location: Whitstable vac_region: South East vac_employer: Choochoos Whitstable
  20. Early Years Augmented Support for child with SEN - Part time

    vac_closing_date: 20/03/15 vac_contact:

    Karla Tabony - ku.oc.soohcoohc@ofni


    Require a qualified, experienced Nursery Practitioner with SEND experience for one to one support to work on a daily basis with children with additional needs.


    Choochoos Canterbury

    Require a qualified, experienced Nursery Practitioner with SEND experience for one to one support to work on a daily basis with children with additional needs. Graded outstanding from Ofsted, only individuals of the highest calibre who can offer reliability, a proactive approach and a wealth of knowledge surrounding early years and child development need apply. You will have experience and knowledge of working with children with ASD and complex needs. You will also need tp be patient, caring , supportive, have a knowledge of PECS and have the ability to communicate and work with parents.

    Offering an excellent team working ethic you will bring suggestions and ideas to the setting, be motivated with the determination to deliver learning outcomes for all children in your care.

    Do not let this exciting opportunity pass you by. Email your CV for a job specification and application form FAO Karla Tabony along with a brief statement explaining why you are the ideal candidate to ku.oc.soohcoohc@ofni

    Closing date for applications is 20/03/15.

    All applicants are required to have an enhanced DBS check and satisfactory references.

    vac_publish_date: 10/03/15 vac_remove_date: 21/03/15 vac_location: Canterbury vac_region: South East vac_employer: Choochoos Canterbury
  21. Play assistant

    vac_closing_date: 28/11/14 vac_contact:

    Helen Snowden




    *Termly contract

    *Variable hours each term

    *Minimum NVQ/CACHE Diploma Level 2 in

    early childhood studies or equivalent

    *Must be flexible

    *Excellent communication and people skills needed



    *Termly contract

    *Variable hours each term

    *Minimum NVQ/CACHE Diploma Level 2 in early childhood studies or equivalent

    *Must be flexible

    *Excellent communication and people skills needed

    To apply send your CV and covering letter to Helen Snowden


    Must be available to Start 5th January 2015


    vac_publish_date: 25/11/14 vac_remove_date: 06/12/14 vac_location: Illogan, Cornwall vac_region: South West vac_hours: Flexible vac_employer: Illogan Pre School Committee
  22. Deputy Manager

    vac_closing_date: 28/11/14 vac_contact:

    Helen Snowden




    *32.5 hours a week

    *38 weeks a year, term time contract

    *Management experience is preferred but not


    *Minimum NVQ/CACHE Diploma Level 3 in

    early childhood studies or equivalent

    *Computer literate

    *Excellent communication and people skills needed



    *32.5 hours a week

    *38 weeks a year, term time contract

    *Management experience is preferred but not


    *Minimum NVQ/CACHE Diploma Level 3 in

    early childhood studies or equivalent

    *Computer literate

    *Excellent communication and people skills needed

    To apply send your CV and covering letter to Helen Snowden


    Must be available to Start 5th January 2015



    vac_publish_date: 25/11/14 vac_remove_date: 29/11/14 vac_location: Illogan, Cornwall vac_region: South West vac_hours: 32.5 hours per week vac_employer: Illogan Pre School Committee
  23. Happy Days Nurseries: Recruitment Event

    vac_closing_date: 09/05/15 vac_contact:

    To book a place at this event call Georgina on 01872 511020 or email hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com


    Have you got a childcare qualification? Finishing your course this summer? Want to progress your career or looking for a fresh start?


    Happy Days are looking for, Supervisors, Nursery Practitioners, Apprentices and Supply Staff to join their teams across Cornwall.

    Come along and meet our teams to discuss current and future opportunities.

    11am until 2pm on Saturday 9th May at the following locations:

    • St Minver Nursery, Rock Road, St Minver, PL27 6QD.
    • Bodmin Nursery, Berrycoombe School, Berrycoombe Vale, PL31 2PH

    (Liskeard nursery team members will be present)

    • Summercourt Nursery, Chapel Town, Newquay, TR8 5YA

    (Treloggan Nursery team members will be present)

    • St Blazey Nursery, Burrows Centre, Lamellyn Road, PL24 2DD

    (Penrice Nursery team members will be present)

    • Truro City Nursery, College Road, TR1 3XX

    (All Truro Nurseries and Redruth team members will be present)

    • Falmouth Nursery, Beacon CP School, Penwerris, TR11 2BB


    Nursery teams from other local Happy Days will be present to discuss their vacancies too. We are looking for Bank Staff at all of our nurseries.

    Happy Days offers extensive personal development and we often recruit internally. Many of our Supply staff have moved onto permanent contracts and some have received internal training and are now part of our Management teams. We also offer discounted childcare, paid breaks, free training, and extra holiday for length of service.

    To book a place at this event call Georgina on 01872 511020 or email hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com

    Unable to attend? Email us your CV for consideration

    Nursery Managers or Deputy Managers contact Georgina to discuss future roles at Happy Days and register your interest.

    For a full list of vacancies please visit our website www.happydaysnurseries.com we are looking for Qualified Supply staff in all of our Nurseries.

    We have nurseries in Truro, Summercourt, Newquay, Redruth, Falmouth, Par, St Austell, Bodmin, Liskeard, Rock, Plymouth, Exeter and Bristol.

    vac_publish_date: 01/05/15 vac_remove_date: 10/05/15 vac_location: Cornwall vac_region: South West vac_employer: Happy Days Nurseries
  24. Office Junior - Newquay

    vac_salary: £15,000 vac_closing_date: 29/02/16 vac_contact:

    If you are interested in applying, please forward your CV with a bespoke cover letter to Tara at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com clearly stating that you are interested in the Office Assistant position.


    Alternatively telephone Tara on 01872 511020 for an informal discussion.


    Please be aware this post is subject to a satisfactory enhanced disclosure check and references


    Happy Days has a reputation as leaders in top quality, progressive childcare. We are currently the biggest nursery provider in Cornwall, with 16 settings in both Cornwall and Devon. We are currently growing our business and expanding our operations to include new purpose built nurseries across the South West.


    We are looking to appoint an Office Junior to join our team at our Support Centre based in Summercourt, Newquay.  You will be located at the front of the office and will be the first point of contact for all visitors to the premises.

    Reporting to the PA/Office Manager, your role will be to ensure a smooth running of the office administration and reception

    area. You will be the first point of contact for anyone calling the Support Centre and will need to answer and pass on   messages appropriately. You will deal with enquiry emails from our webpage and support other teams with administration where necessary.


    The role of Office Junior is ever changing and will develop as we continue with company expansion.  If you enjoy front of house work, a fast pace and doing something different each day then this could be the ideal role for you.


    The successful applicantmust;
    Have C or above in English and Maths GCSE or equivalent.

    Have excellent IT Skills, including Excel.

    Exceptional customer service skills

    Previous experience in a customer facing role

    Have good communication and inter personal skills 


    proactive, keen and driven to pursue a career in administration


    As the Office Assistant you will be confident and friendly in your approach, and have an eye for detail especially when it comes to spelling and proof reading documents.  You will be able to deal with stressful situations calmly, be able to prioritise your work load effectively and always represent Happy Days positively in accordance with policy and procedure.


    vac_publish_date: 19/01/16 vac_remove_date: 01/03/16 vac_location: Newquay vac_region: North East vac_hours: Full Time vac_employer: Happy Days
  25. Deputy Manager - Falmouth

    vac_salary: Dependent on experience vac_closing_date: 29/02/16 vac_contact:
    If you are interested in applying, please send your CV,stating clearly that you are interested in the DeputyManager vacancy at Falmouth to Georgina at hradmin@happydaysnurseries.com


    Alternatively telephone Mel on 01326 314 735 for an informal discussion.

    Working 40 hours per week with paid breaks we are looking for a NVQ Level 3 or equivalent, with at least 2

    years’ experience in childcare and a supervisory role, to join our thriving team at our Falmouth Nursery to cover maternity leave.

    As a Deputy Manager, you will be passionate about leading and supporting a team, together with working alongside the Nursery Manager in supporting the day to day running of the setting and safeguarding children.  We are looking for someone who is passionate about working in childcare, has previous experience in developing practice using EYFS, strong leadership/supervisory skills and sensitivity when communicating with parents and staff. The ability to achieve an  outstanding OFSTED inspection as well as possessing strong oral and written skills is essential. You must also have the ability to motivate your team and develop strong, trusting bonds with parents and other agencies within the setting and beyond. 


    In return, Happy Days offers a great reward package including discounted childcare, free uniform for new starters, paid breaks and extensive professional development, including formal training.


    This is a great opportunity to join Happy Days who strive to recruit internally where possible and support career

    development. Although this is a maternity cover, there are plenty of opportunities within the nursery and in our other 11 nurseries across Cornwall and we regularly put out internal vacancies.

    vac_publish_date: 19/01/16 vac_remove_date: 01/03/16 vac_location: Falmouth vac_region: South West vac_hours: 40 vac_employer: Happy Days
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