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Danielle Sanniti

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About Danielle Sanniti

  • Birthday 27/01/1989

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  • Interests
    Child-centered learning, In the moment planning, collaborative leadership, cognitive development, early linguistic development, etc.

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  • Your interest in Foundation Stage education

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3 Years

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  1. Hello everyone - nice to meet you all, I hope all your families are safe and well I'm an EY teacher at a brand new school over in Qatar and we use the IEYC - International Early Years Curriculum. For anyone interested, here's a link > IEYC. We are only using this curriculum; we are not using it alongside the EYFS, as some schools do. This was my decision as when I looked into all the strands, threads, units, and areas of learning everything overlapped so much that it seemed an ineffective use of our time to document both. So, I'm curious to know, with the new IEYC Tapestry update, if any schools/ practitioners on the site use this curriculum and what their thought are. Specifically: How do you plan? What formats do you use? How do you assess children? What formal assessments do you use? How do you set up your classes (Phase A / Phase B)? Anything else you think is helpful! I'm no expert in the curriculum, but have read nearly everything offered in terms of curriculum documentation on the My Fieldwork website - literally everything. So, I'm also happy to share my thoughts and understanding if asked! I'll give it a good go anyway!
  2. I follow the IEYC, the early years branch of the IPC. We have only tried this for one year so far and have found it a little challenging in terms of observation and assessment. Any feedback or personal experience on this topic would be great. I'm thinking next year I might opt for a no pre-planned topic schedule, and then roll with the children's interests. Thoughts and feedback welcome
  3. Hello there - nice to meet you all! I'm Danielle, an EY teacher and Phase Leader currently working in Qatar (Middle East) at a brand new school that opened in August 2019. I started as a Pre-KG (Nursery) teacher and Phase Leader and I'll be in KG1 (Reception) next year. We are an International Schools Partnership (ISP) school and we follow the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC). Before moving to Qatar I worked for many years in Lewisham, South East London - my spiritual home! I worked at some amazing and innovative schools where I learnt about, and then rolled out, the 'Planning In the Moment' style of teaching and learning - I never looked back! I was lucky enough to train with Anna Ephgrave, as well as work with other amazing specialists such as Dr Elly Barnes, founder of Educate and Celebrate. I'm currently working on my MA in Education, covering culture, language, and identity and i'm researching and reading into the benefits of child-led learning and pedagogy. I also wrote a couple of random articles for Nursery World! Now, I'm attempting to develop our school's vision for Early Years and learning about the IEYC and how this can be combined with a child-led approach. Any ideas, information, references, experience, would be greatly appreciated. Basically, I need others wisdom! I'm always happy to chat, reflect, and discuss everything and anything about early childhood and education! Looking forwards to chatting with you
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