In this tutorial we'll be looking at the Montessori Assessment Counts tracking screen, which will show you the number of assessments made for each child for each activity. This can be helpful for identifying any gaps in learning.
In order to view the Montessori tracking screens you will first need to enable the Montessori framework on your account, if you haven't already. You can find our tutorial on controlling which frameworks are enabled on your account here.
To skip to a specific section of this tutorial, please use the links below.
Individual View
Group View
Staff View
To access the Montessori Assessment Counts screens you will first need to click 'Tracking' (1) from the blue bar, then select the Montessori framework (2). There are three ways to view the Assessment Count screen: the Individual View, Group View and Staff View (3). We'll start by looking at the Individual View.
Individual View
When you access the Assessment Counts screen you will be given a list of filters, which will determine what data is included in your graph. The first one of these is the comparison filter (1) which comes with three options:
No Comparison - This option means you will only see data for the selected child in the selected time period.
Compare Areas - This will allow you to select up to four children. The graph will then compare how many assessments each child has had for each activity.
Compare Periods of Time - This will allow you to select up to four time periods. These can either be your preset terms/assessment periods, the child's full history, or a custom period of time. The graph will then show a comparison of the number of assessments for each activity, based on the periods of time selected.
You will then be able to select the child whose data you would like to view (2), and the period of time you would like the assessments to cover (3). The screenshot below shows the default 'No Comparison' setting, meaning only one child and one period of time can be selected. However, if you choose to compare areas you will be able to select up to four children, or if you choose to compare periods of time you will be able to select up to four time periods.
You can then choose filter by a specific area - AEL, Sensorial, Literacy, Mathematics or KUW - (4), and whether you would like to include unapproved observations or not (5). If you uncheck this option you will only be able to see data for observations that have been added to the child's journal.
Once you have selected your filters, you will be able to scroll down and view your graph. This will show the activities on the Y axis and the number of assessments on the X axis.
If you have chosen to compare areas or periods of time the other children or time periods will appear as different coloured bars.
Group View
The Group View is similar to the Individual View, except that you will be able to view the data for groups of children. There are a number of options to specify groups of children, including cohort, key person, gender and any custom groups you may have set up (you can find our tutorial on adding custom groups here). When you select to add children on this screen you will be given a further list of filters to select your group.
On the Group View screen you will no longer have the option to compare by area, but instead will be able to compare groups. Clicking this will allow you to compare up to four groups of children. For example, you could compare different classes this way, or different key workers' children.
You can also use multiple filters when adding groups. In the example below, the blue bar represents the entire 2019 cohort, the orange line represents boys from the 2019 cohort and the green line represents girls from the 2019 cohort.
Staff View
The final option is the Staff View. This works in fundamentally the same way as the other Assessment Count Screens, but will show how many assessments each staff member has made, rather than how many assessments have been made for each child. As with the other screens you can also compare the number of assessments made by different staff members, or over different time periods (1).
The main difference here is that there are additional filters to specify a group of children, which match those on the Group View. This means you can see how many assessments any staff member has made for a specific group of children.
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