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  1. Hi AndreaStClares, Just to let you know, it is now possible to view future dates on the online register. You can do this by changing the 'Day' field at the top of the online register to a future date. If you have any questions, please let us know. Best wishes, Richard Tapestry Support Team
  2. In this tutorial we will look at how you can add extra charges to your account. You will then be able to add these extra charges to a child's regular schedule or as a one-off charge, and they will be reflected on any invoices for that period. To set these up, click on 'Management System' in the blue bar at the top of the page. If this is not showing up, you may need to enable the Management System feature on your account first. You can find a link to our tutorial on this here. If you have not accessed the Management System section before, you will see a set up screen with a list of tasks which includes adding extra charges (1). You will need to compete the top 3 actions in order to access the Booking and Invoices features. If you have accessed Management System before you will be able to configure any extra charges by selecting 'Config' on the left (1), then 'Extra Charges' (2). If you, or anyone else on your account has added any extra charges previously, they will be listed on this page. By default, only active extra charges will be visible, but you can click the box at the top of the list (1) to include inactive extra charges. To add a new extra charge, click the 'Add Extra Charge' button (2). Once you select 'Add Extra Charge' you will be able to select a name (1), description (2) and price (3) for your extra charge. You will also be able to choose whether you would like to make it active immediately or keep it inactive for now (4), meaning it will not be selectable when adding a schedule or extra charge for a child. Once you are done, click 'Save Extra Charge' (5). To edit an existing extra charge, click the pencil icon to the right of it. When editing an extra charge you will be given the same options as when adding a new extra charge. However, if you choose to change the price - by clicking the 'Add Price Change' button (1), you will need to select a date from which the price change will take effect (2). If the date you select is within an invoiced period you will receive a message informing you that this may cause adjustments to appear on your next invoice to make up for the difference in price (3). Once you've added your extra charges, you'll then be able to apply these to children's regular schedules or add one off extra charges for children. You will also be able to see an overview of your extra charges through the 'Extra Charges' overview screen. The tutorials that talk you through these are linked below. How to add extra charges to a child's regular schedule Adding a one off extra charge for a child Extra charges overview screen Back to Main Tutorials Page
  3. You can send direct messages to members of staff at your child's school, nursery or childminder through the Tapestry app by tapping the 'Messaging' icon at the bottom of the screen. You will see any existing conversations here. If you have a new message this will appear as a number attached to an envelope icon next to the conversation (1). To send or respond to a message in an existing conversation, tap the conversation (2). Otherwise you can begin a new conversation by tapping 'New Conversation (3). If you select 'New Conversation' you will be given a list of staff members. Select the name of the person you would like to message (1). You can also use the search box at the top of the list to search for a specific user (2). To send a message, type your message into the box labelled 'Type your message here' (1) then tap the arrow icon (2). You can also view your other conversations from this page, or access them by tapping them (3). You can return to your main conversations list or refresh the messages by clicking the circular arrow in the top left corner (4). Back to contents page
  4. Hi, Thanks for getting in touch. I'm afraid it's not possible to export your reports to a Word document. It should be possible to save the PDF as a Word document after you have downloaded it, but this can mess with the formatting. If, when you go to export your report to PDF, you set the format to 'Compact' rather than 'Default', this should make the text smaller. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best wishes, Richard
  5. As long as it has been enabled, you will be able to use Messaging to send direct messages to staff at your child's school or setting . You can access this feature by clicking the speech bubble icon at the top right of the page. If you have any unread messages you should see a number in a red square showing this, as you can see in the screenshot below. If you haven't sent or received any messages yet, you won't see any conversations listed when you are taken into the main Messaging page (1). To start a new conversation, click the 'New Conversation' button at the top left (2). You will then see a list of staff members. Clicking on a staff member's name will allow you to start a conversation with them (1). You can also use the search bar to help you find a staff member from the list (2). This will then open a new conversation with the selected staff member. You will their name appear at the top of the conversation box (1). To send a new message, type your message into the box at the bottom of the page (2), then click the arrow icon (3). If you selected the wrong staff member by mistake you can start another new conversation with someone else at the top (4) or you can return to the main Messaging page (5). If you have previously sent or received messages, you will be able to see your conversations listed on the main page. If you have any unread messages this will be indicated by an envelope icon, with the number of unread messages in a red circle (1). To view or reply to a message, click on the conversation (2). Messages you've sent will appear in green (1) and messages you've received will appear in grey (2). You can also see the time/date a message was sent just above the message (3) and you can delete a message you have sent by clicking the bin icon above it (4). To send a new message to this user, use the box at the bottom (5). You can also access your other conversations from the left-hand side (6). Back to Main Tutorials Page
  6. Messaging on Tapestry allows you to send direct messages to staff members and relatives on your account. If you want some more general information on why this feature was added and how it can help you or template guides for staff members and relatives, please use the links below: Messaging: General Guide Messaging: Template of info for staff Messaging: Template of info for relatives This feature won't be turned on by default but if another manager hasn't explicitly turned it on or off, when you click on the speech bubble icon in the top right-hand corner on the browser version of Tapestry (1) you will see the below screen. If you don't see this icon, it means Messaging has been disabled by another manager. Don't worry though! It can still be enabled, just skip to underneath this screenshot. On this screen at the bottom you have two options of how to proceed. You can activate Messaging now (2) which will take you through into Messaging or you can click 'I'm not interested' (3). If you, or another manager, select 'I'm not interested' on the screen above and later change your mind, you can enable Messaging at any time on your account by going to the Control Panel (1) > Features (2), then scrolling down and clicking the 'Enable' button next to the Messaging feature (3). A final thing to note is that there is a user permission you can enable or disable, which allows users to see and use the Messaging feature. So, for example, you could set your account so only staff members are able to use the Messenger, and not relatives, or that only specific users are able to use the feature. Managers will always have full permissions, so will be able to access the Messaging feature as long as it is enabled on your account. You can adjust this user permission by going to the Control Panel (1) > User Permissions (2), then navigating to either the 'Staff' tab or 'Relative' tab (3) - depending on whether you would like to adjust the permission for staff members or relatives. At the bottom of the page, under the 'Messenger' heading (4), there should be a permission to 'Allow users to see and use the messaging feature'. To adjust this permission, click the 'Edit' button (5). So that's how to enable Messaging on your account! To learn how to use this feature, you can take a look at this tutorial. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  7. In this tutorial we will look at how you can use the Online Register feature on the Android Tapestry app. To open the Online Register, tap on the 'Register' button at the bottom of the screen. You should see a list of your children, along with their expected times for the day. You can mark a child as 'in' or 'out' using the 'In' icon on the left-hand side (1) and the 'Out' icon on the right-hand side (2). The times they have been marked in or out will then show up under the 'Registrations' column (3). Children are marked as 'In' are shaded green and children who are marked as 'Out' are shaded orange. At the top of page you will see options to change the day you are viewing (1), filter your list by a specific room (2), and change the sorting order of the list of children (3). There is also a box you can tick to show children who do not have bookings that day (4). If you are viewing a past register you should see a message stating this (5). If you click on a child's name (1), this will bring up an expanded view for that child. Here you will again be able to mark the child as in or out (2), as well as edit the times they are registered as being marked in or out (3). You can also add an absence for a child here (4), or add a register note (5). If you select to add an absence for a child a menu will pop up that will allow you to select the reason for their absence - the options are 'Illness', 'Holiday' or 'Other Absence' (1) - the dates and times they are expected to be absent (2), and any notes (3). Once you are done, click the 'Save Absence' button (4). In the screenshot below, I have returned to the main register screen after adding a register note and an illness absence for the child, Georgia Williams. The register note is indicated by the document icon in the corner of her portrait (1), and the absence appears under her expected times (2). Back to Main Tutorials Page
  8. Hi @Claire_Stemp, Thanks for your comment! We've registered your interest in this feature. Best wishes, Richard
  9. It is possible to take an online register on Tapestry. The online register uses the children's schedules entered though our Management System feature. You can find our tutorials on setting up and using our Management System feature here. If you would prefer to print off a paper register from Tapestry you can find our tutorial on this here. Both managers and staff members have permission to use the Online Register but a manager can disable staff access from the User Permissions tab. This tutorial talks through enabling and disabling user permissions on Tapestry. Using the online register If you're a manager user or a staff member with permission, you can access the Online Register from the 'Management System' tab (1), selecting 'Registers' on the left (2), then 'Children' in the 'Online Register' section (3). Or if you're a regular staff user or PIN only staff user, you can access it by clicking on the 'Online Register' tab. To learn more about the Staff Register, please refer to this tutorial. From the Online Register page you will be able to select a date (1), room (2) and sorting order (3). By default the page will show the current day and the whole setting, and it will be ordered alphabetically by the children's first names. You can also select whether or not you would like the page to show children without bookings (4). If you have a closure on the day you have selected you should see a message noting this. If you are viewing a past register you will also see a message informing you of this. You can mark a child in by clicking the green 'In' icon (1). When they have left you will be able to mark them out by clicking the orange 'Out' icon (2). At the top you'll also see a totals count of the day which will tally the number of children currently attending and expected (3). The children's boxes will be shaded in green or orange to show whether they are currently in or out. The times shown will reflect the time you clicked the 'In' and 'Out' buttons - provided you are on the current day - but we'll look at how you can edit these next. If you click a child's name on the list (1) some further options will appear on the right. These will allow you to edit the times the child was marked in or out (2), add an absence for the child (managers only) (3), check their bookings (4), or add a note for the child (5). Any notes you add will appear under the 'Notes' section on the register (6). If you need to delete or edit a register note, just amend or delete the text under in the 'Register Notes' field (1) and click 'Save Register Notes' (2). If you would like to export the register, please refer to this tutorial here. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  10. In this tutorial we'll look at how to set up the Cherry Garden Bridging framework. This follows on from the main Cherry Garden framework and includes branches 11 and 12 in the areas of Mathematics and English. If you are looking to set up the main Cherry Garden framework you can find our tutorial on this here. To enable the Cherry Garden Bridging framework you will need to go to the Control Panel (1) > Settings (2) > Assessments (3) and then click the 'Configure' button next to the framework. You will then need to tick the box to enable the Cherry Garden Bridging framework (1). You can also select whether or not you would like the framework to be visible to relatives (2). If you tick this box they will be able to see assessments made using this framework on their children's observations. Below this you will see options to set your Best Fit Threshold (1) and the number of refinements (2). Your Best Fit Threshold will be the point at which each branch for each strand is considered complete. The percentage is worked out based on the number statements and which refinements have been added to a child's observations. So to reach 100% they would need to have all statements for a branch ticked and the highest refinements for each. You can view a child's progress with this on our Best Fit tracking screen. You can find our tutorial on this here. Under this you will be able to select the name for each of your refinements (3) as well as a short name (4) and colour (5) which will help you identify your refinements when tracking. Once you are done, click submit. The Cherry Garden Bridging framework will now be enabled on your account. You will be able to see it under the 'Assessments' section when you are adding or editing an observation. You will also be able to view the tracking screens for the Cherry Garden Bridging framework by clicking the 'Tracking' tab (1) then 'Cherry Garden Bridging' (2). Back to Main Tutorials Page
  11. In this tutorial we will look at the Best Fit tracking screen for the Cherry Garden Bridging framework. It's worth bearing in mind that to use the Best Fit screen you will need to have the Cherry Garden Bridging framework enabled on your account. You can find our tutorial on how to enable the Cherry Garden Bridging framework here. The Best Fit screen will allow you to see what percentage of each branch a child has completed, based on the statements and refinements you have used in your observations. Before we do so, you may want to set your Best Fit Threshold. This is the percentage at which a branch will be considered complete for a child. Once a child has reached their Best Fit Threshold for branch 11 in a strand, the Best Fit screen will update to show their completion for branch 12 in that strand instead. By default the Best Fit Threshold will be set to 80%, but you can adjust this by going to the Control Panel (1) > Settings (2) > Assessments (3), clicking the 'Configure' button next to the Cherry Garden Bridging Framework (4) and editing the percentage (5). To access the Best Fit screen you will need to go to Tracking (1) > Cherry Garden Bridging (2), then click the 'Individual View' button under 'Best Fit' (3). You will then need to select a child (1) and a year (2). The child's scores will then show up on a table below, which shows each area (1), strand (2), branch (3) and completion percentage (4). The completion score is based on the number of statements the child has been assessed with and which refinements. The score will go up whenever a child is assessed and a new statement is selected, or if a statement is selected with a higher refinement than a previous assessment. So, for example if a child has had all of the statements for a particular strand a branch ticked, and the highest refinements for each, they would have 100% completion for that strand and branch. As mentioned above, once your best fit threshold has been reached for branch 11, the child will progress onto branch 12 for that strand. Please note that Geometry will begin on branch 12 and does not include branch 11 assessments. This score takes into account all of your observations throughout the year, so you won't need to tick all of the statements on a single observation. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  12. It's possible to view a list of your recorded accidents using our accidents tracking page. We'll start by looking at how to access and use this page. To skip to the section of downloading accident forms to PDF click here. Viewing accidents You can track your accidents by clicking the 'Tracking' tab at the top of the page (1), selecting 'Accidents'(2) then clicking the 'Overview' button (3). At the top of the page you will be able to set a date range (1) and apply an filters (2). Your filters will allow you to search for accidents relating to specific children or groups of children. Once you have set your dates, click 'Submit' (3). You should then see a list of your accidents within the date range you have selected. This will show you a simple overview of your accidents which includes: what led to the incident, the first aid administered, the time of the accident, the time it was signed off, who approved it and who signed it off. Exporting accidents At the top right of the list you will see two options for exporting your accidents for download. You can either export your accident forms or download the accident overview. Selecting the 'Download Overview' option will create a PDF copy of the accident tracking screen you are viewing, so you will be provided with a printable list for the accidents within the date range you have selected, and according to any filters you have set. Selecting 'Export Accident Forms', on the other hand, will allow you to download a separate PDF file for each child containing their accident forms. If you select this option you will be taken to a screen that will allow you to select which children's accident forms you would like to export (1), and a date range (2). By default any children you were viewing on the accident tracking screen will be selected, but you can add or remove children as necessary. The date range will be set from the first recorded accident to the present, but this can also be changed. You can also select the order you would like accidents to appear in your download - either latest to earliest, or earliest to latest (3). Once you are ready click the 'Download PDF' button' (4). Depending on the amount of data to be exported, the files can take a moment before they are ready to download. You can download the files either by clicking the 'View your Downloads' button on the next page (1) or by clicking your name in the top right (2) and selecting 'Your Downloads' (3). Back to Main Tutorials Page
  13. It is possible to reply to observations with another observation. This can be helpful if you would like to add a more in-depth reply than would be possible in a comment (for example if you wanted to include media) or would like to quickly add an observation that is linked to the one you are replying to. We'll look at how to reply to observations with an observation first. To skip ahead to how to enable this for relatives, click here. To do this you will need to go to the main observations list (1) and click to access an observation (2). If you then scroll down to the bottom of the observation you will see the option to reply with an observation. Clicking this will allow you to add a new observation. If you scroll down you will see that the new observation has automatically been linked to the one you selecting to reply to. You can also allow relatives to reply to observations with their own observations. In order to do this you will need to set two user permissions to 'permitted', the permission for relatives to 'Add observations', and to 'Manually add & edit links between pages'. Please note that only managers on Tapestry will be able to do this. You can do this by going to the Control Panel (1) > User Permissions (2) > Relatives (3). The option to 'Add observations will appear under the 'Observations' (4) heading and the option to 'Manually add & edit links between pages' will appear under the 'Page Links' (5) heading. If these options aren't permitted you will just need to click 'Edit' (1) to the right of them then set the default permission to permitted (2), or set individual permissions for relatives if you would prefer (3), then click save (4). You can also find our tutorial on setting your user permission for relatives here. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  14. You can access our continuing professional development (or CPD) courses using your Tapestry login. Please note, currently this is only available to managers and full members of staff on Tapestry and not PIN-only staff. You can do this by logging into Tapestry and clicking the 'CPD' tab in the blue bar at the top of the screen or by going to https://cpd.tapestry.info/. On the CPD home page click 'Log in' (1) in the top right-hand corner and then select to log in with your Tapestry account (2). This will take you to the main Tapestry log in page. You will just need to enter the email address and password for your Tapestry account here, then click the 'log in; button, and you will be directed back to the CPD site. If you are already logged into Tapestry you won't need to enter your login details here, but you will be asked to confirm you are happy to log in with the Tapestry account you are currently using. If you are logging in for the first time you will receive an email from us containing a link that will allow you to confirm your account. If this email doesn't appear in your inbox you may need to check your spam or junk folder. This link will take you back to the CPD site. To return to the main page just click the 'Courses' button. To learn how to navigate around the Tapestry CPD site, you can follow this tutorial here. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  15. It's possible to add your own customisable flag sets to Tapestry, which you will then be able to link to observations and reflections. We'll start by looking at how you can add a new bespoke flag set to Tapestry. To skip to the section on editing, deleting and enabling or disabling bespoke flag sets you have already created, click here. Adding a flag set To add a new bespoke flag set you will first need to go to the Control Panel (1) > Settings (2) > Flags (3), then click 'Add a new set of bespoke flags' (4). On the next page you will be able to select a title for your flag set (1), a short description of your flag set (2) and the default colour (3). Below this you should see the 'Flags' section. You will be able to see any flags you have added and you will have the option to add a flag (1) or to add multiple flags (2). Clicking one of these options will open a pop-up box that will allow you to pick a name for your flag(s) (1) and the colour you would like to use (2). If you do not select a colour here the flags will be show up as the default colour for your flag set. Once you are done click 'Save flag' (3) If you are adding multiple flags at once you will need to separate the name of each flag with a line break. # You should then see your flags appear. If you click the cog icon to the right of one of your flags (1) you will be given the option to edit your flag, add one or more flags within the flag, move or delete the flag. You can also use the arrows to the left of the flag to quickly move it. Adding a flag within a flag, means that the second flag will appear indented under the first flag when you add them to an observation or reflection. You can add multiple flags within a single flag, and you can also add flags within flags within flags, so each layer will appear indented, as shown in the image below. Once you have finished creating your flag set click the 'Save changes' button at the bottom right. You will then be asked if you would like to enable your new flag set. If you are ready to enable the flags you can click the 'Enable now' (1) button. If not you can click 'Cancel' or the 'X' at the top right of the pop-up (2). If you choose to enable the flags now you will be given the option to enable them for observations (1) and/or reflections (2). If you enable them for observations you will also be able to decide whether you would like the flags to be visible to relatives (3). Tick any boxes that apply and then press 'Submit'. Once you have enabled your flag set you should see it appear under the 'Flags' section whenever you add or edit an observation or reflection (depending on whether you enabled the flag set for observations and/or reflections). To learn more about using flags on Tapestry, take a look at this tutorial. Editing, deleting and enabling/disabling flag sets If you would like to make any changes to a flag set, delete a flag set or enable/disable a flag set you can do this by going back to the Flag Settings page (Control Panel > Settings > Flags) and clicking on the 'Bespoke Flag Sets' heading (1). You should then see your saved flags sets and your draft flag sets, if you have any. Draft flags sets are ones you may have been working on but did not complete or save. If you do have any draft flag sets you can continue adding to them or discard them using the buttons to the right (2). This tutorial talks you through draft flag sets in more detail. Next to any saved flag sets you will see buttons to edit, delete and configure the flag set (3). Selecting 'Configure' will allow you to enable or disable the flag set from reflections and observations, or make it visible to relatives when they view observations. Please note that deleting a flag set will delete it permanently, and will remove it from any observations and reflections it had previously been added to. If you believe you may need to use the flag set again in future we would recommend disabling it instead, that way it can always be enabled again later. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  16. Hi Finleysmaid, Thanks for getting back to us, and for bringing that point up. If they are recording accidents we would recommend using our accident forms. However, this depends partly on what exactly they would like to record. For incidents that aren't accidents or any more general information Memos might be more suitable. They are also the closest thing we have to observations that aren't added to the children's journals. Best wishes, Richard
  17. Hi finleysmaid, Accidents won't be added to a child's journal. So if you download a PDF journal for a child who has had an accident recorded, this won't appear in the journal. However, parents will be notified of accidents if they have been marked as having parental responsibility. They will receive a notification when you mark an accident as discussed. Best wishes, Richard
  18. Hi, Thanks for getting in touch with us! Flags are currently available on the most up to date version of the iOS app, and we are currently working on adding them to the Android app. We'd be happy to notify you when they are available on the Android app. If you would like us to keep you updated, would you mind contacting us on our customer service email (customer.service@eyfs.info)? Would you mind clarifying what you mean by the flags are changing depending on staff selections? Any flags that are enabled or disabled will be enabled/disabled for the whole Tapestry package, rather than for individual users - similarly to how our assessment frameworks function. If you have any more questions, would you mind contacting us on customer.service@eyfs.info? This will ensure we are able to reply to you promptly. Best wishes, Richard If you're looking to make the most out of your Tapestry subscription, make sure to check out our tutorials page or email us to arrange a personal online training session with one of our Tapestry experts. You can also follow us on: Twitter: @Tapestry_FSF Facebook: @TapestryLearningJournal YouTube: Tapestry Online Learning Journal
  19. This tutorial is designed for settings that are using the new ELGs. If you are using the previous ELGs, please use this tutorial. This screen can be used to see whether the children have achieved a good level of development across the prime areas of learning. On this screen a child is considered as achieving GLD if they are at 'Expected' across all aspects in the 5 areas. This is calculated using the EYFSP screen. You can find our tutorial on using the EYFSP screen here. You can access the GLD screen by going to the 'Tracking' tab (1), selecting 'ELG 2021' (2), then 'GLD View' (3). At the top of the next page you should see a list of filters you can set. The 'Cohort' filter will be applied automatically (1), but you can change this if you choose, as well as any other filters. You will also be able to change the order the children will appear by using the 'Order' option (2). At the top of the chart you can see the percentage of children reaching GLD for the group you have selected (1). Then in the chart you can see overall whether each child is reaching GLD (2) and whether they are reaching GLD for each of the 5 areas (3). If a child hasn't reached GLD, this will show as a cross (4) and if they are at GLD this will show as a tick (5). Please note for a child to be considered working at GLD, they need to be expected in all areas. If they aren't achieving one of those in an aspect or they aren't assessed in an aspect in an area, they will show as not reaching GLD. If there are no assessments for a child in an area, this will show as a dash (6). Back to Main Tutorials Page
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  20. This tutorial is designed for settings that are using the new ELGs. If you are using the previous ELGs, please use this tutorial. This screen can be used send off your EYFSP submission based on the new ELGs. You can access this by going to the Tracking tab (1), then selecting 'ELG 2021' (2). For now we're going to look at the 'Group View' screen (3). At the top of the next page you should see a list of filters you can set. The 'Cohort' filter will be set automatically (1), but you can change this if you choose, as well as any other filters. You will also be able to change the order the children will appear by using the 'Order' option (2) Once you have selected the group of children you would like to see, you may see a 'Problems' section (1) appear. This tells you if you are missing a child's UPN or postcode and if you have not filled in the URN or Establishment number for your setting. In all cases of missing data you will also have a 'Fix this' button (2) which will take you to the appropriate page to add that to Tapestry. Please note that you won’t be prevented from creating the submission form if you don’t have those details, but they are things that your Local Authority ask for. If you scroll down you will then be able to see the main EYFSP form. This lists the EYPS aspects on the left (1), and the children's names at the top (2). You should see a score listed for each child in each aspect (3). This will be either 'Emerging', 'Expected' or a dash to indicate no score in that aspect. By default these scores will be based on ELG 2021 assessments you have added to observations. If you click on one of the scores you will be shown the details of any assessments contributing to this score. If you would like to change a score you can do so by going to the 'Individual' view (1) at the top of the screen, then selecting the child's name (2). If you then scroll down you will see a similar table to the group view, except you will be able to manually override scores. Once you're done remember to save your changes. If you then go back to the group view you will be able to that any overridden scores have a pencil icon next to them. If you hover over this icon it will tell you which staff member overrode the score, and the date the did so. You can export the file as a CSV (1) or PDF (2) using the buttons on the right-hand side. The CSV version is an excel file and will look like the image shown below. As you can see, any details that are missing (e.g. postcodes) simply won't appear (1). When a file is exported the scores will appear as follows (2): Emerging = 1 Expected = 2 No score = A If you need to make any changes to the spreadsheet before submitting it you will need to save it as a CSV file. This will happen if you just click 'Save' or if you click 'Save As' and set the file type to CSV. The PDF printable version will look like the image shown below. Although you can export it in portrait if you like, we would recommend choosing to export it in landscape. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  21. It is possible to link your Montessori activities to EYLF outcomes on Tapestry. To do this you will need to make sure you have the Montessori assessment framework and Early Years Learning Framework enabled on your account. You can find our tutorial on controlling which assessment frameworks are enabled on your account here. You will then need to begin adding an observation. You can do this from the main observations list (1) by clicking the 'Add Observation' button (2). If you then scroll down to the Assessments section and select a Montessori assessment (1), you will notice that a link icon appears next to the assessment you have chosen (2). If you have both the EYFS and EYLF framework enabled on your account links will appear for each of them. However, we wouldn't generally recommend having both enabled, as EYLF is for Australian provisions and EYFS is for UK settings or international schools. If you click the EYLF button, a pop-up will appear with suggestions for EYLF outcomes related to the activity you have selected. If you tick 'Observed' by an outcome (1) you will then be given the option to select sometimes, usually or always (2), and to tick any statements that apply (3). Once you are done remember to click 'Update EYLF' (4). If you choose to link another activity to EYLF, values that you have already linked will appear with a blue square next to them. Bear in mind that any EYLF outcomes added this way will contribute to your EYLF snapshots. You can also find our tutorial on linking Montessori activities to EYFS statements here. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  22. This tutorial will provide a description of the different statuses an observation can have on Tapestry and how to change the status of an observation. For help with adding observations to Tapestry, please see our tutorial on adding observations. You can navigate to a specific part of this tutorial using the links below. What are the different observation statuses on Tapestry Setting an observation's status Filtering by observation status We'll start by looking at the different statuses available on Tapestry What are the different observation statuses on Tapestry? In Journal - These observations have been published to a child's learning journal and will be visible to the child's relatives when they log into Tapestry. Only managers and staff members or relatives with permission to approve observations can publish observations to be 'in journal'. Not in journal - This is the default status for newly added observations. Staff members and relatives who don't have permission to approve observations will only be able to add observations as 'not in journal'. Observations that haven't been added to the journal won't be visible to relatives, but they will be visible to staff members. This will give you a chance to make any adjustments or have a quick proof read before you make the observations visible to relatives. The exception to this is observations made by relatives, as these will be visible to both staff and the child's relatives before they are added to the journal. Staff Only - These observations are similar to not in journal ones in that they are only visible to staff members and not relatives. However, there are a couple of differences. Firstly, marking an observation as 'staff only' will indicate to the other staff members that it is not a work in progress or waiting to be published, but that it is complete and only intended for staff. Secondly, it is possible to filter by staff only observations, and there are certain screens that will allow you to include staff observations, but not ones that haven't been added to the journal, if you choose to. For example, staff only observations will count towards your assessment and analysis screens by default, but not in journal ones won't unless you specifically enable them to. When exporting a child's journal to PDF for staff, there will also be an option to include staff only observations, but not ones that aren't in the journal. Scheduled - These are observations that are currently not in the journal, but are scheduled to be added to a child's journal at a specific date and time. This can be helpful if you have completed an observation, but would like it to be made visible to relatives at a later date or a certain time. You can find our tutorial on how to schedule posts on Tapestry here. Deleted - When you delete an observation it will remain restorable unless you select to delete it permanently, but it won't be visible to relatives, and staff members won't be able to see it unless they specifically set their filters to include deleted observations. This provides the opportunity to restore any observations deleted by mistake. Only managers and staff members with permission can delete observations. You can find our tutorial on deleting and restoring observations here. Draft - Draft observations are a bit different to the other observation statuses as they only appear on the app. It's also not possible to change any other kind of observation back to a draft observation. Draft observations are stored locally and are tied to both the device and the user who made them, so these observations won't be visible to other staff members. On the app, observations without a title or with no children attached will be stored as drafts. We won't be looking at draft observations in this tutorial, but you can find more information on these in our tutorials on adding observations using the app: How to add an observation on the app - Android How to add an observation on the app - iOS Setting an observation's status Before we go any further, it's worth noting that staff members who aren't managers will only have the ability to publish observations if they have been given permission to do so. If they don't have permission then any observations they add will automatically be added as 'not in journal'. If you would like staff members to be able to publish their own observations, observations made by other staff members or observations made by relatives, you can find our tutorial on setting your user permissions for staff members here. There are a couple of ways you can set the status of an observation. Firstly, you can change the set the status of any new observation you add (1), or any observation you edit (2). When adding or editing an observation there will be a menu to the right that says 'Add to journal' (1), with several options. By default this will be set to 'after manager approval' which means the observation status will be set to 'not in journal', however you will also have the option to add it to the journal 'immediately', for staff only, or to schedule the observation. If you select to schedule the observation, remember to set the creation date to the date you would like it to be published to the journal (2). This tutorial provides further information on scheduling observations. Secondly, you can change the status of any observation that has already been created from the main Observations screen. You can do this by clicking the cog icon to the right of the observation (1). You will then be given a drop-down menu which will allow you to change the observation to any other status other than the one it currently has (2). As the observation in the above screenshot is already in the journal the option to add it to the journal doesn't appear, but if you look at an observation which is not in the journal this option will appear (3). It's also possible to change the status of several in observations at once. To do this you need to select the tick boxes at the end of the rows of the observations you want to update the status for (1). Once you do this you will see a pop-up box in the bottom right-hand corner appear. From there select the appropriate status (2) and then press 'Go' (3). If you want to select all of the observations on the page then you can use the drop-down box to select 'All' (4). By default you'll see 20 observations per page. If you want to increase this number then you can also choose between viewing 50 or 100 per page (5). Filtering by observation status It's also possible to filter your Observations list by observation status. You can do this by clicking 'Filter & Sort Observations' at the top of the list (1), and adjusting the 'Observation Status' filter. You can add statuses by using the dropdown arrow (2) or remove them using the crosses (3). This can be useful, for example, if you are trying to look for a deleted observation, or if you want to see a list of observations which haven't been added to the journal yet. So, those are the different observation statuses that are available on Tapestry and how you can change the status of an observation. I hope you found this tutorial helpful! Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  23. It's possible to add descriptive flags to your observations and reflections. You'll then be able to filter your posts to quickly find observations or reflections containing these flags. If you need any help setting up reflections on your account you can find our tutorial on this here. In this tutorial we will look at how to enable pre-made flag sets on Tapestry, if you want to add your own bespoke flag sets, take a look at this tutorial. To enable flags you'll need to go to the Control Panel (1) > Settings (2) > Flags (3). On the Flag Settings page you can then add your own bespoke flag sets (1) or you can click into one of the headings to enable pre-made flag sets (2). To learn more about creating your own bespoke flags, click here. You will then see a list of flag sets you can enable, as well as whether they are enabled or not for reflections and observations (1). You can see the individual flags available for each flag set by clicking 'View Flags' (2). A box will then pop up with a preview of those flags. To enable any flags click the configure button next to the flags you would like to use. You will then be given the option to enable these flags for observations (1) and once you select to enable it, an additional option of whether you would like them to be visible to relatives appears (2). If you choose not to tick this option, published observations containing flags will still be visible to relatives; they just won't be able to see the flags themselves. If you have Reflections enabled on your account you will also have the option to enable the flag set for them (3). As reflections are never visible to relatives you will not get the option to enable flags for relatives here. Once you're done, click 'Save' (4). The flags settings page will then be updated with any changes you have made. If you would like to quickly enable all flags in a section (for example here we are looking at the United Kingdom - EYFS 2021 section), click the 'Enable all' button at the top right. You'll then be given the option of enabling these flags for staff only (1), or to make them visible to relatives too (2). Either option will enable these flags for both observations and reflections. To then learn how to use flags on Tapestry, take a look at this tutorial. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  24. In this tutorial we'll look at how to set your user permissions for children, which will determine exactly what children are able to do when using our Child Login feature. To enable this feature on your account you just need to follow the instructions in this tutorial. Firstly you will need to go to the Control Panel (1), then User Permissions (2), select the Children tab (3) and click on one of the headings (4). You should then be able to see whether each option is permitted (1) or not permitted (2). To change a permission, click the 'Edit' button (3). Here you will have the ability to set a default permission for all children (1), and you will also have the option to select individual permissions for specific children (2). If you choose to set different permissions for some children, a list of all the children on your account will show, with the option next to each name to either follow the default permission, or to be individually permitted or not permitted to perform this action (1). Once you are done remember to scroll down and click save (2). You will then be taken back to the User Permissions list, where you will be able to see the default permission (1), as well as any individual children who are permitted (2) or not permitted (3) to perform this action. I hope you found this tutorial helpful! Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  25. Hi Alison, Thanks for getting touch with us! I believe I have just responded to your email you sent to our customer service team. Relatives will always be able to see all published observations linked to their children. If you would only like them to be able to see specific observation, and hide the older ones, the best thing to do would be to change the status of the ones you would not like them to be able to see to 'Staff only'. It's easiest to do this from the browser version of Tapestry, by clicking the tick boxes next to the observations you would like to hide and then selecting 'Staff view only' from the menu at the bottom right of the screen. If there are observations for specific children or specific periods you would like to hide, it might help to search for these using the filters at the top of the page. Best wishes, Richard
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