I agree with you! The way I have calculated it seems fair to me and if challenged in the future I have all the information as to why I worked it out this way. The guidance has been confusing for even an accountant to understand, so there should be some flexibility with percentages surely. In February we didn't receive any fees or funding, as our parents pay up front in January and the funding comes in before the start of term in January.
So I took the whole income we have received and will receive in funding from our LA for the whole year, then worked out the total amount of fees and donations we would have received if this year we had stayed open unaffected by closure. I added the two together and then worked out the total divided by the amount of fees/donations- this came to 34%.
I then worked out our total monthly payroll bill total. I worked out 34% of that. Our accountant says we can furlough enough staff up to that total, using the net amount of 80% of their wages. e.g. if someone earns gross £1,000 a month, then only count £800 a month towards the furlough amount. Doing it this way we will manage to furlough 4 staff out of 8 staff. I am sure some will tell me it's not correct way of working it out, but for 3 weeks now I have played around with it, and if I have managed to sleep then my first waking thought is "FURLOUGH!!". So I've had a long chat with our accountant and he feels that this is appropriate and fair, should we be questioned over it in the future.