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Everything posted by Tinytowners

  1. Hi I can understand the lack of space to store sheets (or anything for that matter). It does say in the EYFS to provide enough clean bedding and I don;t think it would be well received if we asked our parents to provide or wash sheets. Our children have individual bags (without handles or drawstrings) for that weeks clean bedding which we keep in a box (like those ikea folding ones) and kept with the beds or on a floating shelf at the other smaller setting. the children use their pictures on these bags to find their own beds and then keep them underneath while they sleep. Hope that helps, theres not many responses on this forum these days
  2. Hi All Has anyone got any solid advice given by either local authority or first aid specialists on whether a nursery should have a 'LifeVac' or anti choking device?
  3. Hi all I have been searching for a room leader for a while now and have had surprisingly little luck. We haven't even been getting many 'bad' cv's let a lone someone getting through to interview stage. Salary is very competitive. I wonder if anyone else has been struggling as well. Thanks Tina
  4. Hi. I think it's not too difficult to do a staff meeting, we have the girls, in groups of their rooms, sitting in seperate areas of the chosen room for the meeting. They bring chairs from their own room and clean them after use. No resources or units are touched and all sanitise hands before entering and leaving room. It's more impotant then ever to have in person meetings with staff to inform them of their duties and to ensure their knowledge is up to date. For the sake of highest possible quality of care for the children.
  5. Tinytowners

    Rule of 6

    Its a tricky one because you need to keep safe but also we all need to get the children in nursery. I think the best route is to go to your adviser at local authority. For us its easy to send a quick email to our early years adviser they are very good at getting back.
  6. this is the type of attitude that is the hardest to reason with. She's only making life harder for herself! Have started passng the child to him (which is lucky that its in a rom which makes it easy to do) however parents have to walk through community centre to get to us and they will stop him soon enough. Next step is to refuse the child.
  7. my worry is if a child is tested positive we'll have to shut the whole nursery down if the bubbles system fails.
  8. so our parents are coming into the nursery only one at a time. The masks are needed as our corridor is less then 2 meters wide, although it's unlikey paths will cross we want to avoid risk if it happens.all our new policies and covid safe practices have been accepted by LA so i'm not worried for that. however this parent, (and others eventually i'm suer) just doesn't want to. I'm yet to speak to him myself I'm hoping he will be reasonable but if not the only alternitive is for us to pass the child to him. As anyone in a nursery office will know 5.30 to 6pm, there is no time to be doing this for multiple children in a 60 + setting.
  9. just refuses to. said he's not dealing with all that!
  10. Tinytowners


    had a local authority meeting with a rep from PHE, she said no sand.
  11. each bubble is all the chidlren in that age group, so all 3 year olds no matter their schedule are in that group and do not mix with the other group when they are in. (although as soon as you hand them back to the parents they immediatly start playing with each other outside nursery)
  12. HI just saw your post, hope its not too late to reply I run my nursery out of a community centre for last 10 years. Since reopening in June, we have been the only group to use the centre apart from their admin and community staff in their front office. They haven't put any restrictions on us. I hve kept them in the loop with all our canges and the basics of the guildlines and they hav been happy with it. Since September, we have social distancing markers on the floor outside our part of the building and are inforcing the wearing of masks for parents and staff in sections open to the public. They did mention to me that their areas have maximum capacity andany rooms that are shared space needs masks, which does not apply to our part of the buiding. I recomend showing them the actions for nurseries guildlines and make it clear that its for the community (that usually works for me) I hope his helps Tina
  13. hi all just a quick one.. Has anyone had a parent refuse to wear a mask, not due to health issues?
  14. i have but they only run in term time. but thank you for the idea
  15. ooh that's interesting. Can I ask where you advertised for someone like that? Also we were with Nursery Catering Company a while ago and I completely agree with you description of them. I have them as back up but really do want fresh food.
  16. Hi all I'm in a bind, hoped someone can help. Been having lots of problems with my catering company lately such as missing diatery meals or getting orders wrong. Then last week was the last straw. We opened that days tea container only to find 2 foreign objects lying directly on the food. I couldn't believe my eyes. So now I need someone new. Can anyone suggest a catering company that delivers fresh daily food other then Zebedees or yum Yum as they are expensive and we are a small independant nursery. We are based in London Thank you in advance
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