Hello everyone, thanks for sharing your thoughts about the new guidance which I am leading on for DFE.
I think it's really positive to see the recognition that there are positive changes e.g. the addition of self-regulation and executive function, having a less prescriptive document. However less prescription, as colleagues have noted, means more emphasis on the professional skills and understanding of our teams. Not everyone benefitted from the sort of initial training/qualification that perhaps we'd like to see and that leaves managers and leaders with an important (but necessary) challenge.
How are colleagues feeling about the need to think ahead about professional development for teams/members, whilst also balancing a lot of immediate challenges around funding, day-to-day operation. Here at Sheringham Nursery School - where I'm grabbing lunch and logging on at the same time - it's definitely difficult to find time to think ahead. On the other hand, it's important to keep positive and optimistic about the future and keep everyone learning. We've had a lot of success with bite-size online professional development. What do others think?