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Everything posted by FSFRebecca

  1. For us, the main issue was that EYrs has always been 'tacked on' in other announcements - "schools must .... schools must .... oh, yes and nurseries" There has been a distinct lack of mentions for our childminding community as well, even when they do remember to mention nursery settings! Some of the things that have been sent out in the guidance simply don't apply to our kind of provisions e.g that when we create the small groups of children they should stay the same all week - works fine if your children come all week, but if they come for 2 and a half days it doesn't work. The guidance has been released 'out of hours' so there has been a sense of panic created The initial communication regarding funding/fees was confusing and so owners made decisions based on inaccurately interpreted information and the consequences of this confusion have been costly
  2. We've separated all our tables and some children will eat in their rooms - usually we have eveyone together in our 'dining room' (big space in the middle). We've got 6 groups and (3+3+4+6+8+10). We've put rainbow labels on our tables to show children where to sit
  3. We've been open throughout the period and I'm happy to share what we have put in place to prepare for reopening - too many things to put in one list as it's pretty overwhelming - but if you ask me the question .... I'll tell you what I've done and how I've risk assessed it. If it's helpful ...
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