I have to say I had a bit of a wobble on Friday, thinking about September. We had been outside for the majority of the week until Friday and it was a big reality hit when the weather turned cold and wet and we were indoors more. The bubbles really came into play. In our Pre-school Room we had two bubbles with six in one and seven in the other with a member of staff for each bubble. It was really exhausting - the endless handwashing, cleaning, toileting then handwashing again. It seemed like there was little time to play with the children and we weren't even attempting EYFS/observations etc. I started to wonder how on earth we would do this on full numbers. We really needed an extra adult, but obviously you can't have one adult floating between two bubbles, so it would need two which just isn't viable. By 2.30pm we only had one child left in one bubble. Luckily, she went home at 3pm but if she had been staying until 6pm when we close, what would we have done? I can't see the guidance changing by September but am keeping everything crossed that the rates of infection continue to drop and some of the measures can be lifted.