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  1. In this tutorial we'll cover how to navigate and use the Care Diary on the iOS app. Please note this feature is only available on app versions 5.0.0 or above and only on devices running iOS 15 or higher. Care Diary Interface: Once you have enabled the Care Diary (see our tutorial here to do this), you'll access it on the app by tapping the 'Care Diary' tab at the bottom of the app. If you have the Accidents Only feature enabled then 'Care Diary' is replaced with 'Accidents'. The Care Diary interface shows a list of children currently visible to you. You can scroll down the page, search for children by name (1), or use the filters (2) to narrow down the list. The date button (3) shows the date currently selected and you can use the back and forward arrows to view the next and previous days, or tap the current date to bring up a calendar to select other dates. The date that is selected will set the default date of Care Diary entries you add, and controls which existing entries or comments you can view. To view the entries or comments for a particular child tap on 'entries' or 'comments' (4). For more detail about "comments" you can read this tutorial here. Two situational buttons appear when there are accidents requiring action (5) and draft Care Diary entries (6, please see our tutorial on this here). The last thing to note is the option to add drinks that are available throughout the day (7). Now you've had an overview of the interface, you are ready to add entries. It's worth bearing in mind you can choose the entry type you want to add first, then select the child(ren) the entry is for. Alternatively, select one or more children, then choose the entry type. The most straightforward way to add an entry is to tap the 'add entry' button at the bottom of the interface (1). You can then choose from the following types of entry: Meal (1), Toileting (2), Sleep Check (3), Milk Feed (4), Accident (5), General Log (6). The different types are covered later on in the tutorial. If you would would like to select a single child or multiple children just 'tap' on each child you want to select (a tick will appear by their profile picture when they are selected) and then 'add entry' (1). Another way to add an entry for a particular child is to open their entries screen. On smaller devices tap on the '...' menu and select 'entries' (1), or just 'entries' on larger screen devices, then on the child's list of entries tap on 'add entry for [child name]' (3). Adding multiple child entries: It is possible to record an entry for multiple children simultaneously. Once you've finished working on the entry for a group of children, it is saved as individual entries for each selected child and does not link to the other children. To start, simply select more than one child from the list of children in the Care Diary interface (pictured earlier in the tutorial) or if you select the type of entry you want to add first, in the below example a General Log, you can add multiple children using the 'add children' buttons (1): Tap on the children you want to add for this entry (1) and select 'Done' (2): When you have added multiple children to the entry you can fill in the information fields, which will vary by the type of entry selected (see earlier in the tutorial for the different types of entry it is possible to add). In the next example, everything entered into the red highlighted area (1) will be recorded as the same for all the children added to the entry, so this is a great way to produce entries for different children that will have very similar information. For example, recording lunch after a group of children have all had the same meal together. Every child is different so it's likely you'll want to make some tweaks to each child's entry that will apply only to that child. To do this, tap on one of the children in the list (2): This will then open up an entry screen just for the child selected (Abby Johnson). You can then change any of the fields you need to, and then press 'Update Draft' (2) to save the changes. If you no longer want to make an entry for this child and remove them from the multiple child entry, you can tap 'No longer make an entry for [child]' (3): Once you've saved the changes for individual children, you will see that they are reflected in the list of names added to the entry. In this case we can see Abby has different information in her entry to the other children (1). When you are happy with the entries for all the children you can tap on 'Save' (2), which will save the entry. Bear in mind that after you save the entry it will become separate individual entries for each of the selected children, so any edits or changes you need to make must be done individually after this point. Types of Entry: Meal You can select from a pre-set meal name (1) (which you can add from your Control Panel) and add the child's food (2). Clicking on the 'All' drop-down (3) will allow you to change the amount that was eaten for each food item . You can add a drink (4), set the quantity of their drink in numeric values (5), and change the type of measurement if desired (6). If you'd like to add additional information then you can do this in the bottom box (7). Once you've filled out the meal entry you can add this by tapping 'Done' (8). Otherwise, you can tap 'Cancel' to discard the entry or save it as a draft (9). Toileting When adding a Toileting entry you can toggle detail options for Nappy (1), Potty (2), and/or Toilet (3). If you want to specify anything outside of these toggled options then this can be done in the 'Additional information' box (4). Once you're done you can add this entry by tapping 'Done' (5). Otherwise, you can tap 'Cancel' to discard the entry or save it as a draft instead (6). Sleep Check You can record the sleep condition (1) and location (2) for the selected children. Instead of having just one time for the entry, Sleep Check entries have a start and end time (3), which you can tap to change. As usual, you can add additional information (4) and then tap 'done' once complete (5), or you can tap 'Cancel' to discard the entry or save it as a draft instead (6). Uniquely among entry types, Sleep Checks can also be quickly recorded using the 'Bed Toggle' option on the main Care Diary interface. Simply tap to select one or more children in the list, and you should see the 'Bed Toggle' icons (or single icon on smaller devices) appear. Tap on the 'In Bed' icon to quickly record a child has been put to bed. Once you've toggled the child as 'In Bed' you should see a bed icon by their profile picture which shows that they are recorded as being in bed: When you are ready to record a child as not in bed, you can simply select them in the main list of children and tap the 'Got out of bed' icon (1). Once you've done this a sleep check entry for the child will have been created, which you can view by tapping on 'entries' for a child (2) Milk Feed You can type or select an auto-complete milk feed (1) and add the quantity (2). You can change the unit of measurement between ml and oz using the toggle if required (3). Any extra information can be added to the 'Additional info' box (4). Once you've filled out the milk feed entry you can add this by tapping 'Done' (5). Otherwise, you can tap 'Cancel' to discard it or save it as a draft instead (6). Accident When adding an accident, you can detail what happened (1), along with information about the type of first aid administered (2) and who it was administered by (3). If there are already first aiders assigned you'll see them just below (4). Any additional information can be entered at the bottom (5). As always, you can save the entry by tapping 'Done' (5). This tutorial will show you how to approve accidents and mark them as discussed. General Log The general log allows you to enter a general entry for your child(ren), so you can give the entry a name (1) and add information about it (2). General logs have a start and end time (3) which will default to the same time. Tap on each time value to change this to a different time where applicable. Once this entry is completed it can be saved by tapping 'Done' (4), or tap 'Cancel' to discard it or save it as a draft (5). Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  2. I'm pleased to let you know that the Care Diary is now available for staff to use on the latest version of the Tapestry Android app (4.2.0), which should be downloadable from the Google Play Store. We are also working on giving parents access to the Care Diary via the app on both platforms, but it's not yet available for parent users unfortunately. After you’ve updated to the latest version, please see these guides to use the Care Diary on the app: Adding Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding an accident on the Android app Draft Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding Care Diary comments on the Android app Viewing, editing and deleting an entry on the Android app Please let us know how you find it and if you have any problems using it. If you only have iOS devices, I'm afraid that the update isn't yet available for apple users, we're still working on this. If this is the case please let me know if you'd like to be contacted again when the same update is released for iOS in the future.
  3. I'm pleased to let you know that this feature is now available for staff to use on the latest version of the Tapestry Android app (4.2.0), which should be downloadable from the Google Play Store. We are also working on giving parents access to the Care Diary via the app on both platforms, but it's not yet available for parent users unfortunately. After you’ve updated to the latest version, please see these guides to use the Care Diary on the app: Adding Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding an accident on the Android app Draft Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding Care Diary comments on the Android app Viewing, editing and deleting an entry on the Android app Please let us know how you find it and if you have any problems using it. If you only have iOS devices, I'm afraid that the update isn't yet available for apple users, we're still working on this. If this is the case please let me know if you'd like to be contacted again when the same update is released for iOS in the future.
  4. I'm pleased to let you know that this feature is now available for staff to use on the latest version of the Tapestry Android app (4.2.0), which should be downloadable from the Google Play Store. We are also working on giving parents access to the Care Diary via the app on both platforms, but it's not yet available for parent users unfortunately. After you’ve updated to the latest version, please see these guides to use the Care Diary on the app: Adding Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding an accident on the Android app Draft Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding Care Diary comments on the Android app Viewing, editing and deleting an entry on the Android app Please let us know how you find it and if you have any problems using it. If you only have iOS devices, I'm afraid that the update isn't yet available for apple users, we're still working on this. If this is the case please let me know if you'd like to be contacted again when the same update is released for iOS in the future.
  5. I'm pleased to let you know that this feature is now available for staff to use on the latest version of the Tapestry Android app (4.2.0), which should be downloadable from the Google Play Store. We are also working on giving parents access to the Care Diary via the app on both platforms, but it's not yet available for parent users unfortunately. After you’ve updated to the latest version, please see these guides to use the Care Diary on the app: Adding Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding an accident on the Android app Draft Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding Care Diary comments on the Android app Viewing, editing and deleting an entry on the Android app Please let us know how you find it and if you have any problems using it. If you only have iOS devices, I'm afraid that the update isn't yet available for apple users, we're still working on this. If this is the case please let me know if you'd like to be contacted again when the same update is released for iOS in the future.
  6. It's taken a while but I'm pleased to let you know that this feature is now available for staff to use on the latest version of the Tapestry Android app (4.2.0), which should be downloadable from the Google Play Store. We are also working on giving parents access to the Care Diary via the app on both platforms, but it's not yet available for parent users unfortunately. After you’ve updated to the latest version, please see these guides to use the Care Diary on the app: Adding Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding an accident on the Android app Draft Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding Care Diary comments on the Android app Viewing, editing and deleting an entry on the Android app Please let us know how you find it and if you have any problems using it. If you only have iOS devices, I'm afraid that the update isn't yet available for apple users, we're still working on this.
  7. I'm pleased to say that this feature is now available for staff to use on the latest version of the Tapestry Android app (4.2.0), which should be downloadable from the Google Play Store. We are also working on giving parents access to the Care Diary via the app on both platforms, but it's not yet available for parent users unfortunately. After you’ve updated to the latest version, please see these guides to use the Care Diary on the app: Adding Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding an accident on the Android app Draft Care Diary entries on the Android app Adding Care Diary comments on the Android app Viewing, editing and deleting an entry on the Android app Please let us know how you find it and if you have any problems using it. If you only have iOS devices, I'm afraid that the update isn't yet available for apple users, we're still working on this. If this is the case please let me know if you'd like to be contacted again when the same update is released for iOS in the future.
  8. In this guide we'll show you how to adjust your Tapestry CPD notifications to suit your personal preference. You can choose what you are notified about and whether you are notified via website notifications, email notifications or both. It's worth bearing in mind before we start that Tapestry CPD notifications are completely separate to your notifications settings for Tapestry if you have a Tapestry account. Please see this guide to change your Tapestry notification preferences. To start with, sign in to Tapestry CPD at https://cpd.tapestry.info, or by signing into Tapestry and clicking the 'CPD' button in the blue bar at the top of the screen. Once you have the CPD site open, click on your name or avatar picture in the top right hand corner to open the drop down menu: In the drop down menu select 'Preferences' You'll then see a list of preferences appear on the left hand side of the screen. Select 'Notification preferences' from the list: On the notification preferences screen all the options save automatically after you make changes. You can disable all types of Tapestry CPD Notification by ticking the 'Disable Notifications' option (1) Notifications delivered through the website (Web) are controlled in the first column on the right (2) and notifications delivered via email (Email) are controlled via the second column on the right (3). Click directly on 'Off' in the appropriate column to turn a notification 'On' and click directly on 'On' to change a notification to 'Off'. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  9. Hi there! In this tutorial I will talk you through how to create a Two Year Check report for the EYFS 2021. The report format is quite similar to creating an EYFS 2021 Report, but you'll notice that there are fewer sections, and there is no option to record CoETL as this is not required for the 2 Year Check. If you would like to record this you could use the EYFS 2021 report template and just record the prime areas. You can't access the EYFS 2021 Two Year Check report unless the EYFS 2021 flags are active on your Tapestry account. If you are not already using the flags, please follow this guide to enable them. To create a new report, you will need to login to your Tapestry account via the browser version at https://tapestryjournal.com/. You'll then need to click on the 'Reports' tab near the top of the page (1). You should then see your 'Reports Overview' tab (2). Here you can choose the framework for your report, which you select from the 'Add Report' section, in this case we will be selecting 'EYFS 2021 Two Year Check' (3). Once you have selected the 'EYFS 2021 Two Year Check' report and chosen the child you'll be writing the report on, you will be taken to this screen: First, you'll need to add a title as reports can't be saved without a title (1). You'll also see that there is an 'Options' box (2) containing the 'Status' of the report, which by default will be set to 'draft' and the 'Date' the report was created, you can change these as you need. There are three different types of ‘status’ for a report, these are: Draft – You can save a report as a draft whilst you are still working on it. Relatives will not be able to see these. Published – Once a report is published, relatives can then view them. Staff only – This shows the report is complete but only staff members can see them. Below this, you will see the 'Child' section (3), this includes the 'Date of Entry to Setting', their 'Date of Birth' and their 'Age in Months at Check', these will all be automatically filled in. If you don't want to include certain fields in the report or you want to hide the Child section entirely, you can use the 'Hide Field' or 'Hide Section' button respectively. Next you will see Progress in the Early Years Foundation Stage section where you can write about the Prime Areas of learning in a narrative way, and record how the child is doing developmentally in each of those areas: In the Future Learning Opportunities section you can record Next Steps or the child's interests, which can be used to support the child's development. Next you have: 1) Child Voice: If you want to record something the child has said about their learning, this can be added here. 2) Relative Contribution: If the relative has a comment about the report or additional learning information from home add this here 3) Staff Who Contributed to the report: Below those sections, you'll see the 'Signatures' section (1), here the Key Person, Relative and Manager can sign the report. Please note, a staff member or manager would be able to sign on a relative's behalf. The next section will be where you can add any media to your report (2), this will allow you to add photos, videos or audio files and documents e.g. PDFs. Once you're happy with everything, click 'Save Report' or 'Save and Add Another' and you're all done! (3) On the next page, you will see the finished version of the Report where you can add any comments. If you want to make your report visible to relatives, you just need to follow this tutorial. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  10. Hi Chelledam! Mouseketeer is right that it's likely down to the notification settings your parents have set. 'Immediate' notifications go out as soon as you create the obs and would be the best option for your parents the moment. 'Daily' notifications usually go out late at night or early the next morning to take advantage of our servers being quieter. It's not possible for you to see what notification settings each parent has set, you can only view and change the default notification settings for parents, and reset parents to those defaults. After you do that parents are free to change the notifications as they prefer. To change the defaults please see this guide: Setting default notification preferences for relatives Please note that some parents may not appreciate having their settings changed without prior consent. If you'd like to advise parents on how to update their own notifications to immediate please see these this guide: Setting your own notification preferences I hope that helps!
  11. This guide will briefly explain how to use the Switch User function on the Android version of Tapestry. A guide for doing this with the browser version of Tapestry can be found here. This feature is intended for settings where several staff users share a device or devices. It's a quick way to change to a different staff user without logging out and entering your email address and password. This is distinct from the Switch School feature, which is meant for a single user accessing multiple Tapestry accounts on the same device. One you've logged into the Tapestry app, press 'You' at the bottom (1) of the screen. On the 'You' menu press Lock screen (2). You'll then be taken to the PIN Lock screen. You'll also start here if you locked your device using the lock button or picked up the device after another staff member used it. Tap the chevron by the staff member's name to bring up the list of staff. Swipe up and down to navigate through the staff list, and tap on the staff member you want to sign in with. If it's a long list, you can also type the name into the Search box. Once you've selected the right staff user, enter the PIN to login. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  12. This guide will show you how to log in and switch between multiple Tapestry accounts using the Tapestry Android app. In this context 'Tapestry account' refers to a single Tapestry subscription where children, staff and relatives are registered. We don't mean the login details held by individual users. This feature can save you time because you won't need to press 'Logout' to open a completely different Tapestry account. You can now use your PIN to switch between two or more Tapestry accounts. This feature is useful for: A relative user who has children attending two or more settings that use Tapestry A relative user who has children in multiple Tapestry accounts at the same setting There are some limitations so it's worth knowing what usage this won't work for. There are no danger in ignoring this advice, it will just not work correctly! Do not use if: You are a parent user and a staff user within one Tapestry account You are a relative user and share the same device with another relative user who has separate login details You are trying to do anything involving multiple logins within a single Tapestry account Using the feature 1) Make sure you have the latest Tapestry Android app installed on your device (Version 4.0.3 or above). This can be found via the Google Play Store or Amazon app store. If you have 'Tapestry Classic' installed (versions 3.0 to 3.2.22 ) this feature won't be available, and you can't auto update to 4.0.3. You need to delete this older version of Tapestry and download the new app from the links above. 2) Sign into Tapestry using one of the Tapestry accounts you want to be able to switch between. In this case we are logging into 'Tapestry Nursery' with the relative 'Tim Higgins': 3) When you have logged into the first Tapestry account you need to press the 'You' button to open the 'You Menu', and then select 'Lock Screen': As an alternative to step 3) you can use your device's lock button, and then unlock the screen again. When you open Tapestry again it should take you to the PIN Lock screen automatically. 4) On the PIN lock screen you may notice that the 'Switch School / nursery / child minder' option has appeared. It's important that you don't tap this yet because Tapestry needs to record a successfully PIN login with your first Tapestry account before the feature will work. Just enter your PIN to login code and repeat step 3) again. 5) Once you have logged in using your PIN at least once you can then press the 'Switch School / nursery / child minder' button: On the next screen you will only see the first Tapestry account set up (Tapestry Nursery) and the option to add a new Tapestry login. More accounts will appear here once you have logged in to them. Tap on 'New Tapestry Login' to proceed. Login to the second Tapestry account you want to access. In this case we will be logging into 'Tapestry School' Via the you menu return to the PIN lock screen again: 6) Login to the second Tapestry account using your PIN 7) This takes you to where you can see the two different accounts (Tapestry Nursery and Tapestry School). Tapping on either will take you to the PIN login screen for that account. The different logins will remain active for switching indefinitely until you press 'Logout' for each Tapestry account, or clear saved data from the app. Back to contents page
  13. This guide will show you how to log in and switch between multiple Tapestry accounts using the Tapestry Android app (Version 4.0.1 and above). This is different from the Switch User feature which is intended for staff at one setting who share devices. In this context 'Tapestry account' refers to a single Tapestry subscription where children, staff and relatives are registered. We don't mean the login details held by individual users. This feature can save you time because you won't need to press 'Logout' to open a completely different Tapestry account. You can now use your PIN to switch between two or more accounts. This feature is useful for: A staff user who regularly uses several Tapestry accounts on the same device A staff user who is is registered as staff at one setting, and as a relative user at another setting (or different Tapestry account) A relative user who has children attending two or more settings that use Tapestry A relative user who has children in multiple Tapestry accounts at the same setting There are some limitations so it's worth knowing what usage this won't work for. There are no danger in ignoring this advice, it will just not work correctly! Do not use if: You are a staff user and a parent user within one Tapestry account You are a staff user and you use multiple logins for a single Tapestry account - Use Switch User instead! You are a relative user and share the same device with another relative user who has separate login details You are trying to do anything involving multiple logins within a single Tapestry account Using the feature 1) Make sure you have the latest Tapestry Android app installed on your device (the latest version is 4.2.1). This can be found via the Google Play Store or Amazon app store. If you have 'Tapestry Classic' installed (versions 3.0 to 3.2.22 ) this feature won't be available, and you can't auto update to 4.2.1. You need to delete this older version of Tapestry and download the new app from the links above. 2) Sign into Tapestry using one of the Tapestry accounts you want to be able to switch between. In this case we are logging into 'Lewes Nursery': 3) When you have logged into the first Tapestry account you need to press the 'You' button, and then select 'Lock Screen': As an alternative to step 3) you can use your device's lock button, and then unlock the screen again. When you open Tapestry again it should take you to the PIN Lock screen automatically. 4) On the PIN lock screen you may notice that the 'Switch School/nursery/childminder' option has appeared. It's important that you don't tap this yet because Tapestry needs to record a successfully PIN login with your first Tapestry account before the feature will work. Just enter your PIN to login code and repeat step 3) again. 5) Once you have logged in using your PIN at least once you can then press the 'Switch School/nursery/childminder' button: 6) On the next screen you will only see the first Tapestry account set up (Lewes Nursery) and the option to add a new Tapestry login. More accounts will appear here once you have logged in to them. Tap on 'New Tapestry Login' to proceed. And login to the second Tapestry account you want to access. In this case we will be logging into 'Tapestry Nursery'. 7) Via the 'You' menu return to the PIN lock screen again: 8) Login to the second Tapestry account using your PIN 9) When you return to the PIN lock screen now select 'Switch school/nursery/childminder' 10) This takes you to where you can see the two different accounts (Lewes Nursery and Tapestry Nursery). Tapping on either will take you to the PIN login screen for that account. 11) And that's it! You can select 'Switch school/nursery/childminder' again to go back and forth between the different accounts. The different logins will remain active for switching indefinitely until you press 'Logout' for each Tapestry account, or clear saved data from the app. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  14. Hi Sally, I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying using the Care Diary. I'm afraid we don't have a specific section to add medicine forms. This is something we are looking into adding as part of a future management system update so I have recorded your interest in this particular feature. Would you like us to message you if we are able to add this down the road? One thing you could do in the meantime is have your template medicine form in the documents section and parents could download it from there, fill it in and return it to you in the appropriate manner, though you would probably have to store the completed forms off Tapestry. Setting up the Documents Feature How to use the Documents feature I hope that makes sense, if you need any further help don't hesitate to email us via customer DOT service @ eyfs DOT info
  15. Hi @TraceyApps, Welcome to the forum! I think what you are asking for is currently within Tapestry if you are talking about observations. If you'd like staff to be notified when a parent comments on an observation you can use the 'Observation Reply' notification setting. If you want to keep up to date you may want this set to 'immediate' notification rather than 'Daily' or 'Weekly'. You can also combine this with the notification setting 'Only send me notifications about my key children, or changes to observations I authored '. Please see this guide to set this up: Setting your own notification preferences Parents also have access to the 'Observation Reply ' notification option, they can set this themselves or you can change the defaults for all your relatives: Setting default notification preferences for relatives I hope this helps! If this is not what you had in mind please do let us know.
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