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About millhill

  • Birthday 26/02/1974

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  1. Thank you Jules for the reply and for considering my request. I have read Helen's article and as mentioned in my previous post, I also don't agree with tick lists for the DMs. In my school we have never used Tapestry for tracking children's learning based on the tick list approach, I have always respected my staff's professional judgement. However, my staff would like the option to record the areas of learning covered in an observation, to keep track of the breadth of the children's learning experiences across the year.
  2. Thanks for the update. I have never agreed with using DMs as a tick list. I also did not like the fact that we had no choice but to select a DMs statement on Tapestry when assessing an observation. What I would like is to be able to have an overview of which areas of learning have been observed for each child. It would simply be assessments for the 7 areas of learning with no refinements, no statements, just the area. It's quite frustrating that we have nothing to use as an assessment at the moment.
  3. Is it possible to add assessments just for the areas of learning with no age refinements so we can keep track of the areas of learning we have observed for each child? At the moment we cannot add assessments for our observations because we have to add an age band for the 2012 DMs
  4. Excellent. Thanks 👍
  5. Hello, Now the DfE have released the ELGs and will soon publish a revised Development Matters, will Tapestry be updating their systems for early adopter schools?
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