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Lauren last won the day on April 11 2024

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  1. Managers can now enable MFA for all managers, all staff, and/or all relatives from within the control panel. Provided that the user’s email is secure and available, this can help to prevent a stolen or guessed password from being used to access a Tapestry account. Once enabled, when a user first logs in with their email and password, they will be emailed an authentication code that they must enter in order to continue with their login. They will need to complete the process of receiving and entering a code every 30 days and whenever they login from a new IP address. Note PIN only users cannot receive an emailed code, but do still need a staff or manager user to fully log in and switch user before they can access Tapestry using their PIN. Our 'How to use MFA' tutorial explains how to enable MFA on your account:
  2. We have released another update for iphone and ipad users. This is another very small update without any new features, but it should improve your overall experience with the app.
  3. We have released another update for iphone and ipad users. This update includes some changes behind the scenes to improve your experience. It also paves the way for 2 new features - both of which are lined up to be released fairly soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
  4. From today, when a new account is logged into for the first time or when a new manager first logs into an existing Tapestry, they will see a 'setup checklist'. This is a list of some of the most important elements of a Tapestry account e.g. Features, user permissions, and contact details. New managers should check they are all set up in the way that works best for their school, early years setting, or childminding business. All the items in the checklist are available in the control panel.
  5. You can now export your register data (for children and for staff) in CSV files. You'll find that within the Booking section - in Exports > Register.
  6. Once a manager has added a phone number and/or collection password for a relative, those will appear on the relative's profile page under User Details.
  7. This is the latest update to the iOS app. This is for those of you using the Tapestry app on Apple phones and tablets. As well as a few tweaks and improvements, this release includes the ability to view, add, and remove Body Maps.
  8. A few new small additions/tweaks have been added to our Invoicing feature. Users can now: - manually set the invoice date and invoice due date when creating an invoice, - create payments for inactive children, - add funded hours to the booking and billing data exports, - see an "as of" date for the account balances shown on invoices.
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  9. Today we have released our ‘Messaging’ feature for the apps and the browser! This new feature will allow 1 to 1 direct conversations between a staff member and either a relative, or another staff member. A few things to know: Users can receive notifications, including push notifications to their devices, when they receive a new message. Managers will be able to see all conversations. They will be able to delete messages from conversations they are not a part of, but they cannot add their own messages into a conversation between 2 other people. Users will be able to see a date stamp for when messages were sent and received, and will see ‘seen’ and a date stamp when a message they have sent has been read. Managers can disable it for all/specific relatives and staff within the User Permissions section of the Control Panel. Too see some pictures and find out a bit more, take a look at our Messaging Feature page. Managers will see the icon for it on the browser version of Tapestry automatically, but they will have to specifically enable it for it to: appear for staff and relatives, to show up on the apps, and for people on their account to start using it.
  10. This latest release for apple users is just a small one to fix a crash we could see for parent/relative users when they tried to access care dairy notifications.
  11. This long awaited update includes the Care Diary (for staff and relatives) and the Register! We’ve also made a design change to fit those in – a new menu bar at the bottom of the screen. You can read more about the Care Diary and Register features on our tapestry.info website. This version is only compatible with devices running iOS 15 or above. Most of you will be able to upgrade to that even if you’re only on iOS 13 or 14 currently, but unfortunately it does mark the end of our support for very old apple devices (iphones and ipads from 2014 or earlier and all ipod touches except the ipod touch 7).
  12. Data about the invoices you generate on Tapestry for your parents and carers can now be exported in bulk. You will choose the date range and the children you'd like the export to cover, and Tapestry will generate an excel file which includes: - Invoice numbers - Invoice dates (create, due, and period covered) - Child name - Amount - Current Status - Whether it has been paid You can include a summary line item as well if you choose.
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  13. We have teamed up with a publisher, Group Hugs, to offer professionally printed copies of children’s journals. Prices start at £14.95 + postage and can be purchased by the schools and settings or by parents and carers directly. When managers on a Tapestry account export PDF copies of the journals for parents and carers, the relatives will see an option to purchase a printed copy of the journal, alongside the existing option to download the PDF copy for free. Relatives, schools, and settings can also order printed journals by uploading PDF copies to Group Hugs. This is particularly useful when it comes to ordering backdated copies. In a few weeks you will also be able to purchase multiple copies at once. You can see more information and the full price list on our tapestry.info website.
  14. Today we have released a Summative Assessment screen for Bespoke Frameworks. That joins the Thoroughness screens in the Tracking menu. Those of you who have added one or more Bespoke Frameworks can use this screen to: View and monitor attainment for each child in each period. You’ll be able to see the assessments that have already been made. This is shown via a tick next to the parts of your framework that have been selected, and a drop down displaying the most recently chosen scale. You’ll also be able to tap on ‘Show Details’ to see a list of the corresponding observations and any overrides that have been made in this period. Override any assessments you think need updating, and add quick new assessments. You can use the tick boxes and scale drop downs to make assessments – these can be overrides of existing ones or filling in gaps. You can add as many assessments as you like in one go, but they will have to be per child. Once you have saved your assessments, a new ‘staff only’ observation will be created to act as a record – that way you will be able to easily see who added the assessments and when. You can edit those observations to add any notes or evidence if you’d like. Lock each period for each child. If a period is not quite over yet, but you don’t want any further observations made during it to impact what is recorded in the summative assessment screen, you can ‘Lock’ it. Export data to CSV or PDF. This is our latest monitoring screen for bespoke frameworks, but it won’t be last! The next one is most likely to focus on progress. If you have requests for what you’d like to see in that, please get in touch – customer.service@eyfs.info. The Bespoke Frameworks feature is available to all Tapestry users as part of your subscription. To see more about it please take a look at our Bespoke Framework feature page.
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  15. A new Android app update is now out (version 5.1). This is for those of you using the Tapestry app on Android and Amazon Fire devices. There's nothing terribly exciting in this update, but it does fix a few minor bugs and does include some prep work for the next release - which will include new functionality!
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