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Everything posted by nomski100
It went very well😀. Even though I didn’t sleep and was at the nursery at 4am unpacking!!
So I’m closing my nursery next Wednesday and opening new setting at new address in Jan 2025( already got registration certificate) I get a call today for Ofsted to say they inspectingbcurrent setting tomorrow even though closing next Wednesday!! Totally crazy! I have already packed up most of my equipment and moved some too!!
We have unfortunately been given notice to leave the premises we run our nursery from. The date they have given us is the last day of term 20th December. ( bang goes my Christmas!) In the 3 weeks of receiving the notice I have found another property to rent( almost double the rent we were paying😩) Now the issue I have is we have to move all our equipment out on the last day of term as the children will still be there on that day! I will be calling Ofsted to explain that we will be having a change of address ( different postcode same borough) and then complete whatever forms I need too. Is it going to be a whole new registration and How long are Ofsted currently taking to inspect premises to open as a nursery? Or is it different for a change of address ( praying is easier😬) Do you have to have all equipment/furniture set up for when they come? If so I don’t know how I could possibly do this if I still need to continue running from the premises I’m still at! I’m hoping that some of the children will move to the new premises so would need to close 20th December and open new nursery at the beginning of January 2025. could I show them photos of all my equipment to get the new registration or do I have to be fully set up🧐.
It came out after 4pm today
We are getting funding😀😀😀🎂🎂🎂 DfE confirms children who would normally be attending an open early years setting should be included in next week's census The Department for Education has published new guidance for local authorities and early years providers explaining how to record funded early years places for the early years census in light of the impact of Covid-19. The guidance, which was sent to councils today, states that for providers who are currently open, the Department has taken the view that "where a child is reasonably expected to attend Early Years provision, and that provision is made available to them by the provider, their expected hours should be recorded in the Early Years Census. "This means children who, were it not for the impact of coronavirus on either their own personal circumstances or on the operation of their Early Years setting, would be attending Early Years provision. This includes children who have previously attended the provision and children who were expected to start attending the provision in January." The guidance states that local authorities and providers should record the expected weekly hours a child usually would have received in situations where the child is: self-isolating due to exposure to coronavirus (usually a period of 10 days) in census week ill in census week absent due to parent/guardian caution (fear of child catching coronavirus), if the provider remains open to the child and they have not altered their parental declaration relating to expected hours with the provider absent due to parent/guardian choosing to care for child at home, only if the provider remains open to the child and the parent/guardian has not altered their parental declaration relating to expected hours with the provider clinically extremely vulnerable and is therefore shielding in line with government advice If a parent/guardian has informed a provider that they are reducing their child’s hours (i.e., a change in the parental declaration), local authorities and providers should accurately record the new hours for the purposes of the census. For providers who are currently closed, the guidance given depends on the reasons for closure. A census return for 2021, recording the contracted/expected hours provided, should be made in situations where: the provider has attempted to remain open, but has closed for a period of time for reasons such as: staff shortages due to illness staff shortages due to self-isolation the provider has closed due to government guidance, for reasons such as: temporary inability to access the site premises (for example, a PVI setting whose landlord or trustees have temporarily refused permission to operate on the site for COVID-related reasons). numbers of staff shielding make it impossible to provide the funded entitlements. A census return for 2021 should not be made in situations where a setting has chosen to close and not provide the entitlements due to: limited anticipated attendance staff caution The guidance also states that where the setting has chosen to restrict the attendance of some children (e.g. offering places only to critical workers’ children or vulnerable children), a return should not be made for children to whom the funded entitlements are not being offered. The guidance adds that "Where a provider is counting a child on the census, the place must be genuinely ‘available’: this means a provider must not count a child where they have furloughed the staff who would be required to deliver the child’s place." The full guidance is available here.
After the debate in parliament today it was stated that we will still get funding if parents decide to keep children at home. The Early years alliance are double checking that this is the case. Fingers crossed 🤞
Thank you for trying. I need to wait a few days before it is ‘live’ I have tried to delete till then but I can’t. Please wait a few days to sign
I’ve made a petition – will you sign it? Click this link to sign the petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/568744/sponsors/new?token=2Jq4pVhld5syt1GfiDZs My petition: Funding for all nurseries and childminders whilst open If Nurseries and childminders have to stay open then they should all get their funding, even if the parent keeps the child at home to protect them from Covid-19 Some Local authorities are paying the settings and some are not. This is not fair it should be same for all settings that have to remain open.
We are in a meeting with our LA and are telling them that some LA are still paying.......We need evidence of this. Can i ask how were you informed and is their any document you could kindly share please?
If we are staying open and risking our life's then pay us our funding! Check with your LA if you are still going to receive funding if children choose not to attend. Send an email to your Funding team. Look up your local MP and message them. We must all stick together!!!! Use of free early education entitlements funding during coronavirus (COVID-19) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) This is the information around funding during Covid-19. Funding for local authorities to early years providers in the spring term 2021. Local authorities should return to the normal funding approach (that is, ‘funding following the child’) for all providers from 1 January 2021. This is in line with the approach announced in July 2020. Providers should note that the guidance on Early Years providers’ access to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has been updated to reflect this approach to funding in the spring term, to take account of the position of any providers who see reductions in entitlements funding as a result. Local authorities must take account of the provisions within the Early education and childcare statutory guidance for local authorities in making decisions on funding for providers which have restricted attendance, or are closed or temporarily closed for reasons connected to coronavirus (COVID-19). Local authorities should ensure that providers are: not penalised for short term absences of children, for example sickness, arriving late or leaving early, or a family emergency through withdrawing funding, but use their discretion where absence is recurring or for extended periods taking into account the reason for the absence and the impact on the provider aware of the local authority policy in the area in which they practice on reclaiming funding when a child is absent from a setting not penalised through withdrawal of funding for short term closures of a setting, for example, as a result of local or national elections or damage to the premises
I just checked link and it is supposed to be updated on the 4th Jan 2021? it says its was updated on 29th December but there is no update....What are they hiding!!!!!! Why are they giving date that is 3 weeks old.....
Latest news: Funding will not be paid if a parent decides to keep their child at home. we all need to fight for this. If we are told to stay open then the LA needs to pay us or we will close!!!!!
I do allow the staff to use the flask like cups with a screw on lid. Do not allow the pop on lids as if they drop they still open.
This data is published fortnightly. It gives the number of registered early years and childcare providers reporting one or more confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) by week. Does this mean that if a setting has 5 confirmed cases it will just be registered as one? Week commencing Number of reports 01/06/2020 0 08/06/2020 3 15/06/2020 8 22/06/2020 5 29/06/2020 8 06/07/2020 3 13/07/2020 8 20/07/2020 9 27/07/2020 23 03/08/2020 27 10/08/2020 27 17/08/2020 13 24/08/2020 13 31/08/2020 14 07/09/2020 34 14/09/2020 87 21/09/2020 170 28/09/2020 181 05/10/2020 233 12/10/2020 388 19/10/2020 496 26/10/2020 668 02/11/2020 537 09/11/2020 686 Reported coronavirus (COVID-19) cases by registered early years and childcare settings - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Now the furlough is coming to an end and the new support for employers come in, The Job Support Scheme. Again if we receive funding for 2 and 3 year old we will only receive a proportion of this. What it doesn’t state is how do we work out the proportion as surely it can’t be based on our income in Feb 2020 again! Gov website states: Bodies in receipt of public funds Organisations that have staff costs that are fully publicly funded (even if they are not in the public sector), should use that money to continue paying their staff, and not use the Job Support Scheme. Organisations can use the scheme if they are not fully funded by public grants, for the proportion of their revenue disrupted due to coronavirus. They should contact their sponsor department or respective administration for further guidance.Those that do claim should do so using the same process as all other employers’. When will we find out how to calculate this as there were sorry many different ways people were calculating the Furlough pay for their employees with some under claiming and some over claiming.
Now the furlough is coming to an end and the new support for employers come in, The Job Support Scheme. Again if we receive funding for 2 and 3 year old we will only receive a proportion of this. What it doesn’t state is how do we work out the proportion as surely it can’t be based on our income in Feb 2020 again! Gov website states: Bodies in receipt of public funds Organisations that have staff costs that are fully publicly funded (even if they are not in the public sector), should use that money to continue paying their staff, and not use the Job Support Scheme. Organisations can use the scheme if they are not fully funded by public grants, for the proportion of their revenue disrupted due to coronavirus. They should contact their sponsor department or respective administration for further guidance.Those that do claim should do so using the same process as all other employers’. When will we find out how to calculate this as there were sorry many different ways people were calculating the Furlough pay for their employees with some under claiming and some over claiming.
Hi everyone!! I have remained closed since March and re-opening in 3 weeks time. I am looking at bringing half my staff back part time due to low numbers and have read that the Government will help to pay the hours I can't up to 80%. I cannot find any detailed information on the Gov website regarding the way we pay these staff. Would i pay my staff only 80% of wages? For example if staff member work 30 hours normally with a wage of £1140 a month. I give them 15 hours work and pay £570 and i claim 80% of the other £570 from government = £456 so staff member gets £570+£456=£1026. This is £114 less. Now this is where it gets complicated: As we receive funding form the government We only normally receive 29% furlough of our income from funding and private paying, which it reduced by the 80%. Does this mean i can only claim 29% of the 15 hours they don't work each week so can only claim back £165.29? This would mean the member of staff would only receive £570 + £165.29=£735.29p 😶 do i then have to top this80% of their wages or 100%??????????????????????? This has not been made clear for Early years at all. Are we using income from April 2019 again adding it to what funding we receive
What was the information from HMRC yesterday😬I haven’t seen it!! We are not opening until September and was continuing to keep staff on furlough until end July( not August as term time nursery I wouldn’t normally have private paying income then) Now I’m worried😬😬😬🤷🏼♀️
Return to setting risk assessment Return to EY settings plan 2020.pdf
I have made the decision not to open my setting in June. I have become extremely anxious about it all and I really do not think it is a good time to open my setting. Most of my staff do not want to return due to health issues themselves or in their household. Only a handful of children want to return. If anyone has also agreed to remain closed have they managed to prepare a letter to inform the parents??
The government does not say we have to... it’s on the Early Alliance page. You would need to check that the LA will continue to pay funding for all children if you remain closed due to lack of children.
We normally pack away daily but in a Scout hut and they are not returning so no need to pack away I'm now trying to find out if I can continue to furlough some staff through summer holidays as we would be closings 17th July for six week summer holidays. So keep 3 staff on for the 9 out of 45 children coming back week commencing 1st June. and continue to furlough 3? Then i have read about part time furlough so was thinking to open 4 days a week and furlough the staff for 1 day? I wish there was someone that could answers all the questions.... I might call Boris. Has everyone heard of the Kawaski disease that children are now getting? Doctors are describing it as a "new phenomenon" similar to Kawasaki disease shock syndrome - a rare condition that mainly affects children under the age of five. Symptoms include a rash, swollen glands in the neck and dry and cracked lips. Scores of UK and US children have been affected by the rare inflammatory disease linked to coronavirus. So many children had hand foot and mouth Disease in February and I'm starting to think there is a link. Had a couple of messages from parents regarding it.
That gave me heart palpitations reading that😂
Watching news too. I have decided that I’m only going to have 15 children in. I have a large hall so will separate into 4 areas. I have set out the children that can attend ( I have 45 on register) The only children we will open for are : be SEN, NHS workers, vulnerable children, teachers and police officers officers. ( not all keyworkers as too many) i will furlough half staff for 3 weeks then swap staff and furlough a different 3. If we open to the minimum amount of children then it allows us to get full funding.
So I sent a letter to all my staff to say that we may be opening on 1st June and that I want them back to work on the 25th May to prepare..... they emailed me back saying: 1. That’s a bank holiday 🤭 2. It’s half term🤦♀️ Im a pack out nursery and now will have to prepare and plan everything myself!! Can’t ask them back next week as I told them I would give week notice........ 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭