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Everything posted by currycraver

  1. Especially at this time! Trying to do right by families children and staff .... I decided to hideaway and make a cake instead!
  2. Mouseketeer I feel quite overwhelmed atm. X
  3. Hi everyone I am starting to carve out a policy and procedure for reopening. Just wondering how you are getting on with your policies? My mind has turned to jelly through overthinking and little sleep lol. Wondering if any has a policy for their setting they might be willing to share. Thank you 🙂
  4. currycraver


    Hi folks, I hope you are coping ok in these fast changing uncertain times. I am a small setting and we have had to close . We will be in receipt of the Government funding but many of our parents who would have paid for further hours cannot use them because of the Governments advice about self isolating. Therefore we are solely dependant on the government funds. I was hoping to be able to claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme but it seems that I am not able to. I was wondering if anyone had found any other means of financial support. Many thanks
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