I am just wondering how those of you that closed due to coronavirus are feeling about re-opening on the 1st June. I am stressing so much about what to do for the best. I have so far only written notes with regard to writing policy and procedures about how I will keep the children safe. I really can’t see how I can do social distancing at all, we run from a village Hall, so only one room. So far our LA (Kent) have given us no guidance what so ever, we have been told due have a document, once we have digested it we will give you some guidance, not very helpful. Do we have to provide PPE for staff even though we have been told (dfe doc) that we don’t need it, what else will we need to supply, I like many others are insured with Morton Michel, they have stated we are not covered if some contracts the illness at the setting. This is so much pressure on us as managers and employers. Has anyone had staff say they will not return to work yet, if so do you still furlough them or no pay? 🤯 Really don’t know what to do for the best. Has anyone written a policy or procedure document that they would be happy to share. If not thoughts, ideas etc please, I need to know I’m not the only one stressing.