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Everything posted by Verona

  1. Hi I had to come to the very sad decision to close my Pre-school at the end of the Summer term. I have owned it for 39 years - I am well beyond retirement age but have been actively involved in the daily running all the time. I was, and still am so upset with the decision I had to make as it was more of a way of life for me not just a job. The advice I need now is - How long should I keep things like - Risk Assessments done on the building Health and Safety/Hygiene Inspection reports Staff Appraisals Staff job application forms from when they applied Children registration forms Childrens Admissions forms (completed by parents as they start Preschool) Free Entitlement forms Medication administered forms Children register for daily attendance Accident books Grant quotations and paperwork for work done HMRC and all accounts - 7 years I believe Communications from other outside agencies. As I go through things there are bound to be more things that I come across so perhaps may need your advice again. I hope you can advise me on this. i would really appreciate any help you can give please.
  2. Why oh why does the PM and the BBC and other journalists just say Reception, year 1 and 6 - no mention generally of preschools and nurseries returning on 1 June? We seem to be forgotten most of the time. It really annoys me. I’m sorry if you feel I’m being petty and negative at this time but it irks me.
  3. I have sent out a survey and letters to the parents, all but one replied. I only have five wanting to return as soon as we reopen. Has anyone got a template of a risk assessment for this instance that they would be willing to share with me please? I would be really grateful. This is such a stressful time for us all but my staff are all ok with coming back (we have been closed since 20 March) for which I am really pleased. Thank you in advance for your help. x
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