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Everything posted by mrsbat

  1. Hi there, I have been trialling a way of tracking ready for September, I have done 1 observation a couple of weeks after a child started at Easter where I have added the age band and refinement for an initial assessment (we don't do this for every observation we do any more as it was becoming too 'tick list' like), I have now done the same for an end of term assessment update, but I can't see how to now see a comparison on the same screen of how the child has developed, using the tracking section I can only see Summer term 1 or Summer term 2. I hope that makes sense! Is there a way to see it all on one screen please? Thank you :)
  2. Hi, sorry I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask, but can someone please remind me how to merge child accounts together? We had a child who came to us and another setting so has an account at both settings, their account from the other setting has now been transferred to us so I want to merge the 2 journals into 1 - I've done it before with another child but I can't seem to find how to do it again.......
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