's one for you. Two boys, playing with Mobilo in the book corner. One quite clearly calls the other a F**k butt...........I kid you not. I, with my best Joyce Grenfell voice and face, ask the child 'what was the word you just used?'...............and he comes over to me and very clearly, repeats it. I, again a la Ms Grenfell suggest that it's not a word we want to hear again at our setting, is it?? Child smiles sweetly and says no, it's not ( here i should add that the face of an angel is smiling up at me and it takes all I have not to offer him some brasso and a duster to polish his halo).
So, mum arrives to collect and i feel that perhaps i should offer her the benefit of her child's new-found language skill. She looks at me for a moment, then with a face rapidly turning from a slightly pink, to a full-blown over-ripe tomatoey red, whirls around to my deputy and hisses 'well, WHERE did he get THAT from'??? I am trying hard to keep a straight face when i suggest the possibility that he just might have picked it up from any one of the five X Box games he chose for himself on Amazon a couple of weeks ago???........exit one very embarrassed mum.........