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  1. Hi guys/girls it's me again for the first time in a while and this time it's am issue I have with my 5yr old son and putting his hood up. My son likes going outside at Playtime/Lunchtime no matter the weather, like most kids presumably but the playground assistant just cannot get him to put up his hood when it's pouring rain, they prefer the children to be suitably dressed in order to prevent hair getting soaked which cak then drip onto their desk or work, he just will not wear a hat but I don't mind that as I also try him with his hood up or more often than not he goes underneath my umbrella to stay dry. So as I have said in the thread title, do you guys insist on hood/hats or does it not matter to you?
  2. Hey guys/girls seeing as winter fast approaching I'm now in need of a warn waterproof jacket for my 5yr old son so am looking for any recommendations :).
  3. Seeing as I've not posted in a few months here is a quick update on this :). First of all, he's finally masteredmastered zipping his jacket but he needs prompted as to when it needs zipped by either me or the playground assistant but he's lazy amd likes it done for him, is that normal lol? In terms of shoelaces, that's still a work in progress but the school allow velcro shoes which is handy because that's easier for him to tie up :). One thing I will say is that jackets don't last long as he either loses or misplaces them but we now need to think of warmer winter jackets for him so if you guys have any recommendations then feel free to put them down here :).
  4. I have now decided to go down this route instead of the indoor route for a couple of reasons, 1) he loves being in the outdoors and he actually requested if he can go to forest school and, 2) it will probably be easier in terms of the laces and jacket issue :). I know I'll probably need more sturdier shoes and perhaps a more warmer waterproof jacket plus hat, gloves and a scarf etc for winter time but that's a few months away yet :P.
  5. First things first, yes that makes sense :). I would say his other fine motor skills are OK, I'd say he's just taking longer to master both of these things than most kids mainly due to lack of concentration and giving up so easily which kids do I suppose lol.
  6. I did manage to get a pair of shoes but they ate laced so it looks like his teachers will be kept busy at break/lunchtimes as they will need to tie the laces for him. We also managed to get a one layered waterproof jacket from GO outdoors and we have been working with him teaching him how to zip but he is finding it hard to connect the zip and gets frustrated so I think he may ask his teacher to zip it up for him too because that's what he's been doing whilst we're teaching him, he'll attempt 3 times then come over to me and say "I can't do this so you zip it please".
  7. All very good suggestions and one worth considering :). I will have a look online to see what Velcro shoes I can get and if not then I will get the school to help with the laces or just tie them in a double knot and let him put them on and off without untying them. In terms of jackets, I always get a one layered waterproof warm jacket, usually from Go outdoors as, like you say, I'm not keen on anymore than one layer, tbh he will be warm enough with one layer when it's fastened up plus it is easier for him to move about freely if it's just the one layer and tbh these jackets are good quality and probably last a while. I will also take on board what you say about jumpers and trousers etc so a huge thank you once again :D.
  8. Oh there's a thought, I actually don't know what the school policy is but I will probably get shoes with velcro as that will be a lot easier, as you say :). I will go shopping for "back to school" or in our case "getting prepared for first day of primary school" so shoes and jacket is one of many things on the shopping list so feel free to post recommendations (be it brands etc) of shoes and jackets worth considering :).
  9. I am posting this here as I can't seem to be able to post topics in the forest school section of the forum :O. As I stated in my first thread last night, one of the options I had for my son was a forest school as he loves the outdoors and tbh it's still something I'll consider throughout the summer for future so I'm just wanting to know the sort of things that forest schools do as I'd presume it would be a lot different than a forest or outdoor nursery where it will be more outdoor play and learning etc?
  10. We've had a very productive Friday so far :). First we went on a very long nature walk so that my son could get a bit of fresh air and we spotted lots of wildlife animals and insects etc and then afterwards we went to the swing park where he spent about half an hour but I then had an issue because on the way back home my car wouldn't start, it took about 10mins of pedal pumping for it to eventually start.
  11. Thanks both :). He's a very outdoorsy child, we go on nature walks lots and I'm even considering getting him started with beavers or something similar so he can go on camping trips away etc; golf or football is another thing I'd like him to start too as he likes both of these sports and tbh these activities would help him become more independent. I actually considered putting him to a forest school too but decided in the end not to as I wouldn't be sure how he'd cope in freezing winter etc but I feel guilty because, as I said above, he loves the outdoors. I think I'm going to enjoy posting on this forum because you seem pleasant and very helpful :D.
  12. Hi guys I'm new here and my first post is about a worry I have regarding my son and a development delay He is 5 and starting school after the summer but he cannot tie his own shoelaces or zip up his jacket so I'm just wondering if the school will help with that as I'm slightly worried. I'm not so worried about the shoelaces because I trust that the school will tie his shoelaces for him as they won't want him to become a trip hazard when outside due to untied shoelaces. Its the jacket I'm more worried about so can you guys reassure me regarding the fact that they'll zip his jacket for him when necessary :). After school is less of a worry because I can zip the jacket myself when he comes out of school and then put up the hood if it's raining etc.
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