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  1. Hello Stephen, I am new to these forum! An EY teacher and SENCO in a mainstream school. We are about to embark on the Tapestry SEND assessment framework or Cherry Garden (not sure which to use! Or whether to mix, depending on needs of the children or stick to one). I noticed the above flyer, but it's from May 2020. Is there anything like this still available? Thanks Anna
  2. Hi there, I am an EY teacher in a mainstream school, and SENCO. We are looking to start using either the Tapestry SEND or Cherry Garden assessment framework for our children with SEND. Our children have a range of needs, some quite complex, and some with spiky profiles. I am interested to hear people's experiences of using either, or both assessment systems? Thank you! Also, if using the Tapestry SEND framework is it still possible to generate next steps for a pupil? To be used alongside teacher judgement? For some our children with more complex needs and smaller steps, it is a learning journey for class teachers too! Finally, I saw in a previous thread, which has now been closed, that it would be possible to have a pdf copy of the Tapestry SEND statements emailed. Could someone from admin please email me a copy? Thank you in advance ! Anna :)
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