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I was wondering where we could get some sports day medals for the nursery sports day next month? :o


Oh and I am enjoying my stay at the school I am currently working in. xD



Thanks in advance




Guest Wolfie

Type "medal", "trophy", "rosette", that kind of thing into Google, it should come up with loads of companies - I got some lovely personalised, inexpensive rosettes for my sports day that way.


I think we got them from 'Woolworths' and 'Birthdays' in the past.


Why don't you make them? We do at our school and they're lovely! Use clay and shape into a circle (use a cutter or let children do so roughly). Make a hole near top with a pencil. Allow children to crimp edges and write 1st, 2nd etc in (or whatever you want on them). Leave to dry on radiator or cook in oven on low heat for an hour or so. Then paint with gold/silver paint (or other colours). Then varnish with PVA glue. When dry thread ribbon of choice through hole. Voila!


We made them one year using salt dough which we 'cooked'.


Went to get some from ASDA yesterday and they have sold out...............looks like we could be making our own. Any ideas anyone?????

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