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I am about to overhaul our reception planning and assessment this coming term. I have inherited a system that is linked more with the desirable outcomes and is all in code xD ... so am going to try and start again and get a usable system up and running for september. :o


My questions are as follows.


1. Has anyone found or has a link to anywhere that has linked the ELGs with the NNS framework? I have several for the NLS but not the NNS.


2. How do you all record the steeping stones or ELGs you have covered in your planning- long and short term?




Thank you all in advance for your help.





if you look carefully, you will find I'm sure that the ELGs for Maths match directly with the Reception year objectives of the NNS. (I think they're in bold type in the document) NNs has extension objectives too.


I have just had this converstion with Joanne, and although I have tried to block the objectives and make them topic relevant I have found that the most successful way to ensure coverage is to use the autumn. spring and summer planners as suggested. I do block shape, space and measure concepts though- money, weighing, measuring and sometimes shape to make it more consistent and less bitty.

Thats what works for me and my children though.


As for assessment, we have various school record systems which we are expected to fill and I have tried to relate these to the profile ie show on a reading record which goals are being met and this is then evidence.

I'd be really interested in hearing your thoughts on this one as its a real bug bear at the moment.




I plan purely from the FS documents and do not cross reference to the NLS or the NNS until they have completed the ELG's, and I have to say very few children complete them all in literacy. I do keep one copy of the requirements of both strategies, for reception, in my file, and highlight coverage. I refer to PIP's stages and key words I am targeting. It seems to me that if we have our own currculum document we should work, plan, and assess using that, not numerous documents, which is very arduous and not necessarily more effective.

Our LEA has produced it's own file breaking down the learning in each area into 5 stages (a bit confusing). then it suggest types of activites which will help children learn at that level. They haven't always got the sequence right but it helps a great deal. We also have assessment sheets matched to these and cross referenced to the Pupil Profile. I use these for planning and assessment and each child has their own record. I'll see if I can find a way to access this on the internet and let you know. I believe other authorities have done something similar.


Interesting site Jacqiel, thank you for that.

Looks good for assessment but planning sheets are blank?

Do I need to explore more or have I misunderstood what I'm looking at?


I agree with you about FS curriculum and NLS & NNS but some of us aren't as lucky as you to live/ work in such enlightened authorities or schools. I thought I was and it has caused me considerable grief!

So if you need to show you are using NLS & NNS you have to show where they /how they match or link. This I put in my medium plans and in short term plans only refer to ELGs.





Thanks for the imformation.

I will spend some time today looking at the link.


I will let you know how I get on with sorting everything out... nothing can be worse than the coded system we have a present.




They have only put the assessment on their web site. I wonder if this is to stop anyone copying thier material. We have a huge file with it all in and each setting had one free, but had to pay £40 if they wanted any more copies. Sorry the rest isn't there as it is really useful. The blank planning pages are ideas for different ways of planning.


My LEA is too small to have produced anything so useful!

We worked on a pre-profile for nurseriesto use to feed into the profile but thats all. So lucky you!


Thers's some interesting literacy stuff on cleo.net, matching NLS to ELGs & stepping stones. I've found this this afternoon.



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