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Hi everyone,

I'm sitting here on Good Friday completing my E-Profiles for the Spring Term :o ! As I'm doing it I'm thinking as I go along that I could do with a document which just lists all the ELG's (not the stepping stones). Obviously there are still lots of gaps in the majority of the children's EP's and I'd like to be able to highlight them as part of my planning for next term. I'm sure there must be such a document somewhere but for the life of me I can't find one!

Anyone got one out there, please?! My email addy is: jess.kowalski@btopenworld.com






I think this is what you're after: (very long address!!!!)







Libby!! THANK YOU!

That is exactly what I wanted and have been searching for all afternoon to no avail. Great site, too! Do we have anywhere on here that lists sites like that as I haven't come across that one before.

Thanks, you're a life saver!




Hi Jessica -

We have a resources page, but it's a bit inadequate at the moment, I'm afraid. As part of the work I'm doing at the moment, we're trying to list all the sites recommended by members and add them to a better resources page. What I'd like to do also is make it easier for people to add their own recommendations and I'm working on a couple of ways of doing this.


Thanks for re-stating the need for this! :)

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