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Any good books people can recommend for a good read over Easter. I have just enjoyed Barbara Taylor Bradford`s new one The Ravenscar Dynasty.

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I have just finished reading the new Cathy Kelly book 'Past Secrects' and am halfway through another one of hers called "Never too Late". :)

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Im a right book worm at the moment, currently reading Fragile, by niki shisler its a real touching book, but quite insightful too :D


just wish i had more time for reading for enjoyment, seems far nicer than reading all the stuff for work etc



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I am half way through the new (ish) Cecilia Ahern book - A Place Called Here - its a good read. Ditto with the comment about having time to read for enjoyment!!

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Just reading Reginald Hill's last Dalziel and Pascoe book. He was a lecturer at the teaching college I was at many moons ago so he must be getting on a bit. it's quite gripping if you like that sort of thing.

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Its about a lady who overcame alcoholism and then had twin boys, the twins were born poorly and its really about her journey through there early months and how there illness affected her (and the family).... it really is well written... i can visualise myself in the book(which i always like to do, shows me im really into it :D ... it is a very good book, definetly would recommend :o








What is the book about Dawn? It sounds good.
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Nearly at then end of my book Dawn - will have finished it by tomorrow - so just went on ebay and bought that book for £2.50 + £1.50 postage. Hope it comes soon!

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Hope you enjoy it Shelley,you will have to let me know what you think of it.





Nearly at then end of my book Dawn - will have finished it by tomorrow - so just went on ebay and bought that book for £2.50 + £1.50 postage. Hope it comes soon!
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I've just finished "Fragile" too and enjoyed it through the tears! Hadn't realised that it was a true story when I bought the book - doesn't give you any clues on the cover.


Throughout the book also, it refers to Niki's lifeline of the on-line community and the anonymous friends that she made through her forum. Reminded me of the support network that we have here.

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Ahhh, i know i was crying last night as i read a particular chapter, felt a bit daft but its such an emotional book.

I liked the way shetalked about the online community too, it reminds me of the community here, and of anothercommunity i 'belong' to as well...its amazing how much support one can get from an online community.....


would definatly reccomend this book to others,


Does anyone know of any other good reads?,im near the end of my current book.




P.s another fab book is 'a piece of cake' by cupcake brown.An amzing book, (true story) but so inspirational




I've just finished "Fragile" too and enjoyed it through the tears! Hadn't realised that it was a true story when I bought the book - doesn't give you any clues on the cover.


Throughout the book also, it refers to Niki's lifeline of the on-line community and the anonymous friends that she made through her forum. Reminded me of the support network that we have here.

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Don't recommend any more Dawn - I'm only going to end up on ebay or amazon again! :o




Iam sure someone once suggested a book swap scheme here (at least i think it was here), that way we would only have to worry about postage costs rather than buying books xD . saying that books aren't that expensive anymore :D


so anyone any reccomendations for my next book choices :D:D



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Yes but there is something great about building up a good collection of books of your own, even if you never read them again.


Started on Fragile tonight, Dawn. Oh....am also waiting for 'A piece of cake' to arrive :o

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Yes but there is something great about building up a good collection of books of your own, even if you never read them again.


Started on Fragile tonight, Dawn. Oh....am also waiting for 'A piece of cake' to arrive :o


LOL,well will let you read those two before i reccomend anymore, hee hee hee xD enjoy the books

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There is something great about building up a collection of books of your own, my problem is I strongly believe you can never have to many books! I have a huge bookcase downstairs that is full to bursting, shelves in my bedroom and the kitchen full of books and each of my children have bookcases that are also full to bursting. We also visit our library so often that we're all on first name terms and they tell us of new books they've got in that we might like. When the lottery started I always said that if I win I'd open up a bookshop, just so that I could read all day!


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Agree with you there Karrie! I am terrible for reading books. I always have 2 or 3 on the go. My husband doesn't understand it, being we think an undiagnosed dyslexic he can't see the point or understand my obsession and I am sadly restricted to one large bookshelf in our bedroom - and then he still moans!

I regularly have a heart renching throw out session but have a core stack that I will never get rid of! I usually take my cast offs to work with me where they are snapped up. In fact we all take our cast offs into work where they do the rounds, makes me feel better about getting rid of them!

My favourite author at the moment is Fiona Walker, have been reading her for years and she never disappoints, one of those easy reading, laugh out loud, oh my god I've done that, sort of authors. Her latest two are Tongue in cheek and Four Play and I can highly recommend them. Set in a village in the Cotswolds and involves the relationships and love lives of all the families and individuals there, funny and romantic and a little horsey. I have just started Carole Matthews The Chocolate Lovers Club- hmmm, must be the withdrawl from chocolate after Easter that started me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am almost at the end of Fragile.


I would agree with you wholeheartedly, Jackie A, about her online community being very similar to the support everyone gives on here.


A brilliant book - thanks for the recommendation Dawn.

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Guest Wolfie

Well I've finally just started to read Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier. One of those books that always comes up in pub quizzes and lots of people talk about but I'd never got round to reading. It's not my usual style at all but I AM enjoying it. After that it's Peter Kay's autobiography....something completely different!

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Hvae you enjoyed reading its shelley?, it is quite an easy read, be it emotional at times, i cried loads through it!!!!.


ready for any more reccomendations yet LOL.....


am currently reading wednesday's child ( i think its called that), an interesting book, but a bit slow and one of those that is taking time to get into.....


however, should switch from reading for enjoyment and really start some EYP work LOL





Am almost at the end of Fragile.


I would agree with you wholeheartedly, Jackie A, about her online community being very similar to the support everyone gives on here.


A brilliant book - thanks for the recommendation Dawn.

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Excellent website lady at library showed me


Browse through your chosen author on left hand side and you will find a list of all the books they have written and when new ones are due to go out on sale.

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I agree with fairynough - I love Cathy Kelly books, a more modern Maeve Binchy! I also like Rosamund Pilcher, especially Shell Seekers - a must for anyone who loves Cornwall. I have also really enjoyed 3 books by Carol Drinkwater who used to be the wife on All Creatures Great & Small. She met a frenchman (in real life that is) and moved to Provence. All 3 books are about her experiences. Fantastic reads, lovely descriptions of characters, romance, moving, and very evocative! They need to be read in order and they are fabulous summer holiday reads. The Olive Farm, The Olive Season & finally The Olive Harvest. I think I might have to re-read them now! Along a similar line are Annie Hawes 3 books about Liguria (Italy) where she meets and falls in love with an italian 'Extra Virgin', 'Ripe for the Picking', and 'Journey to the South'. Great for foodies too.

That's just to start...... I've got hundreds of favourites if you really want to know!

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