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I have done the rota for the whole of April, up until 4th May - even though I am leaving on 19th April.


The lady who is taking over from me is my line manager, as it has been decided that they will not advertise my post for some time.


I always do at least 1 early shift and 1 late shift per week, because I feel that it is important to 'muck in' with the rest of the team; but more importantly because we would not be able to maintain ratios if I didn't.


I therefore put the new manager down for the same shifts I would do - as in effect she is stepping into my shoes.


She has emailed me and said that she will only be doing 9 to 5, so please alter the rota.


I emailed back saying that I would have a try, but it would mean that on some days ratios would be compromised, and also, there would be many parents she would not get to meet doing 9 to 5.


I have been looking at it today but there is no way it can be done. I have also been thinking that if I go by her wishes, then I am the one who is meaning ratios are out - AND I WON@T EVEN BE WORKING THERE!


Ratios are something that I have worked bl00dy hard at, as they were to be quite honest a joke when I took over. Staff take ratios very seriously now and are fuming that someone is coming in only to do 9 to 5.


What are your thoughts on this? I feel very uncomfortable.

Posted (edited)



MY initial thoughts are:


your poor nursery and staff once you have gone, also feel the new person filing your shoes seems rather infelxible, and thirdly if you can't change it without comromising ratios then tell her, and as my nanna would say " if she doesn't like it she can shove it where the sun don't shine" LOL :o



Edited by Guest

Should I be doing the rota for 2 weeks after I am gone?


if it was me i would do the rota up to when you leave after that the job is no longer your responsibility i know this is hard for your staff and the setting but if she is unwilling to compromise why should you lose sleep over it when you will no longer be ther let her deal with the consequences and just do correct staffing ratios and rotas up to your last day.


Why dont you leave it as it is but clearly demarcate the 2 time zones ie with you and after you and label the after you as proposed or to be confirmed. Then you can leave knowing that you have not compromised your priorities. What actually happens once you leave is out of your control, Shelley. Explain to your line manager that you can not alter the rota without compromising the ratios.


If this was a new person coming in from outside wouldnt you be expected to leave them some structure but its not your fault if its not adhered to?


Susan - that is a good idea - I will do that definitely.


Susan's idea is a really good one. You can leave knowing that you have put the rotas in place that are necessary and then it is up to whoever takes over to ensure they are adhered to. It is not your responsibility so don't worry about it.



Susan's idea is a good one, keep a record of your email or memo response to your line manager. Could you bcc her line manager too, I would copy staff too. I'm not suggesting you fall out with her, after all you may need a reference, just carry on in with the professionalism and integrity you have shown so far.

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