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Adminstration Tasks?


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Ok what would you class as Adminstration tasks? :o Its for part of my module work on managment. I am struggling to complete it due to not having lots of responsibities at work. Any ideas would be aprricatied. :D




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Guest Wolfie

Also, filling in forms for children you are claiming funding for, writing parent newsletters on a regular basis, doing risk assessments for activities and outings, working out budgets and business plans, organising staff wages, PAYE, etc., putting invoices into the computer.......

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I would say that administration tasks are anything not directly linked to being with the children, although it is all done for the well-being of the children if you see what I mean. So things like rotas, policies, newsletters etc would come under that, but things like observations and record keeping for children would not, in my opinion anyway! Hope that makes sense!

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all that has already been said and forecasting too, sorting out waiting lists. organising staff training, recording fire checks, updating our website, updating our prospectus.

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