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Tma01 E123


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Just finished it! :D


Just the list of references to do and get it sent off. I don't think I've included enough references but I just couldn't see how to squeeze any more in and keep within the word limit. I pray I get a pass (**crosses fingers**), I couldn't bare having to do that again!!


How's everyone else doing? Good luck everyone.


Oh Crikey


Am currently avoiding doing mine by surfing the forum. Just the incentive I need. Wish me luck. Am off to finish part 3. Then only part 4 to do.


The difficulty is not knowing if it's right - I guess we'll all find out when they come back. I know from the First Class conference site that we are all in the same boat. Life jacket anyone!


I know what you mean - it's great having that First Class forum to read through, realising everyone is feeling the same as me!! I really should just get the assignment posted cos I can see me rewriting bits again cos I convince myself they're wrong!


Good luck Deb!


Hi, i have also just finished my TMA 01, phew, there seems to be so many different rules to references, my tutor said to aim for at least 1 in each part, however not to put them in just for the sake of it. I have included 3 because i just didnt want to leave out anything else i had written. So good luck everyone, im sure we will be fine.


Nicola :)




I have finished both of mine will be handing onw in to my tutor on Saturday and sending the other one soon. Have put 10 references on 1 and 8 on the other. managed to get them both within 22 words of the 1000 as well phew!


I have to say I am too worried about keeping it at home tool long a I keep going back to it and messing with it, don't want to overcook it - good luck to all of you though



Guest HelenW

I have just done mine, but still need to fit in the references, I cant figure out what else to cut out to fit them in. Its really hard sticking to so few words.


Good luck everyone


Have just posted TMA 1 for E123 today. Phew! Got to the point where I didn't want to do anymore. Realised I haven't referenced the DVD, though I thought I had (must have deleted that bit somewhere along the line) or Study Topic 3 but will have to wait and see when it's marked. Might regret posting it tomorrow but I wanted to see the back of it today!


Good luck everyone.



I'm the same, Deb, just posted mine. I had a total of 6 references in - mentioned the DVD, the Reader and one or two of the study topics. If it's not right it's not right I just hope I pass! Glad to be shot of it!

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