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Ekkkkk I've Got.......

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another interview this afternoon for a senior nursery nurse postion. :D:o Well more like a leadership postion as it covers day-to-day aspects of running the creches, umm following the Childrens Act 1989, in which I thought it now would be Every Child Matters? xD:(


I am really looking forward to it. I just hope I can get the job as it sounds like it could fit in with my FDey course.





Well I went to the interview and I felt it went well, I ended up anwering all the questions before they even asked me. It was more of a chat than an formal interview. :D I felt I got postive vibe to this place, it mainly was all about me working there, only occasonally talking about the cadndiates as a whole i.e. well you would....rather then well the right candidate..... Also I now feel more confident in taking on a leadership role having had vast experience and all my training to date, I think they could see the potental in myself. :o:D


They have told me that I would get to know by Wednesday, if I get offered the job I would accept it and I am going to keep postive about this one. Once again I will keep you posted on any developments. :D




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