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Coursework Due In Tomorrow


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Who's going to be burning the midnight oil then?? :o


la la la I'm avoiding QA work La La La( well until the weekend)




heh heh heh!

TBH I would ask for an extension as tutor has already offered due to DHs dad being ill then dying. BUT the job I'm going for on Monday.... the PLA top dog has been sending all the staff on the same course and so actually having completed it might be in my favour!!!

Oh blimey I need to write my presentation too....


la la la avoiding life la la la!!!


Peggy - what QA are you doing? Is it PLA? Our panel meets this month to see if we get it!


What a great idea this is! :D



La LaLa I am avoiding writing my final assignment for my final course for the Foundation Degree La la la


Arrghhhhhhh! if it is not received on time it is automatically returned unmarked for being late :o


oooh you've worried me now geraldine, I am motivated by my own crisis management but not other peoples :o


I think less la, la, la and get on with it. :(


Pandemonium, I'm doing the kent one, it officially ended December but my module 5 ( business) consists of 18 standards ( various number of questions within each standard) I have completed 16 standards and only have 2 to go to have the whole module verified. if I don't complete soon, none of the mosule will be verified which means no closure on 18 months work xD ( although the process has been rewarding in it's own right, to get it verified is important to me)




La la la supposed to be reading up on assignment and making notes la la la



la la la what lunch boxes for tomorrow la la la


I like this, I feel better already about avoidance tactics :oxD:(


I feel I have started a new craze :D


Peggy, we were on an old system too nad the thought of having all that hard work go unrecognised :o


la la la I've kind of done the scheme of work lalala need to write about a case study la la la my 3 year old won't stay in bed la la la she neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds me cos she loooooooooooooooooooooooooves me






la la la I am truly la la



la la la bugger 3 year old is quiet now so I can't use her as an excuse la la la

will red wine help or hinder? la la la


me too!

Oooh I'm so not going to get this done so shall I give up now???


La la la good avodance tatics oh no I caught the la la la bug! He He


LaLaLa need to get on and prepare for my interview tommorow LaLaLa




La la la a baby room leader in a DN lalala :o


I so want this job! :D Just looking at the ofsted report for the baby room in particular good ofsted report last November. Now I need to write out my question and then to bed. I need to vist the Jobcentre before then to talk about a work trial as this may just get me thought the door! I hope so.


Good luck for yours on Monday lalala



Beth lalala


opps I have got the lalala bug! xD


Lalala a baby room leader postion lalala :D


I so want this job! good ofsted report, just need to make some questions up and then go to bed. In the morning I need to see a person at the jobcentre about a work trial as it may just get my foot in the door. Lalala :D


Good luck for your interview on Monday. Lalala





ops I think I've caught the lalala bug! :(


la la la it is catching isn't it la la la!

I can't think of much worse than being a baby room leader ha ha ha


I've just re-read an email from the tutor and I have a couple more weeks to complete la la la

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