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Oh My What Happening......

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For those who remeber my mums sister dieing of a bug. Well on Monday night an older lady who was in the same ward as my anty died of Colustrium Difficle (sp) in the same month was in my local paper. xD


Today one of my other anties on my mums side as told us that the anty who died of the bug will be in my local paper tommorow with her picture. :o It as since transpired that we should have had a postmortem, in which we didn't and the local health autority(sp) are blaming it on her returning home and caught it there! :(:(


All I can say is what is happening to the NHS? This country as turn out just to be a blame someone else cultre.


If I can link it from the local paper website tommorow I will.





Can't imagine how you must be feeling at this time, I hope you get the answers you deserve from this public enquiry ( all be it through the media) and my thoughts go to all families dealing with frustration, anger, disbelief and confusion over what is fact and/or fiction about such difficult personal emotional situations.





It not really a public enquiry. It just that one of her daughters saw mondays paper and then asked a person who deals with postmortems as she is a JP. He told her that we should have had a postmortem to discover what really went on. My cousin just wanted the local people to find out what has really been going on in the local NHS hospital along with other families who have wrote in the paper also. :oxD


In the last few week there as been people talking about different bugs, waiting for beds including elderly peoples homes and not getting the right treatment for their illnesses. :( With what has been going on I hope the public demand a public enquiry into the local hosptial to find out why these things have been happening. :(:(


Also my local ex MP was on the national news again about the trust not giving her the right treatment! :wacko: I wouldn't care but she did nothing for the people of halifax when she was in power! xD




i am really sorry beth that is awful and i personally think the NHS is falling apart.......


but having been to see my nan and dad in 3 different hospitals in the last week i cannot complain ( as yet) :o we have all been told about sanitising hands in and out of visits, and cleanliness has been priority always cleaning!!!!! xD


Hey, beth!

Big sympathy, you don't need this kind of hassle - it's not up to you to organise post mortems, you know!! They should happen in most cases where the death is not explicable - and probably when it is? I would resist any suggestion there may be any element of blame on your family, kick up!




My thoughts are with you hun. How awful, and I agree that PM should be done as matter of course. My Great Aunt died in a nursing home and a PM was just what happened even if they thought they knew the cause. I'm amazed it wasn't done... or maybe it was and they didn't like the result so kept quiet. Oooh I'm such a devil's advocate!


Oh Beth thinking of you babe. I know how you feel, my father in law died 10 years ago of MRSA when he had only been rushed in for peritonitis. His death cert says multiple organ failiure.

Its horrible and all too common.


Much love to you Beth, it is not nice having to endure the loss of someone in the family let alone having it under such circumstances, lean on each other and us - :)

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