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Investigation Table


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We had the dreaded ofsted call today :o Its been 'on the cards' for a while so it will be nice to get it over and done with!

I am in the middle of my planning and am having trouble thinking what to put on my investigation table. We are learning about toys at the moment and I am planning on reading 'Where's my teddy?' next week. This week we had a 'wheels' display as we were talking about toys that move. Does anyone have any ideas? Do you think it is okay to put something out that is not linked? i.e magnets or should I try and link it to the topic?

thanks in advance

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I don't know if you can get your hands on any quickly but something that our children always liked investigating was a collection of MacDonalds moving toys - things like toys from one of the Disney films that you wither have to wind up, pull back and let go, etc. etc. - lots of exploring the different mechanisms that make them move. You might be able to pick up some cheap at charity shops over the wweekend, I always see them in there. There's always loads for sale really cheap on Ebay as well but you might not get them in time!


Good luck - I'm sure it'll be fine whatever you choose!

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Good luck, hope all goes well. We are expecting our visit anytime soon too!


Don't think it has to be linked. Can you think of anything the children have been showing an interest in?


Have you seen the topic on discovery bottles on the forum, particularly liked the idea of paper clips in a bottle, using magnets to move them from the outside?


Or toy in a sock, to see if the children can guess what toy it is.

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If you have the resources, it's good to show some toys from the past i.e. spinning tops, hoops, old teddy bears and dolls - with labels explaining that grandad/grandma used to play with these. Also comparing old with new, photos/pictures etc.

Photos of children with their favourite toy - annotated with their own words for them to reflect and revisit (Maybe more of a display idea though!)


I Also think that an investigation table does not have to be specifically topic linked, especially if you annotate why something is on your table, "Tom loves exploring magnets" with photos nearby showing Tom using the magnets, "Shreya found a snail shell today" etc.


Good luck

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Thanks everyone for your help and kind wishes. Have been reading up on discovery bottles- love the magnetic idea, will go with that I think :D

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Hi im an NQT and i have also set up an investgation table in my reception class. When i first set it up i did the wheels and toys etc but trying to think of something new each day to keep the interest going has been a real struggle. i have now started setting the area out only three days a week but putting out messy things some days such as poridge oats. (tied in with 'oa' digraph) used them dry, wet in cold water and wet in warm water in bowls and on a builder spot. children loved them. very messy but lots of fun.

also thinks such as soil, leaves and bark, conkers and acorns, shells from a beach holiday etc all with magnifying glasses.

i have noticed that the stranger and messier the items i put out the more interest they attract.

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:D Its all over! The inspector was only in my class for 5mins and we got a 'good' overall. Very pleased, can relax for another 3 years! The kids LOVE the magnetic discovery bottles, I will post a photo on the gallery this week :o
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Glad it went well, wish our imminent Ofsted inspection could be that quick!


Glad the magnetic discovery bottles went well. I'm never sure whether to mention things incase I'm in danger of 'teaching my grandmother to suck eggs'!

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