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Observation Confidentiality

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Staff have been asking if it is Ok to put photos in a childs observation book if there is a photo of another child in the scene. Also when writing observations is it Ok to put- for example - 'josh talked to Ben and then took the teapot off him and walked away' (where Josh is the observed child and Ben is involved in the exchange).

My response was yes, it is OK, as long as no names are used to label other children in photos, records never go further than parents in the setting (eg no internet display) and no surnames of the other chn are used in observation notes.

In this PC day and age was that the right response?

Thanks in advance (I hope!)


That is how I work with my observations - but would be interested in anyone else's thoughts.


I also have a form about use of photo's including for development records, display, within and out of setting, CD's are given to parents of thier child and others on it, of which I have not control over once they have left the setting. I have had some parents say they don't / or can't in the case of Foster children, have any link to the setting so in this case I 'erase' a childs facial features to disguise identity if it is within a 'shared' picture. (thank goodness for digital :) )


Observations we use ch1, ch2, ch3 etc and put a key to who's who seperate from the sheet, when placed in file we indicate 'your child is ch1'.

We used to use first names but then I did an observation of two children one of which I knew parents didn't get along with each other, I just felt uneasy that the parents may compare, judge the child ( not thier child) etc, through having access to information.


Hope this helps.




Can I be really pushy and ask how you word it when you get parents to sign this agreement. there seems to be so much they need to read and sign to I fill like they need an encyclopidea size handbook!

With regard to using initals -sometimes I feel this is not enough if you have lots of children and is is quite relevant who the actual child was? Sorry- just being difficilt now!


When I get a minute I will attach my registration and agreement form, may not be until the weekend though, I need to retrieve it from my laptop and put on hubby's computor ( internet access). :D


I cover all permissions on one A4 side.





Many thanks! I look forward in eager anticipation!


I think Peggy has posted something elsewhere as she culdnt remember where this original post was.


Think this may be what she promised you here!


Thanks susan, yes, it is in the resource library. :D



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