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January Blues!

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Hello! This is my first post!


I'm not sure whether anyone else feels the same, but I tend to find this time of year the hardest to plan for! December is always so full of activities and there is always PLENTY to do that when you get to January you have a bit of a mental block!

However, I have decided to do a 6 week topic on Favourite books. Does anyone have any suggestions or good websites which have acticvities and ideas which link with all the curriculum areas? Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a good one but struggling to come up with others....


Thank you in advance!


Hi and welcome to the forum


why not ask the children to bring in their favourite book to share with the rest of the class. get them to draw /paint something from the book to create a cover for the book for display and maybe write a sentence about why that book is their favourite. We all dressed up as our favourite character for World Book day and that was great fun


As Marion already suggested getting each child to bring a favourite book is great. It is national storytelling week the week beginning Monday 29th Jan so that could be a good one to do then. During national story telling week we invite visitors in at the end of each day to read with the children - we don't usually get many parents wanting to come in and do this so we have had some of the year 6 children coming down in the past and them reading a story with our children (our children absolutley loved this)!

As Marion already suggested getting each child to bring a favourite book is great. It is national storytelling week the week beginning Monday 29th Jan so that could be a good one to do then. During national story telling week we invite visitors in at the end of each day to read with the children - we don't usually get many parents wanting to come in and do this so we have had some of the year 6 children coming down in the past and them reading a story with our children (our children absolutley loved this)!



We have a better response from grandparents and also have invited the librarian in to do story telling sessions. Professional storytellers are excellent if you can afford them.


We have a writer of the week award and the older children love to show off their writing and reading skills to the younger ones.


Hi and welcome,

I have just completed a brief 5 week planning sheet with some ideas linked to books. Im sure I got most the ideas from here at some point. It is only brief and was completed day after new years day so my head was still a bit fuzzy!! :o hope its of some help



Looks really useful Kat. If you have a minute could you add it to the Resources section as we would really like to build this section up into something really useful to everyone.



I always had a problem with favourite books in my inner city school many of our chidlren didn't have 'conventional' books but would bring in what they loved- Batman, Power Rangers books, Barbie annuals and the like whihc all well in their way but not waht we really wanted to base our topic around. Even sadder manyu chidlen didn't have books at all and that was another issue altogether. The importance of lending books out daily, encouraging parents to participate in story times etc. was essential.


Hi, and a warm welcome to the forum :D


I know what you mean about getting back into the swing of things. I had decided to do no planning for the 1st 3 days of term, I intended to do a tracking observation on every child and group event observations each day ( to look at group dynamics / adult deployment). The plan being to use this information for next weeks plans.


First day in today and I am glad I didn't plan around a topic, one has literally landed on our doorstep in the form of a large family of travellers. :D The children are now obviously interested in who they are, where they have come from, where do they live and many more questions.


In answer to your query, try using the search feature, type in titles of popular stories, ie: Hungry caterpillar, Owl babies, Rainbow fish etc and you will find that all these have been previously discussed with planning ideas. :D


You can find the search button at the top right hand side of the screen, in the green bar inbetween 'help' and 'Members' tabs. :o



Have fun :D




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