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Stay And Play Planning


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I'm going to be doing some training with our family workers in the New Year about stay and play sessions. Just wondered if anyone has some decent planning formats they would be able to share please?

Have a good christmas everyone!




I never had a plan as such and I've not seen one or heard of one. In my experience play and stay is about providing toys and equipment for mostly unders 3's, a place to chat with other parents ands carers and maybe with a qualified member of staff. At playgroup if we had sessions where the parents were invited to stay we had laminated sheets next to the activities to help the parents see what opportunities for learning and developing the activity provided, but my actual plans were rough jottings of what equipment/activities would be available and which member of staff would be overseeing and chatting in which area. The nursery I work in has stay and play sessions which are sometimes attended by just 2 parents with their children, so I'd plan something to coax them in too. :D

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