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Doing Too Many Hours


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Hello all,


I started a job as a TA September this year. I've had quite a few with the 2 teachers and their bizarre way of working with 44 kids but that's for another time!


The thing is, I'm contracted to do 33.5 hours per week. That equates to 8:30 - 4:00, 4 nights a week and stay till 5:00 one night for planning. BUT, on monday we have our quality standard meeting and sometimes a full staff meeting (I'm there till at least 4:45) - then on Tuesday it's planning (which is in my contract so fair enough!) then wednesday, thursday and more often than not, Friday I'm staying till at least 4:30.


Now I know I could leave at 4 but I wouldn't have time to get everything done - things like organising independent activities, continuous provision, display's, tidying etc. The teachers don't allow me any time in the day for doing these vital things and so I end up with no choice but to stay behind. I feel like they're taking the p**s really.


The teachers I'm with just work hard not work smart and this is affecting my time management. I know that I should deal with this quickly but I just need your thoughts and advice please - any would be greatly appreciated.


To add to it - I've got a 2 and a half year old daughter who I pick up from nursery and I want to be there at half past four most nights.... and I'm sad cos I miss her like mad. I end up getting Andy (husband) to collect her most nights. oh, now I'm just whingeing!


thank you in advance,




Hi, dont really know much about TAs but if it not in your contract and you dont want to do it - dont...on the other hand if like most of us you are passionate about your job you end up doing many hours unpaid work..suppose its just getting then balance which comes with time - hopfully :o


Hi Kate,


I'm a TA in a foundation class, firstly how on earth did you manage to find a TA job with 33.5 hours?!! All TAs are contracted in our school for 25 hours or less. Supposedly starting at 9:00 and finishing at 3, even though the children start at 8:40 and finish at 3:10.


I do know what you mean about hours though although I stay on through choice, I know nothing would get done if I didn't stay or the teacher I work with would have to stay twice as long. I feel guilty if I don't stay although I am the only TA who regularly does stay. It is a question of getting the balance right. Some teachers (apologies to any teachers reading this) can be quite blinkered in terms of what TAs do and the amount they are paid for it!


TAs don't stay for staff meetings (a copy of the minutes is given to us) but we have a TA meeting once a month to discuss any issues, any meetings for which we stay on for are paid as overtime. Do you need to be there for them? We have planning meetings once a week during an assembly. Could you do any work through some of your lunch time (if you don't already?)


As for advice, could you set yourself up a timetable? Or go through your day step by step, try to fnd a specific time for display work, tidying, etc. Are there times in the classroom that you aren't specifically needed? eg during story time, assemblies, fruit and snack time etc.


You have two choices you either decide to leave school exactly at the time you are paid until each day, or you say right I am going to leave at 4:00 one night a week and then increase it gradually, in the hope your time management improves.


Have you tried explaining to the teachers how you feel and how you don't have time to get everything done in the time.


Sorry this probably isn't much help, being a TA is hard work and time consuming especially when you've only just started, things will hopefully get easier for you as you settle more into the job. Good Luck


Do you have a TA co-ordinator or senior TA that you could discuss this with in your school? At the beginning of this school year our teachers had to show how they managed the time of their classroom help (TA's and volunteers - I believe OFSTED look at this closely). I had to point out to a number of them that they could not 'timetable' jobs before and afterschool as TA's did not have the same contracts as teachers and were not paid for 'undirected hours'. But obviously many of them did this because as others have stated most are passionate about their job and want the best for the children they work with. Many of the teachers were genuinely unaware of this and have changed their practice to take this into account- maybe this is the case in your school? Either way it is important you get your work/life balace right for you and your situation otherwise no one wins- good luck!


Thank you all for your advice - i will read it in depth and post a decent reply but right now I can't stay on the computer for too long - it's late at night and I'm tired!


will post back soon,




I can speak as a teacher with a brilliant TA who does not let me take the piss!

We don't mean to take the mickey but sometimes us teachers forget TA's are paid much much less than us and what they should be!

My TA says Liz I need to get this, this and this done, when can you give me time?

And she will say OK mate sorry, I have to go pick up the kids! Then I usually go- oh my god is that the time I'm so sorry!

Our TA's usually have a weekly meeting with the deputy to discuss matters or they come to me as Key stage co-ordinator to have a moan but then we have a very open and relaxed work place.

A timetable sounds a good idea, will remind everyone what you should be doing! Us teachers do tend to take the piss, without meaning to, and only for as long as you let us!!

Liz x :D

Posted (edited)

We seem to work completely differently anyone coming into our school would be hard pressed to distinguish teachers and TAs. Teachers and TAs jointly take responsibility for displays/tidying up/setting up activities, its seen very much as everyones job.

Sorry Kate it doesnt help much but makes me grateful for a head who understands home work balance.

Edited by Marion

Agree with you totally Marion. Have been a TA and a teacher and often in our setting often the only difference is as a teacher I have to do all the paper work! My head is truly understanding too. Pay is a dilemma that will carry on for ages.

Liz x

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