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Help Who Are The Behaviour Theroists?

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Hi everyone


I have decided on my study task to look at the behaviour policy at my setting. I need to link it to the theroists, my brains gone funny! xD


Who are the main theoirsts for behaviour, I know Kohlburg, Piaget and Skinner but I am sure theres more out there I just cannot remeber who is who! unsure: : Please help me if you can. : ph34r:


I am painicking, I just now want to leave the course just because of this silly study task! Umm why you may ask, the deadline has made a mistery change to 14 dec instead of 21 dec aggggghhhhhhh!!!!!! :o


I am soo stressed out with it all, she tells us for weeks not to start it then tells us it needs to be in a week earlier than planned. agggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I am very limited to books, college libary is useless no books left, so I try my LA libary even worse nothing suitable. Its a good job its stage 1 and does not affect our all over grades to pass the degree!!! :D





Hi beth1


I remember vaguly from child development assignment for DPP


Edward Thorndike did something with cats if i remember rightly and a puzzle box and the cats had to work out how to get to food and freedom. This then led to Skinner taking up the cause and effect.


Then there was Pavlov and his dogs which salivated at the sight of food, he then went on and conditioned them to salivate at the ring of a bell - classical conditioning.


Don't know if this is what your looking for :o but may help


Good Luck



I dont think a behaviour policy necessarily directly connects with Behaviouralist theorists?

how about ?

Vygotsky Social Development

Bandura Social Learning

Scandura Structural learning

Gange Conditions of learning


Pavlov and the Classical Conditioning experiment with the dogs is a good one to use for a behaviour task.


lots of names, to solve the library problem just type in the names in google and loads of info from the internet :D


Good luck beth, keep at it, just think the sense of releif when it is done will be a week earlier too :o Longer to relax over the holidays.




it may also be worth typing in Behaviour managment in to google and see if there are any links back to theory


just looking at the names above -

Did Bandura use Bobo dolls to observe childrens reactions after seeing violence on TV ranging from cartoons to really actors?


Thank you guys for your help, I was getting a little lost for a mintue then. xD I have mangaed to locate some of the in my books, I have only got 2 very good books of my own its a good job tooo, theres none in left in the libary. So think its off to find the athens password for more study later in the weekend. I have already wrote aprox 150 words so far so I must get craking.



Good luck beth, keep at it, just think the sense of releif when it is done will be a week earlier too :o Longer to relax over the holidays.




I'd love to, saying that we get around 5 weeks off college. But in that time we have to prepare 2 sheets of A4 for behaviour seen paper test, complete Core Skills for FD porfilo and some coursework on Personal Development and Mangagement 1 portfoilo. Its a case of too much to do to little time to do it in. :(





found this site. American but has some theorists and theories on how children learn etc. Not exactly what you want but may be of use another time. some interesting reading.





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