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Cost Of Hot Lunches

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At the moment the children in my nursery either bring a packed lunch or pay extra to have a 2 course cooked lunch. I want all children to have the cooked lunch, and for it to be included in the price, with the annual fee increase.


I am going to put the feelers out with parents before doing this, but I also wanted to see if any of you have any ideas as to rough costs on how much it costs to cater for approximately 30 children, across a week.


We provide a morning and afternoon snack, and this is in with our fees, but I wandered if the hot lunches is feasible, if we do it more economically - which at present I don't feel we do,


Any guidance?


Hi Shelley,


At my nursery we cater for a max of 30 children a day across the week. We give breakfast, which consists of toast and a bowl of cereal, morning snack: fresh fruit and water, lunch: a hot lunch such as chicken and rice, lasange, spageti bolonese. Afternoon snack: varies greatly but crackers of sanwhiches and fruit normally.


We do not serve red meat at all (just easier) so when I say spag bol it is made from Quorn mince.


Doing all the above costs just under 10,000 a quarter, although I will check this figure out tomorrow as it is from memory.


Our fees are £33 a day for a child of over three and £38 a day for a child under three. We do give back the MFE to the parents. Hope this info helps, e-mail me back if you have any further questions.



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