Guest Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Hi everyone, We are being inspected next wed and thurs and there are 2 early years inspectors on the team. It's my first inspection and I'm worried. They've said the longest they'll observe in FS is for 20 minutes cause that's all they would expect children to be at any one activity. Naturally I'm planning some fantastic (hopefully) activities but am worried that they may come at the wrong 20 minutes - milk and fruit time, tidy up time etc. I just wanted to know how long did they actually spend with you - did each of the inspectors some seperately? Did they come in and observe on the first day only or did they come on the second day too. Am FS co-ordinator too so am panicking about questions they might ask me however I 've prepared my FS file with all the attainment on entry stuff - % average, below av, well below etc so am going to dazzle them with statistics!
Marion Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Our OFSTED was in January One inspector briefly visited the Unit before the children arrived and talked 'informally' to the staff the other stayed most of the morning and came back briefly in the afternoon. Neither asked to see any planning or other paperwork their information seemed to be from the SEF. On the 2nd day they met with SMT and head but did not visit any classrooms. Good Luck
Guest Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Ours was in June (it was my first one, too!). We had one inspector who came on the first morning and sat at the side and watched what was going on. He also chatted to me about assessments and how things were organised. The lead inspector came on the second morning (he had warned me that he would at the end of the first day. He took away my planning folder to look at overnight). He was mainly interested in our on-entry levels and how many children we 'converted' to a good level by the end of the year - fortunately I had all those statistics. He was also interested in target setting between FSP scores and Y2 SATs and we had an interesting discussion about my unwillingness to 'overscore' the profile because of the unreasonable demands this would place on KS1. The SMT were 'grilled' at the end of the first day and as Early Years co-ordinator I was included in that. They wanted to know about lots of the things we had written on the SEF and all the 'little' things that are given a score on the new style reports e.g. the use made of trips and external visitors. I wouldn't worry about them coming at the 'wrong time'. Even if they do come at tidying-up time then they'll be able to see how wonderfully you manage that. I would take every opportunity to tell them how fabulous you are: how what you do fits in with good practice (you could have print outs from the Curriculum Guidance, the EPPE report etc), show examples of work, photos etc. I did all of that - it probably annoyed them terribly but at least it meant that I felt a little bit in control! I'll be thinking of you. Good luck - you'll be fab!
Susan Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Good luck mookie, hope all goes well. I dont have anything to offer as I havent experienced one of these yet--mostly because I am supply teaching at the moment but the school I am joining in January is waiting with baited breathe so knowing my luck, I'll be asking for reassurance too! All I can say is dont do anything you wouldnt normally do.
Susan Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Well its my turn to panic now, as predicted the call arrived today!! Certainly we're all shell shocked this evening and planning a different weekend as a result. Any words of wisdom greatly appreciated especially need some explanation of ICT "My world 3" Goldilocks, or Finding Teddy if anyone uses those. (ICT coordinator off sick and I dont want to burden her with my issues!)
Guest Wolfie Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 I too would say that there won't be a "wrong" time -tidy up time, snack time, whenever they come just try and carry on as usual and they will see how fantastic you are! Good luck!
Marion Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Both Goldilocks and find teddy use ICT to develop mathematical language and concepts............Goldilocks language related to size and position ..............find teddy positional language. ICT developing mouse skills use ICT to support learning Good Luck
Guest Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 God Susan - I know just how you must be feeling. Realised I never told anyone how we got on - FS got a good overall. There were 3 inspectors - 2 women (both EY specialist) and 1 man. One of the women spent all morning going between the 3 FS classes - Nursery, Reception and mixed R/yr 1 and that was it. We didn't see another inspector for the other 1 and a half days. I would say don't do anything you feel even slightly anxious about it. This was the guidance given by our DH and it served us really well. The only requirement is to give the inspectors a timetable for the 2 days they are present for, therefore, if you have something timetabled which you are not very confident it then change it for something else. I was timetabled for apparatus on the wed when we were being inspected and as I had only done apparatus a handfull of times with my new class I did not feel too confident therefore I did something else instead. Remember that you've got to play to your strenghts. As Moose advised me take every opportunity to tell them how fabulous you are and to point out your strengths - if you don't tell them they can only judge you on what they see. I did this and I feel this really made a difference. Like Moose our inspector was really interested in our on entry assessments and previous years FSP results. Good luck Susan! x x x
Guest Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Good luck, Susan. I hope everything goes okay. The waiting's horrible - definitely the worst bit. I don't doubt, for a minute, that you'll be super!
Sue R Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Well, the big test! No, I'm sure you'll be great, and this time next week it'll all be over - you can have an extra special weekend then! And just think, it won't be hanging over you at the NEC you'll be able to really enjoy yourself. Just think about this when it gets difficult over this weekend - as a DN we get NO notice at all, so I could be in the same boat as you next week, but just not know it yet Sue
Guest Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Good luck Susan it will all be over soon. Like Sue we could be in the same position as you next week but just not know it right now-we are long overdue our inspection. Hope it all goes well for you. Linda
Susan Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Thanks everyone! For myself at the moment Im really quite calm although I shall be manic making sure Ive go things sorted, I know what I can do and I shant attempt anything I dont know my class can cope with as they have a tendency to hang from the ceiling at the best of times!!! Thanks for that info re "my World" Marion, I was hoping that those were the objectives!! Find Teddy would be great as we have been doing positional language but is it suitable as a large group activity in the suite? I cant work out how to use it exactly?
cathyuhu Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 We had THE CALL today our inspectors are in next tues and wed...good luck anyone being ofsteded at the moment!!!
Susan Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Snap Cathy! At least it will be over---hope all goes well for you.
Guest Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Best of wishes to both of you, good advice already so just be yourselves because you are worth it. Peggy
Guest Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 We were 'done' a few weeks ago, one inspector spent 15 mins in my class for literacy. We did however have a timetable for Ofsted week so they would visit at the right time! He also popped to see me for 5 mins on the second day just to see what we were doing and arrange to meet with me. He only met with me because we told them our KS2 sats may not be up to nat average yet but the children make good progress considering how low they score on the profiles when they come into reception. Basically I had to convince him that our children were as low as we said, so I showed him class baselines and whole class tally chart I had done of baseline scores. He said that I had convinced him compared to expected nat average. I started to gush forth about what we did but he stopped me and said it was fine and he knew enough now! About a 10 - 15 min interview.
Susan Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 I'm not expecting to be interviewed as Im on a temporary contract and not the designated FS coord! Well done Mookie, glad all went well
Marion Posted March 2, 2007 Posted March 2, 2007 Thanks everyone! For myself at the moment Im really quite calm although I shall be manic making sure Ive go things sorted, I know what I can do and I shant attempt anything I dont know my class can cope with as they have a tendency to hang from the ceiling at the best of times!!! Thanks for that info re "my World" Marion, I was hoping that those were the objectives!! Find Teddy would be great as we have been doing positional language but is it suitable as a large group activity in the suite? I cant work out how to use it exactly? It isn't a program I've used very often Susan but I seem to remember it involves guessing where Teddy might be and clicking on objects to see if he is revealed behind cushions or in cupboards etc. I've used it 1 to 1 so that you can say where do you think he is? and getting the appropriate response otherwise the children just click away merrily and dont get much more than mouse control practice out of it. It will work on an IWB if you have access which would open it up to more language development/use. Good Luck to you and to Cathy.
Guest Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 It's my turn now! We got the phone call on Thurs and 2 inspectors are coming in on Tues & Weds. I'm planning on Hungry caterpillar / minibeast. It seems that there is a lot of emphasis on the data. it would be so much easier if there was one system for recording progress from nursry entry until mid Year 1 / when ready for National curiculum!
Guest Wolfie Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 Yes, I've heard that data is the hot topic at the the expense of actually watching the teaching!
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