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Help I'm Being Observed Reading

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Hi there!

I'm being observed next Wednesday for my performance management. They are looking at PSE and reading. We use the ORT scheme and this week have a reading morning where the parents come in and help there children with the activities, which we link to the 6 areas. Every week we normally have an ORT morning like this.

The following week our topic is 'our school enironment', we will see ICT in practice etc. I'm not sure whether to link my reading obs to this or to ORT.

If you could give me any ideas I would be grateful. ow do you teach reading in your school?




Not sure how much help I can be but I would do whatever you feel most comfortable with and what fits best with your routine?

You and the children need to be working at your best!


Sounds great having a reading morning with parents each week :)

Welcome to the forum!


Hi Natalie and welcome from me too :D

I agree with Susan - just go with what you would normally do. I'm sure you'll be fine. If you have PM targets linked to classroom management or teaching & learning try and make sure you are meeting them.

We use Jolly Phonics to teach reading in combination with high frequency flash words, numerous phonics games, shared big book reading and sharing books with the children individually.

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