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Vandals Have Picked And Stamped On All Our Apples....

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Guest tinkerbell

Just got to school and the whole playground was littered with stamped on apples.I burst into tears which is not me at all.My class planted the the 2 trees 2 years ago and this year we had a bout 40 apples on each.On Monday we went to see if they were ready and I picked one from each we chopped them up and saw the pips were brown had a little taste of the two varieties and said we would wait another week.I am so cross...and disappointed for the children.

Thank you for listening



I'm so sorry to hear about that and you are right to be so upset......it's just mindless and mean spirited.The only (slight) consolation,I suppose, is that the children had already picked and tasted their fruits, but just the same, it was very mean.


Oh that's terrible - what on earth did they think they would gain from doing that? :o


I feel for you and I would have been upset too. xD




poor you ((((tinkerbell)))) there are some really sad and nasty people out there.


i just don't understand why anyone would want to do that - what were they thinking??!!


Hopefully the children understood, but it was a mindless act, which the they shouldn't have had to deal with.



i would have been very sad too..




At least bursting into tears is acceptable, I would probably have let fly a few choice words! I am so sorry for you, you must feel absolutely gutted.


That's awful! Really feel for you and the children. Why haven't vandals got anything better to do with their time?? :o


I really sympathise. Our potatoes were pulled out and thrown around the garden. All our plans to make mash, celebrate harvest, give them to the homeless charity were gone.. :o


Tinkerbell and Horsechesnut, Sorry to hear about your sad news. It's even worse when, as you say, you had plans for using these home grown foods, in just a few days time. I think this makes it even more annoying, the anticipation is spoilt for you and the children.


All we can do is hope that these vandels grow up and mature very soon and feel some remorse for the stupid things they have done.


virtual hug from me too.




its just so disheartening isnt it, I got to school this morning and they (the swines!) had ripped down all our CD mobiles that the children made and put up for creativity week, stamped on their musical instruments that were also hanging up (bottes, shakers, boxes etc) and thrown red paint over the childrens nature area...it gets me really annoyed as we have a lovely park opposite our school which should keep em occupied!! grrrr :o

Catherine xxx

Guest tinkerbell

Thank you everyone, it is so lovely to be able to tell you all and have your warm wishes beamed through.

The children were quite upset when they saw the mess, the year6 children all came round to see me and sympathise as they know how much the garden and apple trees mean to me and class 1.

Thanks everyone again


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