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I'm an NQT teaching a nursery class thats part of a primary school. I've seen lots of different ways of planning as part of my trainning, but am now having difficulty deciding the best way to plan not only to suit myself, but also my nursery nurse and other support staff. I want to make sure it's enough for me as an NQT, but not silly ammounts that aren't necessary. I was wondering whether you could let me know how much planning you do each week, how many sheets and in what form. For example I have done teaching practice in settings that have one big plan on two large a3 sheets and then a different setting with a plan for whole class, a plan for circle time, a plan for main activity etc. Sorry for rambling, hope this makes some sense,







I am also a NQT in a Nursery which is part of a primary school. I have my LTP/ my Meduim term plan with a section for child intiated activities. From that I have been writing a weekly plan with each of the areas with one/two main focus for each area. I have then done activity plans for other adults and me for these areas for the week which is rotated throughout the week. I hope that makes sense.



Hi elfy, sorry I overlooked this I did not mean to ignore you! It has been a strange week.


Your planning should be flexible and adaptable and you should think of it as a working document. It should meet your need and it should be easy to use. Planning can be very personal and what suits you may not suit someone else but you should ask in school as there may be a school planning requirement. Your mentor or your FS coord should be guiding you.


I personally prefer one planning sheet to cover all areas. You may also want to write a more detailed lesson/ activity plan but unless you are required to do so by your school, should not be necessary if you prefer not to. Have you looked at the planning guidance for FS--a supplement to the FSCG and available at qca.org.uk if you do not have it.


There are also some planning formats in the members section of the site--links permitting! and you will find other downloaded formats within this area of the forum, if you search.


Hope that helps.

Good Luck


As Susan said, you should be guided on this by your mentor but Im guessing that your mentor isnt FS trained? Is ther something in place alrready in the nursery that you can use to begin with?

The only really way to establish what works for you is to try it out, especailly if there is no school requirement for you. Be flexible enought to trail tweak, change and adapt as the year goes as so it becomes a work in progress. Use your support staff to help you too as it as much their planning as yours.


We do have two separate sheets, one covering our 'teaching' sessions that are done in groups, one covering both focus but free chocie activities and indepenedent activities. We also leave a space on the planning to accomodate the child who comes in and exopresses a wish to do something in particular, and we will then add then afterwards. AS we have an NQT in nrsery I am sure it will change a few times before we are happy with it.


Thanks for you replys - I've yet to meet properly with my tutor yet to discuss this sort of thing, she is also new to the school and so very busy and also as you suggested mundia not fs trainned. If I was starting from scratch I think I'd be ok, but it's deciding whether to use the formats that are already in place or not, as although they provide a good structure, don't always support the way I want to work i.e. following the children's interests and there was no planning for outside before, which I think is important.

Thanks again



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