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Role Play Area Equipment

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Hi everyone,


Interesting times and a general debate question that has arose from presonal circumstance and situation.


We have in our role play area : sink, cooker, cuboard, dressing up trolley, table & 2 chairs. Space is limited and of an unusal design ... so the role-play has to adopt to ongoing topics.


The resources are now so battered & old - they need throwing out. This has led to debate re: what to be replaced etc.


Budget put aside for now, what would you do? What would you buy?


I'm parcially excited by new ideas and recognise 'old' conventions. We have discussed getting rid of the 'conventional' kitchen etc. to be replaced by partitions, boxes for props, and 'stuff' for children to make their own area. For example, Doctors... what do we need? /// children to explore and sugest.... make and create out of 'den' making & boxes etc. Provision in a smaller 'prop' basis to enhance.


Only draw back to this is the time and logistics of actually managing this in reception class with everything else. But think in principle a great idea. You have to get over the conventions first though! I suppose it's a little like the cardboard box thing ... it can be anything in a child's eye.


The ultimate question is who are we serving in a role play area? (This may be very different for some settings eg. with lots of EAL where having an object really does help with lang. development)


Last question... would some children find this more difficult to access as a consequence? :o


Our kitchen(home corner) was relegated to the shed to make guest apperances when requested.

Instead we have a series of prop boxes that 'suggest' to the children what the area might be. Occassionally the props turn into something completely different to what we originally envisaged but all the better.

The whole purpose is to encourage the children's imagination and develop speaking and listening skills, provide opportunities for emergent writingand on and on

In my experience children find it easier to access a role play area developed from their imagination than an area provided by adults.


And yes cardboard boxes can be a dozen different things in a single day...........arent children amazing :D


Thanks Marion,

I've been thinking about it ... the educational suppliers really are ripping off the market and I (if responsible) would hate to pay the region of £100 for what is basically a wooden box! Some of the prices are ludicious and you could buy the 'real' thing!!


To help establish a foundation for children in the role play area I would perhaps commision a local carpenter to build 3-4 boxes. One with an open end - so that you could use in different configurations and also adapt (eg. post box, cave, cuboard etc)

They would have an inter-locking pin so that if you wanted to stack to make a tower or higher wall you could do so.


If you had the large community play blocks - they could be used also. As you have pointed out - prop boxes that suggest a theme (possibly open-ended!!)


I would also get a carpenter to make 2 sets of boards that consisted of 3 pieces, hinged in the middle. This is so you can create partitions or 'rooms' etc. as well as a backdrop for children to create a scene etc. One would have a window in it, for a multitude of purposes.


On spec. materials (minus the props and community play blocks) would cost under £100, and if you knew a keen DIY person the making would be negiotiable!


From this you could fed off the ideas and needs the children present. eg. a plank, cardboard coverings etc.


What do you think?

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