Guest Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 Ok a bit of a problem, I have my place for the FD as I have told you all and now I have a nursery can only give me three sessions a week from September as our numbers are soo low which means strictly speaking I don't meet the criteria for the course, it says you need to be working 20hrs!! I will be working 12 + 1Hr a week planning you guessed it I do about 4 in reality - but that's another post!) HELP!! My nursery will be given the funding?? Do I look for something else at this late stage and re-apply for funding - if I got something in the same area i suppose the funding could be transferred. Do I keep quiet until my hours pick if they do!! I feel really lost, I was looking forward to September as I will be a manager with two other colleagues - yet the thought of starting something new doesn't completely worry me as maybe being an assistant as opposed to manager will be more beneficial to my study (only study work to do at home) - I will be taking on quite a lot of work at home with my present job - should I maybe see this as a reason to look elsewhere?? I am trying to decide wether to go on the job hunt today or not - what do you all think?? What a mess!
Tigger Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 You may just need to be creative with how you show your hours. When I started the FD being at college for one day took me under the 20hours and I arranged to work extra to make up the time in the Summer Term to make up the short fall, As far as evidence of working hours was concerned all we had to provide was a signed timesheet or as I did a letter from my Headteacher confirming the hours. My Head teachers opinion was that I worked above and beyond 20 hours anyway and both her and the college were more than happy with this arrangement as over the course of the year I did a minimum of 20 hours per week. Sharon
Guest Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 I was told by my college that for the Foundation Degree required only 5 hours working with the children. Dont know if this clarifies or causes confusion!!!
Marion Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 I think every college has different criteria when my NNEB did her FD she had to be working full time to qualify they have now changed it to 20hours per week but it does vary from area to area
Guest Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 Thanks for your replies....think I will hold fire and drum up business for our nursery, that classifies as work, when I weigh it up I probably do cover 20hrs with all the research and planning, cleaning etc etc.
hali Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 you will be fine i am sure as you say with planning etc i am sure you can make the hours up, it dosnt have to be paid work it can be volunatary. We have one girls on our course who is due to have a baby any day now, so her hours will just be voluntary from Sept. As others say though i think it depends from college to college...
Andreamay Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 could you not say you will make the rest up in voluntry hours,like covering illness,cleaning etc or could you not volunteer to work in your local school for half a day im sure they will value your experience especially in reception class to help settle.wil also give you experience in older childrn
Guest Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 Hi Shirel, I'm sure with all the extras hours spent on planning, prep, meetings, research and other unpaid duties you do your hours could be soon filled up. Make a list with all of the extras you do and how long it really takes you to complete them, then you'll see you are not short after all. I'm sure if you plead your case with your time sheet signer it will be understood, and any way all you are asking is to be shown some recognition for the hours you do DO.
happy lady Posted August 31, 2006 Posted August 31, 2006 hi everyone, i'm having problems with my foundation degree as well. At the moment i will be doing voluntary work 2 days a week and studying 3 days at college. my tutor told me that i need to be in paid work for me to qualify to be on the course, i'm not sure how many hours you have to do to qualify to be on the course. I'm not sure if you are able to do this course while doing voluntary placement instead of paid work. i was not able to get funding for the course so right now i'm going to apply for a grant
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