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Hi there,


Do any of you subscribe to magazines? If so, which ones? Sometimes I have picked up Early Years Educator in Smiths & it has some interesting things, but I just wondered what people read/if they're useful at all in day to day teaching, that kind of thing... :o


I subscribe to Nursery World and Nursery Projects. I find them very useful with planning activities for the pre schoolers.


I subscribe to Early Years Educator and Practical Pre-school. Both have some really good ideas and posters etc. I think I prefer EYE. My problem is finding time to sit and read them!! I suppose I could spend less time on here!!




I've just stopped my subscription to Nursery Projects, not because I don't like it but because its aweeny bit twee for the Reception classroom and I felt I really wasn't using it enough to warrant the expense! Quite fancied their latest idea of using a work of art as a stimulus for delivering the curriculum.


I have recently become a fan of EYE- early Years educator because I like its newsy topical side. Haven't actually used it particularly for teaching ideas, though! DONT subscibe -its much more expensive to buy it that way & good WHSmith's usually have plenty. Most recent edition is just out(14 Jan).


Have only seen samples of Practical preschool, and although I didn't dislike it I thought it was quite expensive as you can only buy it by subscription (at least I've never seen it in the shops).


Guess there's a lot of personal preferences here!

If you're in a school, depending on your children you might find Child Education useful.




You are right Susan you can only buy Practical Pre-school on subscription. Is EYE cheaper to buy in the newsagents etc? I subscribe at the moment but will stop if it is less expensive in WHS!!!



I also read EYE and have done since its launch- it has some very good proffessional debates as well as resource ideas. The subscription cost is very high as they add on about £1 per copy for postage which I think is horrendous.

I used to read Nursery World but I find it full of adverts and I dont want a job in London or have any money to spend!!


Hi Everyone


As a nursery we subscribe to EYE. I think its brill - it's just having the time to sit and go through it. We also subscribe to Nursery World, which can be useful for ideas. I've seen copies of Practical Pre-school, which has some useful planning sections.



my Feb copy of EYE cost £3.99.

The subscription is now£66, by direct debit or £75 cheque / credit or debit card.

There's an institution rate of £199




I buy all of them..... xD I recently stopped subscribing to EYE (because Susan pointed out that it was much more expensive that way!!) and now I'm panicking that I've missed something, so I've got our local newsagents to try and get if for me! Nursery World is good for national news and legislative-type stuff, Nursery Education for topicy things and posters, PP for the additional sheets to put in files regarding management and curriculum issues, areas of learning and vehicles for learning (ie areas within the nursery/classroom eg the sand tray). EYE is good for up-to-date thinking, and is easy to read in the bath with a nice cool glass of wine (now you know how I spend my evenings :o ) I also get Early Education which is OK for academic research, recent thinking in early years education, or quite heavy philosophical ideas on education.


Hi Susan,

When I cancelled the EYE subscription I had thought that because I take all the others, I wouldn't miss out on anything of great importance regarding early years issues, but after a month or so I am now panicking that the December and January issues contained brilliant articles, and now I'll never know!! :o It takes ages to read all the journals and magazines, and I was initially relieved to knock one off my list, but I have this niggling feeling I'm missing out xD

  • 2 months later...

I have recently discovered a new one - 2nd copy out now, published on the third Thursday of the month called 'Practical Profeesion Child Care' and it is a great all rounder so far... ideal if you have a wider age group... take a look!





I subscribe to both Nursery World and Practical Preschool. The articles have been a great help for my NVQ3 and I have used a lot of the planning ideas too. My nearest WHSmiths is 25 miles away so don't often get EYE!! I was going to subscribe until I saw the price - kept going back to reread the price because I thought I must've been mistaken! Most other mags give you a discount if you subscribe. :o


Would you all be able to do me a favour. Would you be able to get the e.mail addresses of the magazines you subscribe to so that I can e.mail them about my website ??

I have already had a letter in nursery world and practical pre-school and I am having one printed in next months practical Professional child care ( which incidently is made by the same people as practical pre-school and I think in Junes issue is going to contain an article about the guidance people with pre-1989 qualifications are given )

I am still aiming to promote my website and get as many people involved as possible.

I hope you can help me

Guest AllyB

Whats your website bout Hotgoss?


Its about the way people with older qualifications are being treated. Some of us are being told to completely retrain. others to 'top up ' in certain areas and others that they are fine. I am running a campaign to highlight our situation.

Feel free to visit


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